
  • 网络Commercial City;Business City
  1. 广州和北京的差别在于一个是商业城市一个是首都。

    The difference between GZ and BJ is that one is a business city and the other is the capital city .

  2. 在这种大的历史背景下,武汉利用区位和交通优势成长为繁盛的商业城市。

    In this significant historic background , Wuhan became the prosperous business city by taking advantage of its location and transportation .

  3. 由此北宋东京开封成为了一座开放的繁荣的工商业城市。

    Northern Song became an open prosperous industrial and commercial city .

  4. 上海是中国最大的商业城市和经济中心城市。

    Shanghai is the biggest commercial city and economic center in China .

  5. 纽约是个很大的商业城市。

    New York was a big commercial city .

  6. 大牛:就是说,运河使扬州成为了一座繁华的商业城市。

    That 's to say , the canal made Yangzhou a thriving commercial city .

  7. 这座商业城市被称为经济绿洲、文化沙漠

    This commercial city is referred to as an economic oasis and a cultural desert

  8. 2004年,柳州被《福布斯》评为中国大陆最佳商业城市之一。

    In2004 , Liuzhou was listed in Forbes ' " 2004 Chinese Best Business Cities " .

  9. 天津既是历史悠久的文化名城,又是经济繁荣的商业城市。

    Tianjin is a well-known ancient and cultural city as well as a prosperous commercial city .

  10. 信货正在中国变成一个严重的问题,特别是温州这个商业城市。

    Credit is becoming a severe problem in China , especially in Wenzhou , which is a city based on business .

  11. 苏州是明代重要的工商业城市,是江南的经济中心。

    As an important industrial and commercial city in Ming Dynasty , Suzhou was also the economic center of Jiangnan Area .

  12. 米利都是一个富庶的商业城市,在那里原始的偏见和迷信已经由于许多国家的相互交通而被冲淡了。

    Miletus was a rich commercial city , in which primitive prejudices and superstitions were softened by intercourse with many nations .

  13. 扬州是我国唐代最大的商业城市,在我国城市发展史上占有重要地位。

    Yangzhou was the most famous commercial center in Tang Dynasty , and occupied an important place in the history of Chinese cities .

  14. 作为美国最大的工商业城市纽约,同时也是拥有贫民窟面积最大的城市。

    New York is both the biggest city of industry and commerce and the city with the largest area of slum in America .

  15. 作为中国近代兴起的著名工商业城市,无锡的工业建筑遗存丰富。

    As a famous industrial and commercial city developed from modern times , Wuxi has a great deal of industrial heritage on architecture .

  16. 在18世纪初曼城是个美丽的商业城市,人口聚集在数条大街。

    At the beginning of the18th century , Manchester was a pretty market town , its population living in a handful of streets .

  17. 该共同的长江三峡大坝的焦点,使重庆是一个旅游景点,以及作为一个商业城市。

    The focal point of the unique Yangtze Three Gorges Dam , Chongqing is a tourist attraction as well as a commercial city .

  18. 而今,农民们的耕作生活已成为过去,取而代之的是有世界影响的商业城市的快节奏生活。

    The life of self-sacrificing farmers has become history and given way to the faster-paced life of a new business district with world influence .

  19. 特大型工商业城市在鼠疫传播中的地位相当重要,这与欧洲有很大的不同。

    Big cities played a leading role in spreading the plague , which was different from the situation in Europe in the Middle Ages .

  20. 今天,香港已成为国际上一个主要的工商业城市,亦是全球第七大的商品贸易中心。

    Today , Hong Kong has become an important commercial and industrial city and is the seventh largest commodity trading centre in the world .

  21. 一旦你选择了商业城市,城镇,市郊或地点,你将需要为你的商业输入街道地址。

    Once you have selected the Business City , Township , Suburb or Locality you will need to enter the Street Address for the Business .

  22. 这个合同提供了空前的机遇给金山,使得它能通过在小学生中,在这个中国最重要的商业城市为它的产品建立用户基础。

    The contract offers an unprecedented opportunity for Kingsoft to build a user base for its products among pupils in china 's most important commercial city .

  23. 1860年被辟为通商口岸,成为当时中国仅次于上海的第二大工商业城市和北方最大的金融商贸中心。

    Then it was called the treaty port in1860 , and became the second-largest city on industrial and financial and commercial center after Shanghai of China .

  24. 我们将举办各种活动,并播放来自位于四个大陆的领先商业城市的视频:香港、约翰内斯堡、纽约和伦敦。

    We will be running events and broadcasting videos from the leading business cities on four continents : Hong Kong , Johannesburg , New York and London .

  25. 传统上,货物是通过大阪再输往日本各地的,这个中世纪的中转中心曾为这座商业城市带来丰厚的税收。

    Goods historically passed through Osaka before being redistributed to the rest of Japan , a medieval hub-and-spoke system that provided the merchant city with abundant tax revenue .

  26. 从令人眩晕的观景台上,游客可以看到这个商业城市的全貌,甚至可以看到鲁卜哈利沙漠无边无际的沙丘。

    From its vertiginous viewing galleries visitors look down on the great commercial city spread below them and across to the seemingly boundless dunes of the Empty Quarter .

  27. 澳门于1557年被葡萄牙人租住,至鸦片战争前夕,巳成为重要的国际商业城市。

    Macao , which had been leased to the Portuguese from 1557 till the eve of the Opium Wars , has turned into a leading international trade city .

  28. 当邻近香港的商业城市深圳市市长许宗衡6月份因涉嫌腐败被罢免时,该案的很多情节人们都很熟悉。

    When the mayor of Shenzhen , the commercial city bordering Hong Kong , was sacked in June for alleged corruption , much about the case was familiar .

  29. 随着近年来数百家国际企业落户英国首都,决策者一直热衷于强调伦敦作为商业城市的好处。

    Policymakers have been keen to stress London 's benefit as a business city , with hundreds of international companies locating in the British capital in recent years .

  30. 自开埠以来,天津的社会经济开始了近代化的发展,天津也从一个传统的旧式商业城市快速进化为一个近代工商业都市。

    Since opening port , the socioeconomic of Tianjin has begun modern development ; it has also begun a modern city of industry and commerce from a traditional commercial city .