
  1. 希望本论文能为国际商务谈判人员进一步了解东西方以及阿拉伯国家的非语言交际差异提供一个平台,也为其更好地开展国际商务谈判提供一个有积极意义的良好开端。

    It is hoped that this thesis will provide international business negotiators with the required basis for understanding nonverbal communication differences in eastern , western and Arab cultures and making an effective beginning in negotiations .

  2. 论述涉外商务谈判人员掌握谈判的语用策略的必要性,探讨起积极作用的语用策略在国际商务谈判中具体适用的三个方面,即礼貌语用准则、委婉幽默和含蓄模糊的表达方式。

    In this paper , the necessity for the business negotiators to apply the pragmatic strategy in business negotiation is discussed and the positive pragmatic strategy in the negotiation is also discussed from three aspects : politeness and appropriateness maxims , tactful and humorous , and implicit and vague expressions .

  3. 国际商务谈判人员不但要了解不同国家、不同地区的商务人员的谈判风格的差异,而且还要了解每个个体谈判者的风格,以便采用相应的对策,实现自己的商业目的。

    Thus competent business negotiators are in urgent need , who should not only know the different negotiating styles of different countries and regions , but also the different style of each individual negotiator from different countries , so as to adopt counter strategies accordingly and realize their own goals .

  4. 这是商务谈判活动中,商务谈判人员必须具备的基本素质。

    This is supposed to be prerequisite in business negotiation , and also the necessary qualities of negotiators .