
  • 网络commercial presence;business presence
  1. 在WTO背景下,这一类型的学校被归为商业存在形式的服务贸易。

    In the context of GATS , this kind of campuses appears to be " Commercial Presence " in educational service .

  2. 商业存在(服务贸易)同工贸协会的协商会议

    Commercial presence Consultative Meeting with Industry / Trade Associations

  3. WTO框架下,国际教育服务主要通过跨境交付、境外消费、商业存在和自然人流动四种方式提供。

    Under the framework of WTO , international educational services are offered mainly by means of cross - border payment , beyond-border consumption , commercial existence and population flow .

  4. 自然人流动是GATS规定的四种服务形式之一,自然人流动与GATS下第三种服务形式商业存在有着密切的联系。

    Natural person movement is one of the four modes under GATS , and it is closely connected with the third service form under GATS .

  5. 快速增长的互联网提供了一个平台促进电子商业存在。

    The fast growing internet has provided a platform for E-Business to exist .

  6. 最后,针对中国社区商业存在的问题,提出了中国社区商业建设水平的指标体系和一些改进建议。

    At last , this article is an approach to the index system of the developmental level of China 's community business and some advices of improvement .

  7. 这种贸易方式可以通过过境提供、境外消费、商业存在、自然人流动等方式进行。

    This kind of trade way can be offered through being in transit , consumption abroad , commercial presence , natural person flow etc. and go on .

  8. 我国在承诺书中针对自然人流动所做出的承诺大部分是与商业存在相关,然而自然人流动是独立的服务贸易形式。

    Most of Chinas commitments to the WTO on natural person movement are related to commercial presence ; however , natural person movement is an unattached service trade mode .

  9. 由此,如何作为商业存在的实体、市场挑战者,在当地市场存在、发展,实现有效益的增长,是网通湖北分公司面临的一个严峻、迫切的问题。

    Therefore , being a commercial organization and market challenger , survival , development and beneficial growth in the local market are the severe and urgent problems that facing CNC Hubei Branch .

  10. 本文在银行商业存在国际化形式的比较说明之后,着重从微观角度评述了国际化的动因,分析了客户追随、利润机会和业务竞争等影响因素。

    Following a comparison of internationalization patterns of banking commercial existence , this paper discusses from the micro perspective the cause of internationalization and scrutinizes such variables as customer chasing , profit opportunity and business competition .

  11. 据对日本和美国批发业现状和发展趋势分析,虽然竞争规律的作用,使批发主体发生了变化,但是,批发商业存在的条件和基础并没有消失,专职的批发商人也还有很大的发展空间。

    By analyzing the status and the developing tendency , we find that although role of competitive law has made the wholesaling subject change a lot , the condiction and basis for the existence of Broad developing space .

  12. 在此基础上,文章从服务贸易的四种形式(跨境交付、境外消费、商业存在和自然人流动)出发,利用现有的统计数据,展示了我国教育服务进出口贸易发展现状。

    Based on a large amount of data , the paper analyzes the development of Chinese educational service trade from four modes of service trade ( Cross-border supply , Consumption abroad , Commercial presence and Presence of natural persons ) .

  13. 特别地,结合现代经济主体多重控制的模式,本章对商业存在的控制标准进行了探讨,从而为确定控制人和服务的原产地作了详细论述。

    In particular , considering the multi-layer control of legal person , this chapter in detail discusses the " control " standard of the commercial presence , so as to determine the " controller " and the origin of services .

  14. 环境商品与服务贸易壁垒既包括一般的关税壁垒,同时也包括商业存在与市场准入障碍、自然人流动限制、国内标准限制、政府采购与政府补贴限制等非关税壁垒。

    The trade barriers to environmental goods and services include tariff barriers in general , and also contain non-tariff barriers such as establishment of commercial presence and market access , restrictions on movement of natural persons , restrictions on domestic standards , government procurement and government subsidy .

  15. 介绍了金融服务贸易的构成要素,涵盖可贸易金融服务的范围,国际金融服务的提供(包括跨境交付、境外消费、商业存在、自然人流动四个方面),国际金融服务贸易的统计。

    This part introduces the elements of financial service trade , the scope of tradable financial service , the offer of international financial service ( including Cross-border Delivery , Consumption Abroad , Commercial Presence and Movement of Natural Persons ), and the statistics of intentional financial service trading .

  16. 我们要正视我国现有批发商业所存在的问题,可以加入WTO后我国批发商业面临的外部环境采用五力分析法、内部环境采用SWOT分析法进行分析,从而理清对我国批发商业的发展战略。

    We should face the problems in wholesales of China and make wholesale commerce development strategy by using five forces analysis method to analyze outer environment and SWOT analysis method to analyze interior environment .

  17. 而市场上现有的商业软件存在一定的局限性,所以本研究通过数据库编程,开发出一套适宜公司运作的SPC品管网络控制系统。

    But some existing business software on the market have much certain limitation , so this research develops software named SPC QC Network Control System , which is very suitable for the company operation .

  18. 不过据报道,由于Hulu的几家母公司对Hulu未来的商业模式存在分歧,因此Hulu目前正谋求出售,目前这家网站前途未卜。

    Recently , Hulu has reportedly put itself up for sale as the large media companies that own it clash over how its business should work , and its not clear what the future holds for the site .

  19. 相比之下,我国商业银行存在着明显的缺陷,面临着极大的挑战。

    Their clear competition is the great challenge for banks of China .

  20. 商业银行存在诸多操作风险。

    The business have the many operating risk .

  21. 它随着商业的存在而存在,随着商业的发展而发展,但在地理分布上有不均衡性。

    It existed with the existence of commerce and developed with the development of commerce .

  22. 而大多数传统企业对商业模式存在概念模糊、认识不清的问题,严重影响了企业应用电子商务的效果。

    The problem of vague concept of most traditional enterprises , affected the effectiveness of e-commercialization .

  23. 但对这位47岁的神职人员来说,教会与商业之间存在着一个重大的区别。

    But for this 47-year old man of the cloth there is one big difference between church and commerce .

  24. 史密斯否认力拓雇员被拘与涉及该公司的任何商业事务存在关联。

    Mr Smith ruled out any link between the detention of the Rio employees and any commercial matters concerning Rio .

  25. 如果说在商业世界存在一条官方法则的话,那一定是迈克尔?波特先生制定出来的。

    In so far as there is an official line in the managerial world , Michael Porter lays it down .

  26. 一些安全专家主张,美国的稀土生产在商业方面存在许多变数,因此需要政府扶持。

    Some security experts argue that US production of rare earths is so commercially uncertain that it needs government support .

  27. 对贝利而言,影响价格的并不是任何单一商业的存在,而是许多商业之间的互动。

    For Bailey , it is not the presence of any one business that can affect prices , but the interaction of many .

  28. 商业周期存在一个令人愉悦的神话:它总是围绕潜在趋势而波动。

    There is a pleasing myth about the business cycle . This is that it is just a fluctuation around an underlying trend .

  29. 商业银行存在的理由被简单的归结于为资金的需求方和供给方提供中介服务。

    The reason for the existence of commercial banks has been summarized as a intermediate institution for the demand and supple of capital .

  30. 我国商业银行存在潜在信用风险,发生危机甚至破产倒闭已成为可能。

    The commercial banks in our country exist potential credit risks , so it is possible that they will encounter payment risks and even bankruptcy .