
  1. 发言人高峰表示,今年以来,中欧双方克服疫情影响,加快谈判节奏。

    Spokesman Gao Feng says that this year , China and the EU have accelerated the pace of negotiations despite the impact of the coronavirus pandemic .

  2. 通过对采购方与供应商、供应商与供应商之间价格博弈研究,提出了采购方要善于控制谈判时间和节奏以及应对供应商进行有限价格激励的观点。

    Through the study of price game between the purchaser and the supplier , the supplier and the supplier , the dissertation proposes that the purchaser should be adept at dominating the negotiation length and tempo , and motivates suppliers with limited price incentives .