
  • 网络central plains economic zone;Central Plains Economic Region;cper
  1. 清明上河园股份有限公司是河南省乃至中原经济区产业融合发展的典型实例。

    Millennium City Park Stock Co. , Ltd is a typical example of industry convergence development in Henan Province and even in Central Plains Economic Region .

  2. 建设和谐社会是中原经济区社会管理的基本目标,加强和创新社会管理是应有之义。

    The building of the Harmonious Society is the basic goals of social management in Central Plains Economic Region ( CPER ) . Strengthening social management and making innovation is needed .

  3. 第四章,通过学术界常用的SWOT分析方法,从宏观的区位、资源、交通、管理的角度对中原经济区乡村旅游发展的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行了分析。

    The fourth chapter uses the SWOT analysis method to analyze the strength , weakness , opportunity , threat of rural tourism , about the location , resources , transportation and management .

  4. 基于因子分析的中原经济区城市经济发展水平评价

    Urban Economic Development Level Evaluation of Central China Economic District Based on Factor Analysis

  5. 中原经济区上升为国家战略,为河南省承接产业转移带来了历史机遇。

    Zhongyuan rise for national strategy , zone for henan undertake industrial transfer brought historical opportunity .

  6. 河南经过长期的发展,具备了建设中原经济区的能力。

    After a long-term development , Henan province has the capacity of building the Central Plains Economic Zone .

  7. 紧接着论述中原经济区建设与农村剩余劳动力转移之间相互促进相互影响的关系。

    The second part discusses the relationship between the central plains economic zone and rural surplus labor transfer .

  8. 构建中原经济区切合区域经济学理论,并已具备了相应的客观条件。

    Constructing the Central Plains Economic Zone conforms to regional economic theory , and has been with the corresponding objective conditions .

  9. 此次活动是以推动中原经济区建设、进一步加强豫澳经贸合作交流为主题而举办的大型经贸交流活动。

    This great event aims to promote the construction of Central Plains Economic Zone and strengthen Henan-Macao economic and trade cooperation .

  10. 中原经济区建设是一项负杂的系统工程,必须充分调动各种有利的资源支持其建设。

    Construction of the central plains economic zone is a complex systems engineering , must fully mobilize various advantageous resources to support its construction .

  11. 随着中原经济区战略上升为国家战略,河南将迎来新一轮发展热潮。

    With the strategic rise of the Central Plains Economic Zone to a national strategy , Henan will usher in a new round of development boom .

  12. 本次展会的举办为邯郸市乃至中原经济区装备制造产业链延伸,提高成套装备生产制造能力做出了重大贡献。

    The exhibition held in handan city and even the economic zone for the equipment manufacturing industry chain extension , improve equipment manufacture ability made significant contributions .

  13. 第二,提出加快河南农村剩余劳动力转移、促进中原经济区建设的对策。

    Second , putting forward the countermeasures to speed up the transfer of rural surplus labor in Henan and promote the construction of the Central Plains Economic Zone .

  14. 随着中原经济区上升为国家战略,河南省作为工农业大省,面临新的发展阶段。

    With the Economic Region of Central China promoted to the national strategy , henan , as a great industrial and agricultural province , entered a new developmental cycle .

  15. 第三章,论文在研究我国现有的乡村旅游的发展模式的基础上,在中原经济区选取部分较典型的案例分析了该地区乡村旅游业的发展现状。

    The third chapter firstly studies the existing rural tourism development model , and then selects the typical cases to analysis the development status of the economy of rural tourism .

  16. 信阳作为中原经济区建设的重要支撑点,旅游业面临着前所未有的发展机遇,同时也面临着巨大的挑战。

    Xinyang as an important support for the construction of the economic zone , the tourism industry is faced with hitherto unknown development opportunity , also facing the huge challenge .

  17. 许昌市省位于我省中部地区,在国家实施中原经济区战略中担负着重要的作用,面临着较大的发展机遇。

    Situated in the central part of Henan Province , Xuchang plays an important role in the implementation of strategy of Central Plains Economic Region and is faced with many opportunities .

  18. 如何提升中原经济区的对外开放水平以促进中原地区的经济发展,关键一条是要提升其外贸竞争力。

    How to improve the level of opening of the Central Plains Economic Zone to promote economic development of the Central Plains region , the key one is to enhance its foreign trade competitiveness .

  19. 结合劳动力素质现代化的定义和内容,再对比中原经济区现阶段的实际情况,找到现有存在的不足。

    Combining with the characteristics of the modernization of labor standards and then compare the actual situation of the central plains economic zone at the present stage , found some problems of the existing .

  20. 建设中原经济区的主线是要走出一条不以牺牲农业和粮食、生态和环境为代价的三化协调科学发展之路。

    The masterstroke of constructing the Central Plains Economic Zone is trying to find a scientific development road without the expense of agriculture and food , ecological and environment on coordinative development of urbanization , industrialization and agricultural modernization .

  21. 河南作为内陆省份,投资历来是经济增长的主要动力,特别是随着中原经济区建设的开展,投资会进一步扩大。

    As an inland province , investment is always the main driving force for the development of economic in Henan province . With the foundation of Central Plains Economic Region ( CPER ), the scale of investment is being expanded .

  22. 另外,中原经济区的设立确定了郑州市的核心地位,郑州不仅要做好自身的经济建设,还要承担引领周边经济共同发展的责任。

    In addition , the establishment of the Central Plains Economic Zone determines the core position of Zhengzhou , Zhengzhou must not only do their own economic construction , but also bear the responsibility for leading the surrounding economic development .

  23. 安阳市作为河南省的重要工业基地,地处中原经济区战略腹地,具有优越的地理环境和良好的区位优势,面临着经济腾飞的新的发展机遇。

    As an important industrial base in Henan Province , Anyang City locates on the hinterland of the central plain economic zone . It has superior geographical environment and a good geographical advantage . Its economic growth is facing new development opportunities .

  24. 目前,中原经济区建设已经上升为国家战略层面,河南省的发展面临着前所未有的机遇,如何把握机遇,振兴河南,成为一个新的研究课题。

    At present , the Central Plains Economic Zone construction has risen to the national strategic level , Henan province is faced with hitherto unknown development opportunities , how to grasp the opportunity , revitalize Henan , becoming a new research task .

  25. 首先以国际贸易理论为依据对外贸竞争力进行研究,回顾不同阶段的国际贸易理论,分析中原经济区外贸发展的内外部环境,详细描述中原经济区对外贸易发展现状。

    First , this paper reviews international trade theories of different stages which the foreign trade competitiveness study is based on , analyzes the internal and external environment and gives a detailed description of the foreign trade development of the Central Plains Economic Zone .

  26. 首先,通过理论层面,研究中原经济区建设这一背景对人力资源供求及人力资源市场体系构建的基本要求,继而围绕这些背景和要求,对劳务派遣行业的现状及问题进行分析。

    First of all , through the theoretical level , find out the basic requirements of human resource supply and demand under the background of the economic zone construction ; and then analyzes the present situation and the problems in the labor dispatching industry .

  27. 随着中原经济区的快速建设,农业现代化水平的提高和农村经济结构的变化,必然会带动农村用户的生活环境、生活方式、消费模式等方面的变化。

    With the rapid development of Central Plains Economic Zone , the rising of agricultural modernization level and the changing of rural economy structure will inevitably bring consumer live in rural areas changes in lifestyles , consumption patterns and other aspects of the environment .

  28. 高效的财政支农将有利于破解三农难题,推进中原经济区建设,实现中原崛起,在全面建设社会主义新农村的征程中取得新的更大胜利。

    And efficient financial support for agriculture will help solve the " three rural " problem , the Central Plains Economic Zone to promote and achieve rising of Central China , building a new socialist countryside in the journey to achieve new and greater victories .

  29. 特别是近几年,在河南围绕中原经济区建设而兴建的一个个现代化新型城市综合体就规模而言可谓是空前,可是由于城市综合体建设引发的新问题也日益突显。

    Especially in recent years , in Henan around the area of Central Plains economy construction and the construction of a new modern city complex in terms of scale is unprecedented , but because the city complex construction brings new problem also increasingly dash forward show .

  30. 中原经济区建设上升为国家战略以后,两不三新、三化协调科学发展已成为河南全省的一个重要实施课题。

    After the construction of central China economic zone identified as national strategy , the coordinated development of new industrialization , urbanization and agricultural modernization without sacrificing agriculture and food , ecology and environment has become one of the most important implementation issues in Henan province .