
  • 网络Analytics;business analysis;business analytics;Business analyst
  1. IBM全球商业分析和优化主管弗雷德•巴尔博尼(FredBalboni)强调,多元化“深入IBM的基因之中,因为它有助于带来创新。”

    Fred Balboni , IBM 's global leader for business analytics and optimisation , stresses that diversity is " deep in the DNA of IBM because it creates innovation . "

  2. 珍妮丝•哈蒙德将执教商业分析课,她曾经在哈佛商学院向那些未来的诗人们(即没有雄厚数学背景的学生)传授MBA预备项目的基础知识。

    Janice Hammond , who has taught pre-MBA boot camps to incoming poets ( those without significant math backgrounds ) at HBS , is teaching the course on business analytics .

  3. 基于Web信息挖掘的商业分析系统设计

    Design of commercial analysis system based on web information mining

  4. 而分析型CRM旨在增加CRM系统的商业分析与辅助决策能力。

    Analytical CRM aims at increasing system 's commercial analysis and aid decision ability .

  5. 如果目标是保证更多的时间用于商业分析或政治控制,那么用RUP没什么用。

    If an aim is to secure more time for business analysis or political maneuvering , it has little to do with RUP .

  6. 我们正在开发的项目都有更长远的眼光,不管是海量数据、商业分析、还是超级计算机沃森(Watson)的商业化。

    We are absolutely working on things that are longer term there , whether that 's big data , analytics , the commercialization of Watson .

  7. 如果在初始阶段,甚至在项目开始之前,项目团队中有各种商业分析人员,那么在初始阶段Scrum也是很有益的。

    If the project team consists of various business analysts in Inception or even prior to the start of the software project , Scrum can also be beneficial during Inception .

  8. HBX平台上的第一个课程项目名为Core(CredentialofReadiness,意为准备就绪证书),包括商业分析、会计和管理经济学三门课,由哈佛商学院的老师授课。

    The first HBX course programme , called Credential of Readiness ( Core ), consists of three courses on business analytics , accounting and management economics , and is taught by HBS faculty .

  9. HBX平台上的第一个课程项目名为“Core”(CredentialofReadiness,意为“准备就绪证书”),包括商业分析、会计和管理经济学三门课,由哈佛商学院的老师授课。

    The first HBX course programme , called Credential of Readiness ( Core ) , consists of three courses on business analytics , accounting and management economics , and is taught by HBS faculty .

  10. 它的毕马威高级商业分析中心(KPMGCentreforAdvancedBusinessAnalytics)得到毕马威2000万英镑资金的支持,而四面墙上全都是显示器的数据观测中心(DataObservatory)旨在让数据可视化,以鼓励产生新的洞见。

    Its KPMG Centre for Advanced Business Analytics is underpinned by £ 20m of funding from the advisory firm and its Data Observatory , featuring an enveloping circular wall of monitors , is intended to enable visualisation of data in ways to help encourage new insights .

  11. 参加这个MBA预备项目的学生将在线学习三门课程:商业分析、管理经济学和财务会计。授课老师都是任教于哈佛商学院MBA项目的全职、终身和特聘教授。

    Students who enroll in the pre-MBA program will take a trio of online classes business analytics , economics for managers , and financial accounting all taught by full-time , tenured , and endowed professors at Harvard Business School who have taught in the MBA program .

  12. 许多报告生成文件包也可用于处理WebDAV模式文件,包括开源包(例如AWStats)和商业分析包。

    A number of report-generation packages are available to process the WebDAV format file , including open source packages ( such as AWStats ) and commercial analysis packages .

  13. 2005年,戴维·格林(DavidGreene)辞去北卡罗莱纳州卡里市商业分析软件公司SAS的客户经理职务,在一位朋友与人共同成立的一家数字成像公司当上了副总裁,希望在这家初创公司将自己的摄影技能派上用场。

    David Greene quit his job as an account executive at SAS , a Cary , N.C. , maker of business-analytics software , in 2005 to become vice president of a digital-imaging startup co-founded by a friend , where he hoped to use his skills as a photographer .

  14. 可以以多种方式在商业分析系统中使用商业规则。

    Business rules can be used in business analytic systems in various ways .

  15. 能够激励下属,有开拓精神,良好的商业分析能力,思维开阔。

    Good motivator , strong can-do attitude , good business analysis ability , open-minded .

  16. 接下来是商业分析。

    The next section is the Business Analysis .

  17. ⑵第二节关于保险产品设计与开发中,主要着力点是财务管理在商业分析中的运用。

    Second , it is about business operation in insurance product design and development .

  18. 商业分析系统还处理尚未储存的实时流数据。

    Business analytic systems also process real-time streaming data that has not yet been stored .

  19. 商业分析的目标是得出更加明智的决策,以提供更有盈利能力的更强大的结果。

    The goal is to make smarter decisions that lead to better and more profitable outcomes .

  20. 什么是商业分析方法?

    What is business analytics ?

  21. 最后对挖掘结果的关联规则进行了商业分析,取得了令人满意的效果。

    At last , the mining results has been analyzed based on the business and achieve a satisfactory effect .

  22. 由香港大专商学生联会主办,让同学尝试进行商业分析及策略建议。

    The Business Administration Paper competition is an annual event hosted by The Hong Kong Federation of Business Students .

  23. 很明显,在商业分析的潜力和现实的业务分析之间还存在着很大的差距。

    It is clear that a gap exists between the potential of business analytics and the realities of business analysis .

  24. 尽管集成了数据和有了功能强大的工具,大多数商业分析仍然是由当地的数据加载到简单的试算表。

    Despite integrated data and powerful tools , most business analysis is performed by loading local data into simple spreadsheets .

  25. 商业分析不是独立的产品或技术,而是需要许多产品共同支持的技术领域。

    Business analytics is not a single product or technology , but a technology domain that requires many products to interoperate .

  26. 你可以利用在商业分析报告中获得的用户信息,来创建“人物角色”。

    Because certain information about users is often identified through business analysis , you can make use of it to create personas .

  27. 商业分析方法指的是对数据进行分析和整理,并以准时、便捷的方式提供有意义的商业信息。

    Business analytics refers to the analysis and organization of data and the delivery of meaningful business information on time and in convenient forms .

  28. 诸如饼分图和条形统计图等视觉辅助工具也是如此,在默克公司担任商业分析部门主管的帕特里克•摩尔最喜欢这类工具。

    So are visual aids like pie charts and bar graphs , a favorite tool of Patrick Moore , who heads the commercial Analytics Group at Merck .

  29. 这种非结构化类型的数据的增长势头有增无减,因此高效地处理它对于商业分析处理系统的持续成功至关重要。

    This type of unstructured data continues to grow unabated , making the efficient processing of it critical to the continued success of business analytic processing systems .

  30. 尽管商业分析系统面临数据量、数据类型和处理速度的挑战,但在克服这些挑战方面也取得了巨大的进步。

    While the amount , speed , and type of data are all challenges facing business analytic systems , great strides are being made in addressing these issues .