
tán pàn pò liè
  • breakdown of negotiation
  1. 谈判破裂意味着和平进程暂时受阻。

    The breakdown in talks represents a temporary setback in the peace process .

  2. 劳资双方就假日工资的谈判破裂了。

    Talks between management and workers broke down over the issue of holiday pay .

  3. 昨晚与商界领导人的谈判破裂了。

    Talks with business leaders broke down last night

  4. 如果这一轮谈判破裂了,世界贸易环境可能会变得越来越糟糕。

    If this round of talks fails , the world 's trading environment is likely to become increasingly hostile .

  5. 因一方拒绝按章办事,谈判破裂了。

    The negotiation broke down because one side refused to play the game .

  6. 谈判破裂了。

    The negotiations broke down .

  7. 由于就全球气候变化的谈判破裂,通过这种方式来为REDD集资前景堪忧

    With global climate-change negotiations foundering , the prospects of raising cash for REDD that way look poor .

  8. 不过,在本月雅虎与谷歌(Google)的搜索业务交易谈判破裂那一刻,雅虎的不祥之兆已经显现。

    Yet the writing was on the wall at Yahoo the moment a search deal with Google collapsed this month .

  9. 如果谈判破裂,胜诉方可向DSB提出报复申请;

    The winning party apply for retaliation ;

  10. 首先,它们全都希望加入一个初具雏形的贸易协定,即《跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定》(TPP),这是自世贸组织(WTO)多哈回合谈判破裂以来自由贸易舞台上上演的最大一出戏。

    First , they all hope to join a nascent trade agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership , the biggest game in free-trade town since the collapse of the Doha round of World Trade Organisation talks .

  11. 相关报道表明,惠普和EMC谈判破裂,是因为担心无法获得股东支持,双方无法就合并的财务条款达成一致。

    Reports suggest that deal talks between HP and EMC fell apart due to concerns over shareholder support as well as the companies ' inability to reach an agreement on financial terms of a potential deal .

  12. 这位28岁的男人是周二在图像搜索发布会上这么做的,当他公开描述了与谷歌的一种更广泛的战略分歧,并首次透露为什么Facebook与该搜索巨头在隐私方面的谈判破裂。

    The 28-year-old man did so on Tuesday , at the launch of Graph Search , when he openly described a wider strategic rift with Google and revealed for the first time why negotiations between Facebook and the search giant broke down over privacy .

  13. 这位28岁的男人是周二在图像搜索发布会上这么做的,当他公开描述了与谷歌的一种“更广泛的战略分歧”,并首次透露为什么Facebook与该搜索巨头在隐私方面的谈判破裂。

    The 28-year-old man did so on Tuesday , at the launch of Graph Search , when he openly described a " wider strategic rift " with Google and revealed for the first time why negotiations between Facebook and the search giant broke down over privacy .

  14. 不过,尽管过去欧盟(EU)和美国私下(或者公开)都想把世界贸易谈判破裂归咎于对方,但这次它们却站在了同一条战线上&转而指责发展中国家。

    But whereas trade negotiators from the European Union and US have in the past sought privately - and not so privately - to pin the blame on each other for breakdowns in world trade negotiations , this time they found themselves in agreement - instead blaming the developing countries .

  15. 谈判破裂,烽火再起。

    The flames of war went on when the negotiation broke down .

  16. 谈判破裂就该亮出武力了。

    It 's time to ditch the negotiation and start the violence .

  17. 谈判破裂了,我爷爷跟骑兵们作战。

    The broken treaties , my grandpa fighting the cavalry .

  18. 由于不能达成共识,谈判破裂了。

    The negotiation collapsed when no agreement could be reached .

  19. 然而,奖金和信息披露方面的分歧导致谈判破裂。

    However , talks broke down over issues including bonuses and disclosure .

  20. 谈判破裂的时候他正从洛杉矶飞过来。

    He was flying from Los Angels when negotiations collasped .

  21. 这家网站报道说,罗女士与她的老板张先生就此问题的谈判破裂。

    Her efforts in negotiations with Zhang failed , reported the web site .

  22. 这就是谈判破裂的原因。

    That is why the talks broke down .

  23. 工会的不妥协态度被指责造成谈判破裂。

    The collapse of the talks is being blamed on the umion 's intransigence .

  24. 奥巴马政府表示,如果谈判破裂,国会可以随时采取行动。

    The administration says Congress can always act if talks were to break down .

  25. 万一谈判破裂,怎么办?

    How did the negotiations break down ?

  26. 会谈了几次之后,谈判破裂了。

    The negotiations collapsed after several meetings .

  27. 她生下孩子后不久便死了。昨晚与商界领导人的谈判破裂了。

    She died shortly after giving birth Talks with business leaders broke down last night .

  28. 十二月,谈判破裂。

    In December negotiations broke down .

  29. 南苏丹与苏丹在输油和管道费用问题上的谈判破裂后,南苏丹暂停生产石油。

    Production was halted when talks with Khartoum over transit and pipeline fees broke down in February .

  30. 此举表明,如果谈判破裂,它们打算向现货市场发货。

    That move signalled their intention to move shipments into the spot market if the negotiations failed .