
  • 网络Business Model Analysis
  1. 移动支付商业模式分析

    Mobile Payment Business Model Analysis

  2. 最后,文章提出了湖南粮食物流园区的构建方案,主要包括园区的空间布局、市场功能及经营范围以及商业模式分析三个部分。

    Finally , the paper put forward a program of building Hunan grain logistic park , which mainly contained three parts , that is park space layout , marketing function and operation scope and business model analysis .

  3. 中国电影商业模式分析及实证研究

    Analysis and Demonstration Research on the Business Model of Movies in China

  4. 网络游戏产业链与商业模式分析

    Analysis on the Industrial Chain of Network Game and the Business Model

  5. 无线营销的商业模式分析

    An analysis of the business model of wireless marketing

  6. 因此,对于基于纵向一体化战略的商业模式分析成为首先需要解决的问题。

    Therefore , analysis of business models based on vertical integration strategy to become the first problem to be solved .

  7. 本文就线上B2B网站的商业模式进行分析。

    This article on the Web site of online B2B business models for analysis .

  8. 第四部分是企业的SWOT分析、商业运作模式分析及制定战略目标。

    Part IV : Use SWOT model and organizational business model as analysis tools , make strategic goal .

  9. 通过研究目前较为成功的香港电讯盈科经营IPTV的商业模式,分析国内运营商可以从中获得的启示。

    Through studying PCCW 's successful business mode of IPTV operation , this article analyzes the revelation to domestic telecom carriers .

  10. 韩美手机电视商业运营模式分析

    An Analysis on the Business Models of Mobile TV in South Korea and America

  11. 在建立商业模式基本分析架构的基础上,对商业模式多个方面进行了研究,形成了一个各部分相互关联、层层推进的比较严密的研究体系。

    A framework for analyzing business model is constructed . On the basis of it , some fields of business model are studied .

  12. 本章通过典型的商业模式,分析了第三方支付整合的原因与影响因素。

    Through analysis of the typical business model , this chapter explains the reasons and affecting factors of integration about the third party payment .

  13. 本论文创新点就是将商业模式的分析框架运用于报业,并对其进行深入的分析研究。

    The innovation points of this paper is to use the analysis framework of the business model on the press , and in-depth analysis and research of it .

  14. 讨论了图书馆信息资源管理的馆藏模式、服务模式和商业模式,分析了它们各自的特点,形成和发展的过程及趋势。

    ? This article discusses the library information resource management modes which are library mode , service mode and commerce mode , and analyses their characteristics , process and trend .

  15. 同时根据对号码百事通商业模式的分析,提出了无锡电信号码百事通业务今后的发展方向和思路。

    At the same time , according to knowledgeable person on the number of business models , put forward a number Wuxi know all the telecommunications business in the future development direction and ideas .

  16. 进而,提出商业模式的分析框架,认为商业模式由价值主张、价值支撑和价值保持三部分组成,并辅之以大量案例进行说明。

    Furthermore , the proposed business model analytical framework that the business model is formed by three components & the value proposition , the value of support and the value of maintain , supported by a large number of cases of note .

  17. 第三部分主要是针对企业商业经营模式进行分析和创新。

    Part 3 mainly aims at operational mode and its innovation ;

  18. 接着基于价值链理论对安利(中国)的商业模式进行了分析,主要从供应商价值链、企业价值链、渠道价值链和顾客价值链方面着手分析的。

    Then , it is the analysis of the business model of Amway ( China ) on account of value chain theory .

  19. 由此构建了企业社会资本对资源开发型商业模式创新的分析框架,在此基础上,对企业如何改进商业模式创新提出建议,对促进企业健康发展具有一定的参考价值。

    Thus construct the analytical framework of corporate social capital resource development business model innovation , on this basis , recommendations on how to improve the business model innovation , promote the healthy development of enterprises with a certain reference value .

  20. 同时结合对基于SNS的网络教育商业运营模式的需求分析,构想出运营模式的理论模型。

    Combined with the needs analysis of SNS-based online education business model , ideas the theoretical model of the operation mode .

  21. 第四部分主要分析CMMB的商业模式,及利用分析模型,找出CMMB遇到的机遇与挑战。

    The fourth part mainly discusses the business model of CMMB , finding out the opportunities and challenges of CMMB by analyzing the model .

  22. 本文总结了移动终端产业的发展概况,通过对移动终端企业商业模式运行状况的分析,本文得出了从模块化视角分析移动终端企业商业模式的结论。

    This paper summarizes the development situation of the mobile terminal industry .

  23. 商业负荷典型供电模式分析

    The Analysis of Typical Supply Pattern of Commercial Load

  24. 本计划书包括了:项目背景介绍、战略分析、商业模式介绍和财务分析几方面内容。

    The proposal consist of four part : background presentation , strategy analysing , business model and financing analysing .

  25. 运用专题研究法,对第8届全国大学生羽毛球锦标赛的成功商业运作模式进行了分析与研究。

    The successful industrialization operation mode of the 8th College Badminton Championship was analyzed with adoption of special topic study method .

  26. 本文从宽带业务的特点开始,对发展宽带业务的各种角色进行了分析,然后初步构思了一种发展宽带业务的商业模式,最后简单分析了在此商业模式下各种宽带业务的经营方式。

    After a discussion on the special fea - tures of broadband service and the participants in the service , this essay conceives preliminarily a business model for developing broadband service and analyses briefly the operational methods of vari - ous broad band services .

  27. 随后,重点分析了企业层面和商业模式层面各维度的创新,建立了基于BOP资源开发情景的企业+商业模式二维创新理论分析模型。

    Subsequently , focusing on the innovation of enterprise and business model , the article establishes a " corporate-business model " two-dimensional innovative theoretical analysis model .

  28. 然后,提出了商业模式的定义和组成要素,构建了一个与价值网理论相结合的商业模式的基本分析框架。

    The current research on value network is summarized from definitions , components , representation tools , model of value network . Then , the definition and components of business model are put forward to form aBasic framework that is associated with value net .