
shāng rén
  • merchant;businessman;trader;tradesman;seth;bania;city gent
商人 [shāng rén]
  • [tradesman] 以买卖商品谋利的人

  • 中间商人

商人[shāng rén]
  1. 当地一位商人出面捐了一大笔款给学校。

    A local businessman stepped in with a large donation for the school .

  2. 他不同于人们一般印象中穿黑色西装、提公文包的商人形象。

    He doesn 't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase .

  3. 面对廉价的外国进口商品,经营规模小的商人无法与之抗衡。

    Small traders cannot compete in the face of cheap foreign imports .

  4. 政府官员被指控接受了当地商人的贿赂。

    Government officials have been accused of accepting inducements from local businessmen .

  5. 几个商人只好将就着坐在经济舱里。

    Several businessmen had to slum it in economy class .

  6. 这幅画卖给了一名未披露姓名的美国商人。

    The painting was sold to an unidentified American dealer .

  7. 两名商人遭恐怖分子绑架。

    Two businessmen have been kidnapped by terrorists .

  8. 商人不断涌进东京的一个主要火车站。

    Businessmen stream into one of Tokyo 's main train stations .

  9. 任何一个懂行的葡萄酒商人都可以给你提出建议。

    Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you .

  10. 消费者支出在减少,商人感觉手头拮据。

    Consumers are spending less and traders are feeling the pinch .

  11. 西方商人在向该地区投资时表现出非同一般的深谋远虑。

    Western businessmen are showing remarkable prudence in investing in the region

  12. 他声称那个商人骗了他1万英镑。

    He claimed that the businessman had conned him of £ 10,000

  13. 他是个正直的商人,完全可靠,不会被收买。

    He was a sound businessman , totally reliable and incorruptible .

  14. 一些商人定居下来,并与当地妇女通婚。

    Some of the traders settled and intermarried with local women .

  15. 一名来自伦敦商业区的商人骗取了投资者们数百万英镑。

    A City businessman swindled investors out of millions of pounds

  16. 银制奖杯是由一个莱斯特的商人捐赠的。

    The silver trophy was donated by a Leicester businessman .

  17. 别的不说,道格起码是个精明务实的商人。

    If nothing else , Doug is a hard-nosed businessman .

  18. 在俄罗斯的欧洲商人所面临的巨大困难是显而易见的。

    The immense difficulties facing European businessmen in Russia were only too evident

  19. 政治家和商人们把他们自己弄得十分恐慌。

    Politicians and businessmen have whipped themselves into a panic .

  20. 商人厌烦政客们贬低经济的重要性。

    Businessmen are tired of politicians talking the economy down .

  21. 这家人不得不靠向当地商人赊账生活。

    The family was forced to live on credit from local merchants .

  22. 日本商人正在美国各地建立复杂的、具有政治影响力的基础结构。

    Japanese proprietors are erecting a complex infrastructure of political influence throughout America

  23. 我母亲和别人串通,把他杜撰成一个阔气的商人。

    My mother colluded in the myth of him as the swanky businessman

  24. 人们对于成功商人一直都有一种固定印象。

    There 's always been a stereotype about successful businessmen

  25. 一位拒交保护费的商人被打了9枪。

    A businessman who refused to pay protection money was shot nine times .

  26. 拍卖行里乱哄哄谈生意的商人们令她望而生畏。

    She was intimidated by the number of businessmen buzzing around the saleroom .

  27. 他的父亲不爱与人交往,却又是个成功的商人。

    His father was a misanthropic but successful businessman .

  28. 轻松捞取利润的可能性吸引了一拨不良商人。

    The prospect of easy profits has attracted the wrong kind of businessman .

  29. 像精明的商人一样,斯图尔特发现了市场上的一个空白。

    Like a good businessman , Stewart identified a gap in the market .

  30. 他被控于去年绑架了一名商人并勒索钱财。

    He is charged with kidnapping a businessman last year and holding him for ransom