
  1. 课堂讲稿的部分包含了进行谈判角色扮演模拟的说明,以及课堂练习的讨论问题或是教员笔记。

    The lecture notes section includes full instructions for role-play simulations , and class exercises with discussion questions or instructor 's notes .

  2. 推销谈判课程中角色扮演的应用

    The Application of Role - play in the Course of Selling and Negotiation

  3. 美国在失败的多哈回合贸易谈判中的角色,说明它已丧失了领导地位。

    The US role in the failed Doha trade talks illustrates the collapse of American leadership .

  4. 弗罗曼指出,ITA是对中国及其在其他双边和诸边谈判中所扮演角色的一个考验,这些谈判已成为美国贸易战略的重要组成部分。

    Mr Froman has pointed to the ITA as a test for China and its role in other bilateral and plurilateral negotiations which have become key components of US trade strategy .

  5. 多数人提到他2001年在中途夭折的瑞士航空(Swiss-air)拯救谈判中扮演的角色。

    Most refer to his role in the abortive 2001 talks to save Swiss-air , Switzerland 's cherished national airline .

  6. 美印民用核合作谈判中首席谈判者角色分析

    An Analysis of Role of Chief Negotiators in US-Indian Civilian Nuclear Negotiations

  7. 对集体谈判中政府的角色定位的认识

    Understanding of Government 's Role in Group Negotiation

  8. 对于中国在所举行的旨在说服朝鲜放弃(核)计划的谈判中扮演的角色,美国给予了肯定。

    America has praised China'srole in hosting talks aimed at persuading North Korea to abandon its projects .

  9. 它未能在重启多哈回合谈判中扮演领导角色,也未能完成布什政府协商的自由贸易协定。

    It has failed to play a leadership role reviving the Doha trade talks , and has failed to complete the free trade agreements negotiated by the Bush administration .

  10. 但他也强调了中国的立场,即发达国家必须在下周于哥本哈根召开的气候谈判中扮演领导角色,而且必须在资金和技术方面对中国这样的发展中国家给予支援,帮助它们解决全球变暖的问题。

    But he stressed China 's position that developed countries must lead the way in climate talks that start next week in Copenhagen , and must provide finance and technology to developing countries like China , to help them tackle global warming .

  11. 他在与微软失败的收购谈判中扮演的角色,以及后来参与安排私人股本投资于雅虎,使一些不满的投资者质疑,他更关心的是他对雅虎的影响力,而不是股东回报。

    His role in the failed negotiations over a Microsoft takeover , along with his involvement more recently in trying to arrange private equity investment in the company , left some unhappy investors questioning whether he was more concerned about his influence over Yahoo than rewarding shareholders .