
  1. 格林:决定将达成长期协议和谈判的期限延长几个月,这意味着什么?

    GREENE : So this decision to delay a long-term agreement and keep talking over a period of months , what does that mean ?

  2. 8月2日是债务谈判的最后期限。

    August 2 is the deadline to reach an agreement .

  3. 奥巴马面临着与伊朗完成由美国主导的核谈判的最后期限。

    Mr Obama faces a deadline to conclude US-led talks with Iran .

  4. 本周各方延长了核协议谈判的最后期限。

    A talks deadline was extended this week .

  5. 伊朗核问题全面协议谈判的新期限达成。

    A new deadline has been set for the completion of an Iranian nuclear deal .

  6. 白宫官方声称,总统的日程安排已经被与国会领导人谈判债务的期限排满。

    White House officials said the president 's schedule had been occupied with debt-limit negotiations with congressional leaders .

  7. 据已发布的报道称,各方已经初步同意延长谈判的最终期限。

    According to some published reports , the sides have tentatively agreed to extend talks past that deadline .

  8. 下个月是巴以双方建立的和平谈判框架的截止期限。

    The two are meeting ahead of next month 's deadline for creating a framework for peace negotiations with Israel .

  9. 数个月以来谈判人员一直致力于达成一份长期协议,现在他们就延长临时协议期限与谈判期限达成一致。

    But after months of talks to craft a long-term agreement , negotiators have agreed instead to just extend the temporary deal and keep talking .

  10. 但随着谈判的拖延,全球铁矿石现货价格开始攀升,矿业公司拒绝让步,导致谈判过了最后期限。

    But as talks dragged on and world spot iron-ore prices began to rise , the miners refused to budge and the deadline passed .