
  • 网络Business Plan;Business Planning;business proposal
  1. 我画出店的布局草图,拟订了一份商业计划。

    I sketched the layout of a prototype store and worked up a business plan

  2. 如果小丁在认真考虑创建自己的店铺的话,那她就需要准备一份像样的商业计划。

    Ding needs a proper business plan if she is serious about setting2 up her own shop !

  3. 例句我认为你需要更深入地考虑你的商业计划。

    I think you need to think more deeply about your business plans .

  4. 申请参加“新冒险挑战”(newventurechallenge)芝加哥大学布斯商学院商业计划竞赛的人数大幅飙升。

    Applications for the new venture challenge , the University of Chicago Booth School of business business plan competition , have rocketed .

  5. 他的队伍来自卡内基-梅隆大学,获得了三大奖项之一。他们为OneLaptopPerChild提供商业计划。

    One of the three top prizes went to his team from Carnegie Mellon University for their business plan for One Laptop Per Child .

  6. 赖斯商业计划大赛(RiceBusinessPlanCompetition)正在如火如荼地进行,共有42名创业者们正在为120万美元的投资和启动资金而展开激烈竞争。

    He rice business plan competition is underway in Houston , where 42 hopeful entrepreneurs are going head-to-head for $ 1.2 million in investments and startup cash .

  7. 结果已经很清晰,接下来10000家创业公司的商业计划很好预测:选择X,添加AI。

    The upshot is clear , The business plans of the next 10,000 start-ups are easy to forecast : Take X and add A.I.

  8. 由此引发了许多关于P2P激励机制方面的理论研究课题和商业计划。

    As a result , a large number of academic and commercial projects are under way to develop P2P systems for various incentive mechanisms .

  9. 在密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)上学时,他为一家利用软件来制造音乐合成器的公司制定了一份商业计划书。

    During college at the University of Michigan , he developed a business plan for a company that would use software to build a music synthesizer .

  10. 在攻读mba的最后两个学期中,他成天泡在图书馆里研究互联网公司的最佳模式,并着手起草一份商业计划。

    He spent the last two terms of his MBA in the library , researching the best model for an Internet company and drafting a business plan .

  11. Pan说他将他创业课程中的学生分成组,且让他们制定出详细的商业计划,以至于小到看护,钢琴练习,大到高科技农业计划。

    Pan says that her entrepreneur courses had the students broken up into groups where they worked out complete business plans – everything from babysitting to piano training to high-tech agriculture .

  12. 项目主管SebastianBelle表示,学生们在毕业之前必须制定市场和商业计划。

    Program director Sebastian Belle says students have to develop a marketing and business plan before they can graduate .

  13. 在商业计划大赛中,选择使用自定义PPT背景的参赛选手被认为比使用默认背景的选手更有希望胜出。

    Candidates entering a business-plan competition who chose to use their own PowerPoint presentation background were thought more likely to win than those who used the standard background .

  14. 最终,腰果加工厂筹到了资金&很大程度上是因为它可以为潜在投资者呈现一份“经KKR审批通过的”商业计划。

    In the end , the company raised its money – in no small part because it could present a " kkr-vetted " business plan to potential investors .

  15. NadiemMakarim表示,所有一切都依赖于一个商业计划。

    Nadiem Makarim says everything depends on a business plan .

  16. 2007年,加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(HaasschoolatBerkeley)的三名MBA学生,用在哈斯商业计划竞赛中赢得的微薄奖金开创了这家公司。

    Things have certainly come a long way for the three MBA alumni from Haas School of Business at Berkeley , who formed the company in 2007 with a small amount of money they won in a Haas business plan competition .

  17. 由鼓励创业精神的非营利组织nationalcollegiateinventorsandinnovatorsalliance资助的这群企业家、商业计划竞赛的获胜者,正在参加5日强化新人训练营venturelab。

    The entrepreneurs , a mix of individuals funded by the National Collegiate inventors and innovators alliance , a not-for-profit organisation that encourages entrepreneurship , and winners of business plan competitions , are holed up for venture lab , an intensive five-day boot camp .

  18. 他们在布鲁克林FortGreene的公寓里,利用晚上和周末的时间写出了商业计划书,包括带领年龄20-45岁的小队旅行者前往偏远目的地。

    At night and on weekends from their Fort Greene , Brooklyn apartment , they wrote a plan for their business , which involved taking small groups of travelers , age 20 to 45 , to remote destinations .

  19. 一年后,Pozitron因为一个综合移动银行产品赢得了由哈佛商学院举办的全球商业计划大赛头奖。

    A year later , Pozitron won the Global Business Plan Contest organized by Harvard Business School for an integrated , mobile-banking product .

  20. 该计划的灵感来自小额信贷创始人、范德堡大学毕业生穆罕穆德尤努斯(muhammadyunus)的工作,目标是赋予学生制定商业计划的工具,帮助发展中国家减少贫困。

    The programme takes as its inspiration the work of Muhammad Yunus , the microfinance pioneer and a Vanderbilt graduate , and aims to give students the tools with which to create business plans that can help reduce poverty in the developing world .

  21. 每组都要拟定一份商业计划。

    And each of us have to create a business plan .

  22. 你可以在这个网站订购任何服务,从网站改版、到制定商业计划。

    Order anything from a website revamp to a business plan .

  23. 第四部分为对商业计划书的展望。

    The fourth part of a business plan for a prospect .

  24. 商业计划书中有无环境优势描述?

    Is the competitive environment adequately addressed in the business plan ?

  25. 到目前为止并没有这种商业计划。

    There is as yet no business plan for that .

  26. 以下是我们要写商业计划的最主要的理由。

    The following are our top reasons to write a business plan .

  27. 商业计划竞赛对他们后来的成功同样必不可少。

    The business plan competition was also integral to their later success .

  28. 我很高兴因为我们已经有了一个商业计划。

    I was so happy because we really had a business plan .

  29. 我们要求业务拓展人员再提交一份商业计划书,以供备选。

    We asked business developers to put up an alternative business plan .

  30. 一份成功的商业计划书不需要长篇累牍。

    A successful business plan does not have to be a book .