
shānɡ yè wǎnɡ diǎn
  • Commercial outlets;contact points in commercial network
  1. NET的嵌入式考勤系统。GIS可达性分析在城市商业网点中的应用

    The application research of GIS attainability analysis in city commerce net site

  2. 基于GIS的商业网点选址研究与实现

    Location analysis of retailing unit and its actualization based on GIS

  3. 基于GIS的零售商业网点选址评价模型研究

    Research of Evaluation Model of Commercial Retail Net Location Based on GIS

  4. GIS商业网点分析与规划研究

    Research of Commercial Network Analysis and Planning Based on GIS

  5. 宏观上GIS如何运用于城市商业网点体系规划,以张家港为例。

    Another is applying in city commerce planning .

  6. GIS技术的应用为零售商业网点选址提供了新的思路和方法,弥补了传统研究方法的不足,为商业企业的科学决策提供了科学、形象和直观的数据和信息。

    The application of GIS technology to the location of the commercial net study can provide a new idea and strong technique . With its help , we can get scientific , visual data and information .

  7. 近几年来,关于城市商业网点布局的研究正逐步定量化、科学化,特别是GIS的应用使商业网点布局分析的研究更具有可操作性和普及性。

    In recent years , the research on city commercial network has become more quantitative and scientific . In particular , the application of GIS has made the analysis in arranging the commercial networks universal and easier to manipulate .

  8. 电子服务网点区位选择(ESNLC)是否还符合传统商业网点区位选择的理论,受哪些因素影响比较明显等差异性问题的研究具有很强的现实意义。

    But so far has not quantitative studies for e-commerce location . The location choice of e-services network ( ESNLC ) whether still follows the traditional theory of location choice , and by what factors affect the more obvious problems .

  9. 马尔可夫评估法在商业网点中的应用

    Application of Markov 's Evaluation Method in the Network of Commercial Establishments

  10. 最小费用流在商业网点布局上的应用

    Application of Minimum Cost Circulation in Distribution of Commercial Network

  11. 数据挖掘技术在小型商业网点布局问题的应用

    The Application of Data Mining in the Distribution of Miniature Commerce Net Sites

  12. 苏州市区商业网点布局状况的研究

    The Study of the Distribution of the Shopping Centers in the Suzhou Municipality

  13. 阳泉市商业网点发展模式与战略初探

    Original discussion of commercial network development mode and strategic situation in Yangquan city

  14. 上海休闲街商业网点业态结构研究

    Study on the Format Structure of Commercial Network in Shanghai 's Leisure Streets

  15. 我国城市商业网点规划法制建设问题研究

    Problems and Countermeasures of the Legal System on Commercial Outlets Planning in China

  16. 对城市人口分布与商业网点布局相关性的探讨

    An approach to the relation between urban population distribution and commercial network layout

  17. 我国大中城市商业网点规划影响因素研究

    Research on Affect Factors in Commercial Network Planning of Chinese Big & Medium Cities

  18. 城市大型零售商业网点布局模型与反问题求解

    The Location Model of Urban Commercial Net and the Settlement of the Reverse Problems

  19. 最后,结合安徽省庐江县商业网点布局规划实例加以说明。

    Finally , unifies the Anhui province Lujiang County commercial network layout planning examples .

  20. 商业网点分析与规划是现代城市商业建设中的经常性的工作。

    Commerce planning and network analysis is an important part of work in urban commercial construction .

  21. 本文是对天津市区人口分布与商业网点布局既互相吸引又在一定程度上互相排斥的关系的分析阐述。

    Between the urban population distribution and the commercial network layout in the city of Tianjin .

  22. 城市商业网点的科学化布局

    Scientific layout of urban commercial sites

  23. 现代旅游城市商业网点规划的探讨&张家界市区商业网点规划

    A discussion about commerce networks planning in modern tourism destination cities Commerce networks planning in Zhangjiajie city

  24. 事实上,商业网点建设开发中心只是一个咨询机构,无任何行政审批权。

    Indeed , the commercial networks construction development center is an advisory body without any executive authority .

  25. 传统零售商业网点选址模型主要是基于统计的静态模型。

    The characteristic of the traditional commercial retail net location model is the static model based on statistics .

  26. 总体而言,城市的职能、交通空间网络体系及人文因素是引导商业网点布局的重要方面。

    On the whole , functional orientations , traffic network and human issues of cities are the most important consideration .

  27. 我愿意在你方便的时候和你详细地讨论有关商业网点一事。

    I shall be pleased to discuss the premises with you in greater detail at any time convenient to you .

  28. 希望受到表彰的城市商业网点规划工作先进单位珍惜荣誉,再接再厉,做好商业网点规划的实施。

    All advanced units are expected to value the honor and make persistent efforts to put commerce nets programming in practice .

  29. 利用罗伦兹曲线对城市商业网点布局的分析&以天津市为例

    Analysing the Distribution of Commercial Nets of the Cities by Using the Lorenz Curve & Taking (?) anj (?) City for Example

  30. 而商业网点是城市休闲街的主要组成单元,其业态结构的合理与否将直接决定休闲街的市场地位乃至发展成败。

    As the main component unit of leisure street , commercial network 's format structure will determine whether its development is successful or not .