
  • 网络REER;the effective exchange rate
  1. 采用制造业部门单位劳动力成本指数(UnitLaborCost,ULC)测算的一国实际有效汇率(REER-ULC)经常被用来衡量该国的国际竞争力状况。

    Unit-Labor-Cost-Based REER is often used to evaluate a country 's International Competitiveness .

  2. 中国转型期实际有效汇率变动与进出口贸易的相关性分析

    The Relationship Analysis between REER Volatility and Import & Export Trade during the Period of Reform and Openness in China

  3. 人民币实际有效汇率错位研究:BEER模型

    The Research of RMB Real Effective Exchange Rate Misalignment : BEER Model

  4. 国际清算银行(BankforInternationalSettlements)的数据显示,从2010年6月至2011年3月,人民币实际有效汇率实际上小幅下降。

    Data from the Bank for International Settlements shows that in the period from June 2010 through March 2011 , the real effective exchange rate has actually depreciated slightly .

  5. 因此,研究人民币实际有效汇率和FDI的变动对重庆市出口贸易的影响,具有了一定的现实意义。

    So , study the impact on change of the real effective exchange rate of RMB to export trade of Chongqing , have realistic meanings .

  6. 文章首先应用国际货币基金组织(IMF)推荐的实际汇率测算方法测算了1978年以来人民币的实际有效汇率,丰富了我国改革开放以来的实际有效汇率数据,有利于今后经济学术界的研究。

    The paper calculates the Real Effective Exchange Rate ( REER ) of RMB from 1978 according to the method that IMF recommends .

  7. 本文采用协整方法分析了人民币实际有效汇率对我国企业进出口行为的影响,进而研究了人民币实际有效汇率、GDP对进出口影响的短期动态调整机制。心排血量(CO);

    This paper analyzed the influence of RMB real effective exchange rate ( REER ) to Chinese enterprises ' import and export activities with a co-integration testing method .

  8. 论劳动教养的错位与刑罚的效能缺失人民币实际有效汇率错位研究:BEER模型

    On the Misfit of Rehabilitation through labor and the Absence of Validity of Punishment ; The Research of RMB Real Effective Exchange Rate Misalignment : BEER Model

  9. 格兰杰因果检验显示人民币实际有效汇率仅为进口集中化的Granger成因,方差分解和脉冲响应函数确认了格兰杰因果检验结果。

    Granger cause shows REER is the cause of only IMCI , Variance Decomposition and Impulse Responses prove the result of Granger .

  10. 进口贸易存在J曲线效应;短期内,出口对实际有效汇率贬值的反应很灵敏,能够迅速做出反应并显示增加趋势。

    In the short term , respondence to the depreciation of real effective exchange rate of exports is very sensitive , reacting quickly and showing an increasing trend .

  11. 然后,基于GARCH模型,测度了人民币实际有效汇率的波动性。

    Then , based on the GARCH model , the thesis measures the volatility of the real effective exchange rate of RMB .

  12. 分析结论显示,人民币实际有效汇率变动、全员劳动生产率与就业量呈显著负相关,GDP、地区平均工资与就业量呈显著正相关。

    Analysis results show that , the RMB real effective exchange rate , labor productivity and employment rate is negatively related to GDP , area , average wage and employment is significantly positive correlation .

  13. 在研究我国遭受反倾销总量的背景下,双边汇率无法反映出人民币与这些对华反倾销国家货币之间的汇率的整体情况,而有效汇率(EffectiveExchangeRate,EER)则弥补了上述缺陷。

    In the study of the total anti-dumping amount against China , the bilateral exchange rate does not reflect the exchange rate between RMB and the currencies of these countries anti-dumping against China , but the effective exchange rate makes up for the shortcoming .

  14. 自1995年以来,无论是按照CPI还是EPI计算的人民币实际有效汇率,人民币币值一直被低估,升值压力确实存在;

    Since 1995 , actual effective exchange rate of RMB , whether calculated by CPI or EPI , and RMB itself are under evaluated and there exists pressure for revalue ;

  15. 本论文选择人民币有效汇率作为主要分析对象,从实证角度回答人民币汇率变动的FDI效应及其对贸易结构各层面的影响,运用数量经济学理论进行科学的研究,找出具体的相关因素及作用机制。

    This dissertation chooses effective exchange rate of RMB ( REER ) as the main analyzing object , using quantitative economics theory , makes research on the FDI effect and foreign trade structure effect under the RMB exchange rate change in empirical way .

  16. 据加拿大皇家银行(rbc)计算,人民币的名义贸易加权有效汇率在过去五个月实际上一直在稳步下降,因为人民币只是相对于走低的美元轻微升值。

    The Royal Bank of Canada calculates that the nominal , trade-weighted effective exchange rate has actually dropped pretty steadily during the past five months , as the renminbi has strengthened only slightly against a fallen dollar .

  17. 根据国际清算银行(BIS)公布的人民币名义有效汇率指数来看,从2005年7月至2010年2月,根据贸易权重计算的人民币名义有效汇率累计升值12.55%,人民币实际有效汇率累计升值18.87%。

    According to Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) from July 2005 to February 2010 , under the trade-weighted nominal effective exchange rate , the cumulative appreciation of RMB is 12.55 % , the RMB real effective exchange rate has appreciated 18.87 % .

  18. 实证分析得出,物价指数差(DFCPI)和美元汇率指数(USDI)两个基础变量与人民币实际有效汇率(REER)之间存在协整关系,模型可决系数R平方值为0.93。

    The empirical study show that there does exist a cointegration relationship between the REER and the selected two fundamentals comprising Difference of CPIs ( DFCPI ) and US Dollar Index ( USDI ) .

  19. 运用Johansen方法,分别检验了HS分类下四种农产品的进(出)口额、进(出)口实际有效汇率和我国实际收入(主要贸易伙伴国)的协整关系。

    Using Johansen method , this chapter tested cointegration of the amount of import ( export ), real effective exchange rate and real income in China ( main trading partners ) of the four kinds of agricultural products which are classified under HS .

  20. 代入19902002年的年度数据,通过计量方法的处理,得到上述五个自变量与因变量人民币实际有效汇率(REER)之间的协整数量关系。

    With yearly data of 1990-2002 processed , the econometric method of co-integration is applied to find the quantitative relation between the dependent variable , RMB 's real effective exchange rate , and the five independent variables mentioned above .

  21. 本文首先根据我国的实际经济特点,引入实际有效汇率,对Balassa-Samuelson假说效应模型进行一定的修正,探讨Balassa-Samuelson假说效应在中国的适用性;

    Firstly This research amend the Balassa - Samuelson hypothesis effect model according to the actual and economic characteristics in China , and our target is to analysis the cointegration between Real effect exchange rate and the difference of relative productivity .

  22. 中国国际竞争力的历史变迁与冲击来源&来自制造业单位劳动成本指数测算的人民币实际有效汇率的证据

    China 's International Competitiveness : Secular Change and Source of Shock

  23. 人民币均衡实际有效汇率实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Equilibrium Real Effective Exchange Rate of RMB

  24. 人民币实际有效汇率的构建方法研究

    Model Research of RMB ( renminbi ) Real Effective Exchange Rate

  25. 即人民币实际有效汇率升值同时会导致浙江省进口的减少。

    RMB appreciation would lead to reduced imports of Zhejiang Province .

  26. 人民币实际有效汇率的模型选择及实证研究

    Choose RMB Real Effective Exchange Rate Model and Empirical Study

  27. 中国均衡实际有效汇率:一个总量一般均衡分析

    China ′ s Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate : An Aggregated General Equilibrium Analysis

  28. 汇率制度改革后人民币有效汇率测算及对国际贸易、外汇储备的影响分析

    Measurement of EER of RMB and its Effect on International Trade and Forex

  29. 人民币实际有效汇率及其失调状况的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Renminbi Real Valid Exchange Rate and its Imbalance Situation

  30. 人民币实际有效汇率决定因素的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis on Real Effective Exchange Rate Determinants