
  • 网络trade secret protection
  1. 在商业秘密保护的理论研究方面,学者的观点也不尽一致,分歧较大。

    In trade secret protection theory research , scholars have different views also , wide divergence .

  2. 第五部分探讨了我国商业秘密保护的法制现状及其完善。

    The last section is the status and perfect of trade secret protection law in our country .

  3. 这部商业秘密保护立法不仅要保护我国传统优势产品,而且也要与Trips一致。

    It not only can protect out preferential traditional industry , but also can parallel with Trips so that provoke the novelty of our trade secret law Protection system .

  4. SCM协定对信息搜集程序中商业秘密保护、反向推断等问题规定得不明确,但实践中已有一些值得学习的经验。

    The provisions of the SCM Agreement about the protection of trade secret and the problem of reverse inference are ambiguously , But there have been some worthwhile learning experience in practice .

  5. 基于此背景,本文通过分析中国商业秘密保护现状,然后以发达国家保护标准及Trips的最低保护水平为平台,找出中国商业秘密保护存在的问题。

    On the base of the back age , the article hope to find out the default and problems of Chinese trade secret law protection when contrasting to developed states and the lowest protective level of Trips by analyzing trade secret protective status quo of China .

  6. 通过对我国商业秘密保护现状及存在问题的总结,同TRIPS有关规定进行了比较,最后提出自己的立法建议。

    In this part , the author introduces the protecion of trade secrets in our country , finds some problems , compares the legal protection in our country with the related stipulation in TRIPS , finally the author give her own suggestion on legislation of our country .

  7. 商业秘密保护若干问题探讨

    The Discussions of Several Questions while Protecting to the Business Secret

  8. 商业秘密保护之合理竞业禁止

    Reasonable Prohibition of Business Strife and the Protection of Commercial Secrets

  9. 加强科研院所商业秘密保护的探讨

    Discussion on enhancement of protection of research institutes ' commercial secrets

  10. 电子商务环境下企业商业秘密保护战略构建

    The Construction of Enterprise Trade-secret Protection Strategy Under Electronic Commerce Environment

  11. 商业秘密保护法若干内容之构想

    Some Thoughts on the Content of Business Secret Protection Law

  12. 论我国商业秘密保护中的竞业禁止

    On prohibition of business strife in protection of trade secret in China

  13. 竞业限制合同与商业秘密保护的平衡

    The Balance between Restricting Competition Contract and Commercial Secret Protection

  14. 这便是不作为犯罪因果关系的真相。商业秘密保护与竞业禁止协议

    The Protection of Business Secret and the Agreement of Competition Trade Inhibition

  15. 网络环境与企业商业秘密保护策略

    Strategy to Protect Commercial Secrets for Enterprise under Network Environment

  16. 完善我国商业秘密保护的法律思考

    Thinking about the Law for Improving Protection on Trade Secret in Our Country

  17. 关于商业秘密保护的理论,最早出现的是合同法理论,之后又发展为保密关系理论或准合同理论。

    The earliest contract theory developed into the secret theory or quasi-contract theory .

  18. 论政府信息公开中的商业秘密保护制度

    On Commercial Secret in the Government Information Disclosures System

  19. 中英商业秘密保护法律制度比较研究

    Comparable Research of Law Regime of Trade Secrets Protection between China and England

  20. 企业商业秘密保护中的薄弱环节和防范措施

    The Weak Link and Precautious Measure of the Protection of Enterprise Business secret

  21. 对企业商业秘密保护的思考

    Thoughts on the Protection of Trade Secret of Enterprises

  22. 高新技术企业中商业秘密保护的法律风险与防范

    Research on the Legal Risk and Protection of Trade Secrets in High-Tech Enterprises

  23. 第二章是关于商业秘密保护利益平衡问题的总括性研究。

    The second chapter generally analyzes the benefit balance problem in trade secrets protection .

  24. 论商业秘密保护中的不可避免披露原则&以李开复事件为例

    Viewing the Doctrine of the Inevitable Trade Secrets Disclosure from the Kai-Fu Lee Event

  25. 国际融资中商业秘密保护研究

    Research on Trade Secrets Protection in International Financing

  26. 如何加强企业商业秘密保护

    How to Strengthen Commercial Secret Protection for Enterprise

  27. 企业商业秘密保护的脆性问题及保护策略

    Fragility Characteristic Regarding Protection of Industrial Business Secret

  28. 论企业信用征信与商业秘密保护的冲突与平衡

    On the Conflict and Balance between the Enterprise Credit Checking and Commercial Secret Protection

  29. 论企业商业秘密保护中竞业禁止条款的适用

    A study of a ban on engaging in competed industry in business secret protecting

  30. 档案工作与商业秘密保护

    Archival Work and Protection of Trade Secrets