
  • 网络Business planning;Business Plan;business design
  1. 顺德城区不同类型社区商业规划设计研究

    Shunde City Different Type Community Business Planning Design Research

  2. 长期投资和商业规划陷入停顿也就不足为怪了。

    It is no wonder that long-term investment and business planning are stagnant .

  3. 而GIS技术是解决商业规划和管理问题的有效工具。

    GIS is an effect tool of resolving problem .

  4. 专注于研究先进商业规划的咨询公司&全球商业网络公司(GlobalBusinessNetwork)负责人皮特•舒瓦茨认为,(清洁能源企业的)创造性毁灭将会带来科技进步。

    Progress will be aided by a wave of creative destruction , said Peter Schwartz , head of the global business network , a consulting firm that specializes in advanced business planning .

  5. 小股东希望听到Richard有更详尽的商业规划,而不仅仅是提升士气。

    Minority shareholders are now waiting to hear in detail what Mr Richard plans for the business beyond improving morale .

  6. 论城市商业规划与商业经营

    On Planning and Operation of Distribution Industry in Urban Area

  7. 老实说,我没有做任何商业规划就直接放手去干了。

    You know , honestly , I never wrote a business plan .

  8. 论房地产开发项目的商业规划

    On the Commercial Planning of Real Estate Development Project

  9. 法日英商业规划比较及思考

    A Comparative Study on Retail Planning in France , Japan and the United Kingdom

  10. 就商业规划而言,也需要一条通向低碳全球经济的可预测的路径。

    Business planning , too , requires a predictable path to a decarbonised global economy .

  11. 文章还探讨了我国城市商业规划的现状及发展方向。

    This article also analyses the current situation and development direction of China 's urban commercial planning .

  12. 我们现在正在做的商业规划是在假设2002年的经济形势与现在一样严峻&经济零增长。

    We 're doing all our business planning assuming that 2002 stays as tough as it is right now . A zero-growth economy .

  13. 揭示了我国城市商业规划中存在的问题,并提出了科学规划城市商业的具体化建议。

    This paper discloses the problems existing in commercial planning of modern city , and proposes some suggestions on scientific planning of urban commerce .

  14. 长期的项目实操,我们积累了商业规划,功能设计,品牌营建的深厚实践经验。

    We , Fortune Bridge have accumulated a wealth of valuable practical experience in commercial planning , function design and brands establishment by long-term projects practice .

  15. 特克在接受《财富》采访时畅谈了没有商业规划、直接创立服装品牌的利与弊,以及如何在竟争惨烈的行业中保持沉稳。

    Turk talks to fortune about the pros and cons of launching a line without a business plan and how to stay low-drama in a cutthroat industry .

  16. 我们在技术上对西方及亚洲地区生产环境的熟知,足以让我们识别并作出真实的报告,这都能始终如一地让您良好地驾御您的商业规划方向。

    Our technical familiarity with Western and Asian production environments allows us to identify and report real time activities , keeping you at the helm , where you should be .

  17. 浅议中小城市商业设施规划设计

    Comments on Plan Design for Commercial Installation in Middle and Small City

  18. 惠扬公司商业项目规划与实施的研究

    Fairyoung Company Business Development Planning and Implementation of Research Projects

  19. 零售业区位理论角度的城市商业建筑规划

    Urban commercial planning from the angle of retail business location

  20. 南通市新城核心区大型地下商业概念规划探析

    Conceptual Planning for Below Ground Commercial Development of Nantong City Core Area

  21. 走向全面系统的传统商业中心规划&以无锡崇安寺街区为例

    Towards Comprehensive and Systematic Planning of Traditional Commercial Centre

  22. 我国城市商业网点规划法制建设问题研究

    Problems and Countermeasures of the Legal System on Commercial Outlets Planning in China

  23. 新建社区商业街规划与设计研究

    Research of New Community Commercial Street Planning & Design

  24. 符合所在城市商业发展规划;

    Conforming to commercial development plans of the cities where they are located ;

  25. 新兴大学城商业空间规划研究

    A Study on the Planning of Commercial Space of the New Developing University City

  26. 我国大中城市商业网点规划影响因素研究

    Research on Affect Factors in Commercial Network Planning of Chinese Big & Medium Cities

  27. 地铁商业开发规划探析

    Analysis of the Development Planning of Metro Commerce

  28. 大家都知道,在商业的规划中,结果是非常重要的。

    You know , in a commercial project , the outcome is very important .

  29. 文德路文化商业街规划和建设的若干思考

    Some thinking of the program and building of cultural and commercial streets of Wende Road

  30. 梅江南社区中心大岛办公楼国际公寓及商业街规划及建筑设计

    Lake South center island office building international department and commercial street planning and architecture design