
zhōnɡ xīn huì lǜ
  • central exchange rate
  1. 其次,提出按照汇率贬值率等于本国目标通货膨胀率减去国外预期通货膨胀率,并扣除估计的生产率偏差为依据,来适时调整中心汇率的规则。

    Second , the author suggests that the rate of exchange rate depreciation equal targeted domestic inflation rate subtracts foreign expected inflation rate and production rate . In accord with this , the rule of central exchange rate can be timely adjusted .

  2. 有些人认为,在公司的努力,特别是黄金储备中心汇率的更小,更应该更大。

    Some people believe that the central exchange rate in particular gold holdings of the company 's efforts to smaller , more should be greater .

  3. 同时,也有利于该单位的资产管理中心汇率。

    At the same time , is also conducive to the central rate of the flat management assets .

  4. 如设计实证模型来估算货币篮子币种的选择和中心汇率的调整依据,估算各经济体放弃钉住美元制转向区域汇率协调的过渡成本等等。

    For example , more persuasive models should be built to test the construction of currency basket and calibration of central exchange rates and to estimate the transit costs of each economy transits from pegging regimes to regional exchange rates coordination .

  5. 汇率作为开放经济中调节外部经济的中心变量,汇率制度的正确选择对于任何国家都非常重要,不同的国家应该根据自己的国情在不同时期适时调整其选择的汇率制度。

    The proper choice of exchange rate regime is very important for any country because exchange rate as one of key variables plays a very important role in adjusting external economy .

  6. 不过,他此行的中心议程还是汇率改革。在这个问题上,双方似乎都各自重申了以前的立场,保尔森试图说服中国加快改革步伐,而中国方面则表示要谨慎行事,以防发生金融危机。

    But on the central issue on his agenda , currency reform , both sides appear to have restated familiar positions , with Mr Paulson trying to persuade China to move faster , and Beijing pressing its argument for cautious change to prevent financial crises .