
  1. 自农产品贸易纳入WTO谈判议程以来,农产品的市场准入就成为谈判的重要内容之一。

    Since WTO negotiation included agricultural products trade . Market access for agricultural products has become an important part of the negotiations .

  2. 比如,如果知识产权也列入谈判议程,富国为了其农民的利益,也可能不会让谈判破裂。

    Had IP rights still been on the table , for example , it is harder to imagine rich countries allowing talks to fail on behalf of their farmers .

  3. 按照全球化的要求,我们的国际主义需要超越有事时的短暂团结,而置于组织和谈判议程的中心位置,要做到这一点,我们还需要做出一些艰难的决定。

    We have some difficult decisions to make if our internationalism is to go beyond the episodic provision of solidarity when it is needed and placed centre-stage of the organising and bargaining agenda , as globalisation demands .

  4. 利用生物炭写在了将于今年12月在丹麦哥本哈根举行的国际气候变化谈判的议程草案上。

    The use of biochar is on the draft agenda for the international climate change negotiations in Copenhagen in December .

  5. 随着二十世纪七十年代各国服务业的迅速发展和国际间服务贸易不断扩大,服务贸易在世界经济和贸易的发展中发挥了重要的作用,国际服务贸易也被纳入多边贸易谈判的议程中。

    With the rapid development of international service industry and intra-national service trade in 1970s , service trade plays very important role in the development of international economy and service and is included in the schedule of multi-trade negotiation .

  6. 全面谈判进程的总议程和时间表

    General Agenda and Timetable for the Comprehensive Negotiating Process

  7. 他说,各方的商谈进展顺利,伊朗希望各方能尽快就核谈判的日期和议程达成一致。

    " The negotiation between the sides is moving well * and we hope that the agreements on the date and agenda ( of the talks ) will be reached soon ," he said .