
  1. 给出了确定谈判方案的基于谈判对手不完全偏好信息的局部搜索算法,以及基于论证理论的论据评价、产生以及选择方法。

    Local searching algorithm using incomplete preference information of negotiation opponents is proposed to determine concrete negotiation offers .

  2. 谈判方案和我方提出的建议文本应符合已批准的项目建议书的内容。

    The negotiation program and the proposal documents produced by the Chinese party shall comply with the contents of the approved project proposal .

  3. 模型中产生谈判方案的算法的自适应性体现在问题权重、遗传参数和收益偏差的动态调整上,给出了问题实数编码和权重调整公式。

    The self-adaptive property of algorithm producing negotiation schemes in model embodies in adjustment dynamically on issue weight , genetic parameter and bias of gains , and gives the formulas of issue weight adjustment and real encoding .

  4. 一个个家庭,经过与政府谈判补助方案后离开,老社区的一切随风而逝,新阶段的上海梦在此诞生。

    One by one , families , after negotiating their compensations from governments , left and entire communities scattered to the winds to live out the next stage of their Shanghai dream .

  5. 一种基于GA的自动谈判问题解决方案谈判宝典&避实就虚

    A Solution Based on GA for Automatic Negotiation Negotiation skill strike the weak point

  6. 但欧盟案的前景在今年8月出现变数,因为德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)在当月访华时表示,她更希望通过谈判达成解决方案。

    But the future of the EU case was clouded in August when Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor , said on a trip to China that she would prefer a negotiated solution .

  7. 谈判?具体方案是什么?

    Is there any specific formula to that end ?

  8. 我们有时间做到这一点,如果我们能够通过谈判找到解决方案,那会更好。

    We have time for that , and it would be better if we could find a solution through talks .

  9. 俄罗斯表示将对美国就乌克兰危机提出的通过谈判达成解决方案的计划制订出反提案。

    Russia says it 's putting together counter proposals to US plan for a negotiated solution to the Ukraine crisis .

  10. 知情人士表示,加拿大工业部和必和必拓正就制定相关方案进行最后阶段的谈判,该方案旨在展示这起交易对加拿大的好处。

    According to people familiar with the matter , the industry department and BHP are in the final stages of negotiating a package designed to demonstrate the merits of a deal to Canada .

  11. 这三种方法包括,一是坚持由直接当事方通过协商谈判达成解决方案;二是继续落实《南海各方行为宣言》;三是积极探索“共同开发”。

    They include reaching agreement through consultation and negotiation between direct parties concerned , continuing to implement the Declaration of the Conduct of the South China Sea and searching for ways of common exploitation .

  12. 根据一项将在今年的哥本哈根气候谈判上决定的方案,发展中国家将因为减少来自伐林和林地退化的碳排放(REDD)而获得补偿。

    Developing countries will be paid for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation ( REDD ) in a scheme to be finalised at this year 's climate negotiations in Copenhagen .

  13. 通信设计的目标是要为电子谈判媒体的逻辑空间定义电子谈判方案模型。

    The goal of the communication design is to define electronic negotiation scenario models for the logic space of an electronic negotiation medium .

  14. 曾参加与利比亚密使谈判的一名外交官称,国际联盟距离一个谈判达成的解决方案“更近了一些,但还不够近”。

    According to one diplomat involved in negotiations with intermediaries from Tripoli , the coalition was " closer but not close enough " to a negotiated solution .

  15. 人质谈判中的风险评估就是指当警方赶到人质劫持现场后,在展开谈判工作和设计谈判方案前,指挥者对此次劫持事件做一个基本的风险评估。

    Risk evaluation in hostage negotiation refers to the basic assessment to the real situation before the actual negotiation and scheme design when the police reach the spot of hostage kidnapping .