
zhōnɡ zhǐ tán pàn
  • suspend negotiations;break off negotiations
  1. 许多评论员将中止谈判看作是大胆行为。

    Ending negotiations was seen as a bold stroke by many commentators .

  2. 我们将中止谈判--那将永远终结北美自由贸易协定。

    we will terminate - that is end NAFTA forever .

  3. 管理部门决定中止谈判。

    The management decided to suspend negotiation .

  4. 肯尼亚政府与反对派之间的谈判已经中止,谈判双方无法就权力分享安排达成一致意见。

    Negotiations between Kenya 's government and the opposition have been suspended .

  5. 安南星期二暂时中止了谈判。他说,谈判在原地踏步。他说他要促使谈判双方的领导人直接谈判,以打破僵局。

    Mr. Annan had suspended the talks Tuesday , saying they were going in circles and that he would engage the two leaders directly to try to break the deadlock .

  6. 肯尼亚政府与反对派之间的谈判已经中止,谈判双方无法就权力分享安排达成一致意见。这项权力分享安排计划旨在打破自去年12月下旬有争议的总统选举以来在全国形成的政治僵局。

    Negotiations between Kenya 's government and the opposition have been suspended . The two sides have been unable to agree on the terms of a power-sharing arrangement to break the political deadlock gripping the country since a disputed presidential election in late December .