
  • 网络Trade Dress
  1. 具体包括(1)商业外观的概念:商业外观是一个外来语,产生于美国TradeDress一词。

    Including ( 1 ) the concept of trade dress : trade dress is a foreign language , produced in the United States " Trade Dress " word .

  2. 因此,对于商业外观的保护十分复杂。

    Therefore , the protection of trade dress is very complicated .

  3. 商业外观译自英语中的TradeDress,作为现代商业竞争的一种新要素,西方许多国家对商业外观都提供了相应的知识产权保护。

    As a new factor of modern commercial competition , many western countries has given the protection of intellectual property to trade dress .

  4. 商业外观知识产权法保护的基本模式。

    The basic model in trade dress protection of intellectual property law .

  5. 论商业外观的《反不正当竞争法》调整

    About the Adjustment of Trade Dress through the Law against Unfair Competition

  6. 论现行商业外观保护模式的局限性及其完善

    On the Limitations and Proposals of Existing Model for Protecting Trade Dress

  7. 最初,商业外观仅指商品的标签或产品包装。

    Initially , the term trade dress signifies the labeling or packaging of a product .

  8. 产品的一切外部表现实际上都体现为商业外观。

    All characteristics of the visual appearance of a product are actually reflected in trade dress .

  9. 笔者剖析分析了造成部门法律难以全面保护商业外观的根源。

    The author illustrates the reasons why Chinese current laws are difficult to fully protect trade dress .

  10. 其次,商业外观的专利法保护,需要具备新颖性并经过专利授权。

    Second , the trade dress of patent law protection , need to have novelty and after licensing .

  11. 此外,餐厅的布置或特定的销售技巧也可能指示来源,从而就涉及到商业外观的保护。

    Also , restaurant decor or particular sales techniques may function as source-identifier and thus invoke trade dress protection .

  12. 从我国法律现状来看,并没有将商业外观作为一类独立的客体加以保护。

    Judging from ours existing laws , the trade dress has not to be protected as a independent object .

  13. 接着介绍了商业外观所具有的三种功能:基本功能、促销功能和来源标识功能,并以来源标识功能为基础分析了法律保护商业外观的必要性,为后文保护条件的探讨奠定基础。

    Then it introduces the three functions of trade dress : basic function , promotion function and source identification function .

  14. 这几部法律能从不同角度对某些类型的商业外观加以保护,但是每部法律都有其自身的局限性。

    These laws protect certain types of trade dress from different perspectives , but each law has its own limitations .

  15. 现在国际上对商业外观的保护模式主要由两种:商标法模式和反不正当竞争法模式。

    Now tie international community protects trade dress mainly by two modes : Trademark law mode and Anti-unfair competition law mode .

  16. 再次,商业外观成为商标法保护的对象必须符合商标的显著性和非功能性的基本要求。

    Again , trademark law to protect trade dress as an object must meet the mark significant and non-functional basic requirements .

  17. 由于这些局限的存在,学界普遍认为需要完善商业外观的保护。

    Because of the existing limitation , academics generally believe that it is needed to improve the protection of the trade dress .

  18. 第一章为商业外观的概述,主要分析了商业外观的定义、内容和法律特征,并把商业外观和其他类似的知识产权作了比较。

    Chapter I mainly describes the definition , content and legal characteristics , and compares trade dress with other similar intellectual property rights .

  19. 第二章从法经济学和商业外观市场功能的角度分析了商业外观的可保护性和保护的必要性。

    Chapter II discusses the possibility and the necessity of trade dress protection from the aspect of the law and economics and marketing function .

  20. 专利法对商业外观的保护限于将商业外观通过专利申请的方式,转化为专利产品获得保护。

    Patent law on trade dress protection is limited to business method patent applications by the appearance , into a patented product be protected .

  21. 案中裁定,分散的要素也可能构成受保护的商业外观;必须整体考虑那些构成要素的视觉效果。

    Protectable trade dressmay be found in any combination of discrete elements and the visual impact ofthose elements must be considered as a whole .

  22. 本部分主要是通过对商业外观基本情况进行梳理,为下文的讨论打下基础。从理论上分析了商业外观法律保护的根本属性和意义。

    This part set the stage for the following discussion and then analyzes the nature and importance of legal protection of trade dress in theory .

  23. 笔者提出建议以加强我们对商业外观的保护水平,消除企业之间的商业外观纠纷。

    The author aims to come up with suggestions to enhance our protection level of trade dress and to eliminate disputes about trade dress between enterprises .

  24. 但更多的商业外观不能够受到知识产权特别法的保护,本文着重探讨对这些商业外观的保护问题。

    However , more trade dress cannot be protected by Intellectual Property Law in particular . The paper focuses on the protection of such trade dress .

  25. 商业外观的反不正当竞争法保护,我国反不正当竞争法也将知名商品的包装和装潢作为商业外观的一种进行保护。

    Trade dress protection against unfair competition , anti-unfair competition law in China will be well-known product packaging and decorating as a business to protect the appearance .

  26. 在讨论商标法保护模式时,是以美国为代表阐述的,从美国商业外观的发展史入手,分析了现在美国商业外观知识产权保护的依据和条件。

    The USA is the typical country using trademark law mode . From the history of American trade dress development , it makes detail analysis for specific conditions .

  27. 满足特定条件的商业外观可以作为商标、外观设计或者美术作品,从而相应的受到《商标法》、《专利法》以及《著作权法》的保护。

    Trade dress with specific criteria can be used as trademarks , designs or works of art may be protected by the Trademark Law , Patent Law and Copyright Law .

  28. 商业外观包含的内容极广,除了产品的包装、外形外,还包括店铺整体的装潢风格,甚至是特别的营销手段。

    Trade dress contains a wide range of elements , in addition to product packaging , shape , also includes shops overall decorating style , and even special marketing tools .

  29. 本部分总结了中国有关商业外观的法律保护,其中包括《反不正当竞争法》《商标法》《著作权法》和《专利法》。

    This section summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of those Chinese laws that can protect trade dress , including the Copyright Law , Patent Law , Trademark Law and Unfair Competition Law .

  30. 其中先讨论了我国现有法律对商业外观的保护现状,介绍了法律依据以及保护条件并分析了现有法律的局限性。

    At first , it consists of the current law on the protection of the trade dress , introducing the legal basis and protected conditions , and analyzing the shortage of the protection .