
  • 网络plan;Business Plan;business proposal;Bussiness Plan
  1. 在密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)上学时,他为一家利用软件来制造音乐合成器的公司制定了一份商业计划书。

    During college at the University of Michigan , he developed a business plan for a company that would use software to build a music synthesizer .

  2. 在创办在线购物网站giltgroupe时,两位创始人没有费心去写一份传统的商业计划书。

    When launching Gilt Groupe , an online shopping site that currently has 3M members , the co-founders did not trouble to write a traditional business plan .

  3. 广东CF担保有限公司增资扩股商业计划书

    Bussiness Plan of Guangdong CF Guaranty Increase Capital and Enlarge Share Co. , Ltd

  4. DavidKirsch认为商业计划书是组织企业家想法的好方法。

    David Kirsch considers business plans a good way to organize an entrepreneur 's ideas .

  5. 每年,脑子里装着“下一个大公司”的企业家们的商业计划书像洪水般涌向风险资本家那里。但是伦敦商学院的JohnMullins在华尔街时报上说,大部分商业计划书根本就没有得到充分的阅读。

    Each year , entrepreneurs with ideas for the " next big thing " But John Mullins of the London Business School , writing in the Wall Street Journal , says most business plans are never even fully read .

  6. 他们在布鲁克林FortGreene的公寓里,利用晚上和周末的时间写出了商业计划书,包括带领年龄20-45岁的小队旅行者前往偏远目的地。

    At night and on weekends from their Fort Greene , Brooklyn apartment , they wrote a plan for their business , which involved taking small groups of travelers , age 20 to 45 , to remote destinations .

  7. 感谢收看“怎样书写商业计划书”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Write A Business Plan .

  8. 商业计划书中有无环境优势描述?

    Is the competitive environment adequately addressed in the business plan ?

  9. 第四部分为对商业计划书的展望。

    The fourth part of a business plan for a prospect .

  10. 马库拉向乔布斯提议一起撰写商业计划书。

    Markkula proposed to Jobs that they write a business plan together .

  11. 许多商业计划书都没有标明一个产品或服务怎样满足需求。

    Many plans fail to show how a product or service

  12. 我们要求业务拓展人员再提交一份商业计划书,以供备选。

    We asked business developers to put up an alternative business plan .

  13. 一份成功的商业计划书不需要长篇累牍。

    A successful business plan does not have to be a book .

  14. 编好商业计划书提高中小企业融资能力

    Writing a Good Business Plan for Improving SMEs ' Fund Rising Capability

  15. 商业计划书为你指出明确的方向,这有助于消除压力。

    It gives you clear direction , which can help eliminate stress .

  16. 克利奥:这是一项很严肃的商业计划书。

    Cleo : This is a serious business proposal .

  17. 亚太国际酒店用品批发市场商业计划书

    Business Plan of the Asia-Pacific International Hotel Supplies Market

  18. 另外一些人对钱很敏感,所以他们常常会过度考虑商业计划书。

    Others are money-minded , so they can over think the business plan .

  19. 商业计划书的意义、作用及主要问题;

    Section 2 , The meanings , functions and major considerations of business plan ;

  20. 我们可以在第二天的晚餐时间讨论你的商业计划书?

    Could we discuss your business proposal over dinner on the second day instead ?

  21. 我们欢迎您准备并向我们提交您的商业计划书。

    You are welcome to prepare a business plan and submit it to us .

  22. 艾尔尼刚把他的商业计划书交给风险资本家萨比娜。

    Arnie has just presented his business plan to Sabine , a venture capitalist .

  23. 最后,必须让商业计划书整洁美观,拿得出手。

    Finally , the business plan needs to be spruced up and made presentable .

  24. 因此,一份科学、务实、可操作的商业计划书就显得尤其重要。

    The commercial prospectus which is scientific , practical and operational appears especially important .

  25. 撰写商业计划书是一门艺术。

    Writing a business plan is an art .

  26. 此电子邮件是商业计划书。

    This email is a business proposal .

  27. 风险投资商业计划书及其编制的研究

    Research of Business Plan and its redaction

  28. 如何撰写商业计划书?

    How to write a commercial prospectus ?

  29. 大功率全固态全色激光器及应用产品产业化项目商业计划书

    The Business Plan on Big Power Solid-state Full-color Laser Device and Applied Products Industrialization Project

  30. 这些年轻人写了一份商业计划书,接着成立了一家名叫劳动保障的公司。

    The young people wrote a business plan and formed a company called Assured Labor .