
  1. 同时希望该研究能够深化人们对商务谈判语言的认识,并能对国际商务谈判教学有一定的借鉴价值。

    Hopefully , findings of this research will be of some value to the teaching and learning of international business negotiation .

  2. 国际科技商务谈判:语言特点与言语技巧

    The Basic Linguistic Characteristics and Techniques in Foreign Set-Tech Trade Negotiations

  3. 从话轮替换的角度分析商务谈判的语言特点

    On Language Features of Turn-taking in Business Negotiation

  4. 在前3章的话语分析理论基础上,我从两个层次上对商务谈判的语言进行系统分析。

    By applying the theories discussed in Chapter 2 and 3 , I make a careful study of oral business discourse and negotiation dialogues .

  5. 就商务谈判礼貌语言表达而言,主要表现有模糊表达,委婉暗示,低调陈述,称赞对方等。

    In terms of the linguistic expressions of politeness mainly used in business negotiation , there are vagueness , euphemism , understatement , and compliments .

  6. 本文采用资料分析的方法研究跨文化商务谈判中的语言策略。

    The methodology in the thesis is a data-based analysis .

  7. 第4章分析了商务谈判中的语言运用。

    Chapter 4 deals solely with oral business discourse .

  8. 商务俄语谈判的语言艺术

    The Art of Language in Russian Business Negotiation

  9. 中美跨文化商务谈判中非语言交际的对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of Nonverbal Communication in Business Negotiations between China and the United States

  10. 本文还分析了英语商务谈判中模糊语言的语用功能。

    This thesis also analyzes pragmatic functions of the vague language in English business negotiation .

  11. 首先,商务谈判原则及其语言之间的关系有必要运用礼貌语言策略。

    To start with , the interrelation between the principles of business negotiation and its language necessitates the strategy of politeness language .

  12. 本文重点介绍了语言的模糊性、商务谈判中模糊语言的特点以及模糊语言在商务谈判场上的应用。

    This article mainly introduced the fuzziness of language ; the characteristic of fuzzy language used in business negotiation and the application of fuzzy language in business negotiation .

  13. 本文通过对商务谈判中模糊语言不同的语用功能分析了模糊语言在商务谈判中存在的价值,揭示了使用模糊语言的积极作用以及消极作用。

    Through classifying different pragmatical functions , this thesis analyze the value which the vagueness showed in the business negotiation , revealing the positive and negative functions of this phenomenon .

  14. 通过口译实例,透视国际商务谈判口译语用语言等效和社交语用等效。旨在提高口译质量,准确传达发言者的用意,避免语用失误,为商务谈判提供高质量翻译。

    The case study focuses on the pragmatic equivalence in pragma-linguistic and socio-pragmatic interpretation in the field of international business negotiation , with an aim to help future interpreters to achieve the pragmatic accuracy and quality interpretation in business negotiation by avoiding pragmatic errors .

  15. 商务谈判中的情感语言

    Emotional Language in the Business Negotiations

  16. 商务谈判是一个复杂的交际过程,商务谈判中的语言现象成为近年来语言研究所关注的焦点。

    Business negotiation is a complicated communicative process . The linguistic phenomenon existing in it has been the focus of linguistic research in recent years .