
  • 网络Negotiation phase
  1. 其次,这项在布鲁塞尔凌晨达成的协议,实际上只是与欧洲议会谈判阶段的开端,它并不是最终协议。

    Second , the agreement reached in the early hours of the morning in Brussels is in fact just the start of a negotiation phase with the parliament not a final deal in itself .

  2. 将会出现迫切地想要进入谈判阶段的强烈动机。

    There will be a strong incentive to enter into a process of negotiation

  3. 苹果(Apple)、三星(Samsung)已就与电信业其他同行一道推出电子SIM卡进入深入谈判阶段。此举可能会从根本上改变消费者与移动运营商签约的方式。

    Apple and Samsung are in advanced talks to join the rest of the telecoms industry to launch electronic Sim cards , in a move could fundamentally change how consumers sign up to mobile operators .

  4. 在集中谈判阶段,中美的语用习惯是截然不同的。

    In integrative bargaining stage , pragmatic habits are totally different .

  5. 决策阶段为了贯彻无损权利原则,人和事都应独立于行政处罚机构和谈判阶段。

    In order to implement principle of without prejudice , decision-making should make sure staff and institutions wholly separate of administrative penalties and negotiation .

  6. 荷兰银行高管昨晚同意与巴克莱进入排他性谈判阶段,此前双方在上周末进行了深入商讨。

    ABN AMRO executives last night agreed to enter into a period of exclusive negotiations with Barclays , after intensive discussions over the weekend .

  7. 了解双方磋商的知情人士警告说,尽管该磋商已处于深入谈判阶段,这一并购交易仍有可能失败。

    People briefed about the Nokia-Alcatel negotiations warned that although the talks were at an advanced stage a deal could still fall a part .

  8. 在不对称信息的谈判阶段,存在惟一议价均衡,该均衡包含重新确定的价格和质量标准。此均衡将实现对称信息下地分配效率&系统最优。

    In the bargaining stage with asymmetric information , there exists a unique equilibrium made up of re-decided price and qualities , which implement allocation efficiency .

  9. 美国负责南亚事务的助理国务卿鲍彻说,这些行动显示,南亚区域合作联盟已经超越了谈判阶段。

    The U.S. assistant secretary of state for the region , Richard Boucher , says such moves demonstrate the regional group is moving beyond the talking stage .

  10. 首轮谈判阶段的设计,目的在于要让测试对象完全上当,拿不到他们以为自己能赢得的40美元。

    The first bargaining session was rigged so that the test subjects were , in effect , cheated out of $ 40 they had thought they could win .

  11. 从这个角度你会找到一个生财之道如果你正处于谈判阶段的话双方也会达成很好的妥协,总之就是这个月你能办到的。

    It will be up to you to find a way to make money from this aspect and to find good compromises if negotiating , but the point is , this month , you can !

  12. 波拉门表示,这四个国家都很大,但他不会在目前的谈判阶段指出他们是谁,因为使用纳税人的钱来购买保险,对亚洲来说,将会是一个重大的观念变化。

    Mr Bollmann said the four countries were large , but he would not name them at this stage in the negotiations since this would be a very significant conceptual change for Asia – using taxpayers ' money for insurance .

  13. 他表示,一桩交易要想获得批准,最关键的是要在交易谈判初期阶段解决潜在的安全问题。

    The most crucial aspect of getting a transaction approved , he says , is addressing potential security concerns in the early stage of deal negotiations .

  14. 以言语行为理论为基础,讨论了跨文化谈判各阶段言语行为的构成,即概说导入、明示需求、讨价还价、打破僵局、妥协让步以及达成协议等阶段的言语行为。

    Based on speech act theory , this paper mainly discusses the composition and expression of speech acts at different stages of negotiation , namely speech acts in gracefully starting , persuasively subject turning , tactfully bargaining , deadlock breaking , rationally concession and successfully agreement conclusion .

  15. 谈判进入微妙阶段。

    The negotiations have entered a delicate stage .

  16. 目前,日韩FTA协定已进入了双边谈判的关键阶段。

    Currently , the agreement of Japan-Korea FTA has already come to the key stage of the bilateral negotiation .

  17. 通过对FW公司项目采购谈判三个阶段的分析,发现采购流程中问题的根源,找出解决与供应商采购谈判方法,并在此基础上提出改进措施和建议,从而为FW公司采购管理水平的提升出谋划策。

    FW company project procurement negotiations are the three stages of analysis , origin of problems and corresponding improvement measures and recommendations on that basis , thus contributing to FW companies purchasing management improving the standard of advice .

  18. 这家在布鲁塞尔上市的工业控股公司昨日首次确认,与通用之间的谈判处于高级阶段。在通用出售欧宝的交易中,RHJ国际一直较为低调。

    The Brussels-listed industrial holding , which has kept a low profile throughout GM 's sale of Opel , confirmed for the first time yesterday that it was at an advanced stage of talks with the US carmaker .

  19. 在这谈判的初始阶段,双方尚十分谨慎。

    At this early stage of the negotiation both side is still feeling their way .

  20. 问题15:该男士所说的谈判的第一阶段是什么?

    Question 15 . What 's the first stage of a negotiation according to the man ?

  21. 谈判还在初级阶段,和格拉泽家族没有联系。

    These discussions are in early stages and no contact has been made with the Glazer Family .

  22. 同时,本文还探讨了商务谈判三个阶段中各个过程的分布趋势。

    Meanwhile , the distributions of process types in three stages of business negotiation are studied in this thesis .

  23. 分析项目设计、谈判、立项阶段的管理工作,完成项目实施进度计划。

    This part analyzes project design , project negotiation , stage management , and makes up the project schedule .

  24. 谈判的准备阶段就是谈判方对情况的实情进行熟悉。

    The preparation stage of a negotiation is where the sides become familiar with the facts of the situation .

  25. 一位知情人士说,麦格理银行与梁伯韬的谈判处于早期阶段。

    One person familiar with the situation said talks between Macquarie and Mr Leung were at an early stage .

  26. 在谈判的筹备阶段,有些国家和地区已踏前一步,提出进展的目标。

    In the run-up to the talks , some countries and regions did step forward with clear offers of progress .

  27. 在磋商阶段,他们精力充沛,能迅速把谈判引向实质阶段。

    In the consultation stage , they are energetic and can rapidly lead to the negotiation stage of the substance .

  28. 在为期两周的年度气候谈判的这个阶段,这种警告往往被视为谈判姿态,而不是真正的威胁。

    Such warnings are often seen as negotiating stances rather than real threats at this stage of the annual two-week climate talks .

  29. 在谈判的最后阶段,河内以范文同的名义向尼克松总统发来了最重要的信件。

    In the last stages negotiation it was Pham Van Dong in whose name the most important communications from Hanoi were addressed to President nixon .

  30. 因此,本文针对一对多合同谈判的各个阶段,提出基于辩论的合同谈判支持系统研究。

    Therefore , aiming at each phases of one-to-many contract negotiation , the paper brings forward the research of contract negotiation support system and argumentation-based decision making .