
  1. 基于辩论的Agent谈判中威胁及其评价的形式化模型

    Formal models of threat and its evaluation in argumentation-based negotiation of Agent

  2. 而在博弈的过程中,参与主体为了能获得更多的收入往往会采取类似谈判、威胁的手段。

    In the game process in order to get more income , the means of threat will be taken to .

  3. 在去年12月的关键时刻,高盛退出了谈判,并威胁称,自己将以更高的报价来收购三洋。

    At the crucial point last December , Goldman walked out of the negotiations and threatened to make its own , higher bid .

  4. 由于资本累积效应的存在,欠发达的县(市)可能会通过第1期的市场分割进行独立发展来提高第2期谈判中的威胁点,从而在谈判中获得更高份额的分工收益。

    Due to the capital accumulation effect , poor counties can improve negotiations of threat points in period 2 to gain more benefits through developing solely in period 1 .

  5. 昨夜,世界三大矿业巨头与中国钢铁制造商展开紧张的铁矿石供应谈判。力拓威胁称,如果今天不能达成协议,就将在现货市场销售铁矿石。

    The world 's biggest miners were last night locked in tense talks with Chinese steelmakers over a new iron ore supply deal , with Rio Tinto threatening to sell the ore into spot markets should no agreement be struck today .