
  • 网络new urbanization
  1. 两型社会视角下武汉城市圈新型城市化道路的探索

    Study on New Urbanization of Wuhan Metropolitan Area with Visual Angles of " Two-Oriented Society "

  2. 其次,本文构建新型城市化道路的指导思想是科学发展观,即以人为本的发展观、全面发展观、协调发展观和可持续发展观。

    Secondly , this part building the guiding ideology of new urbanization road , scientific development concept .

  3. 芝加哥:从传统城市化典型到新型城市化典型

    Chicago : A City Exemplifying Both the Traditional Urbanization and Neo-Urbanization

  4. 产业结构与新型城市化互动关系文献综述

    Literature Review of the Relationship between Industrial Structure and New Path of Urbanization

  5. 新农村建设与新型城市化发展道路

    New-Countryside Construction and the New-Type Urbanization Development Road

  6. 新型城市化研究有许多创新之处,也存在许多值得商榷之处。

    There are many innovations as well as problems open to question in the new urbanization studies .

  7. 东北老工业基地振兴与吉林省新型城市化的响应

    Revitalization of the Old Industrial Base of Northeast China and the Response of New-type Urbanization of Jilin Province

  8. 随着经济社会迅速发展,基于中心镇培育发展而来的小城市正成为我国新型城市化的一种重要模式。

    Along with rapid economic and social development , it is an important mode of new urbanization in China to develop center town to small city .

  9. 本章旨在选择一条通过构建合理的城市体系、选择科学的城市化动力,并以城乡均衡发展为目标的新型城市化道路。

    The purpose of this chapter is to restructure a new urbanization road with Reasonable structure , scientific power and Harmonious relationship between urban and rural areas .

  10. 在经济转型背景下,城市规划如何把握城乡统筹的战略机遇,从区域协调的高度推进新型城市化进程将成为未来城市规划的工作重点。

    Then it presents differentiated regional policies and planning strategies at the levels of metropolitan integrated area , core city of urban cluster , and cities outside urban cluster .

  11. 第三章主要提出了新型城市化发展的基本思路,并对其内在动力机制进行研究,从而提出新型城市化发展的总体目标。

    Chapter three puts forward the basic idea for the development of the new urbanization , and researches the inside drives mechanism , so as to give the chief goal .

  12. 新型城市化是一条以优化产业结构来带动经济发展的全新的道路,新的城市化路径不仅包括城市的合理规划和建设,更重视城市的管理和服务水平的提升。

    New strategy is the way that based on Industrial structure optimization . It includes not only the planning and construction of the city , but also the management and service of the city .

  13. 大规模农村富余劳动力向包括建筑业等产业转移,他们是现代化建设巨大劳动力需求的重要保障,是推动新型城市化的重要力量。

    Large scale of rural labor force is transferred into construction and some other industries , which meets the great demand of labor force in modernization and becomes an important force to promote new urbanization .

  14. 无论是理论界还是政府部门,对新型城市化的内涵和实践都处在摸索和探讨阶段,这正是本文选择研究新型城市化的初衷所在。

    Whether in theory or government departments , they are all in the process of learning and discussing the connotation and new practice of the new urbanization , and this is the purpose of this papper .

  15. 在研究视角上,论文重点从新型城市化机制的角度对统筹城乡发展背景下的新型城市化问题展开分析,实现了研究视角的创新。

    On the aspect of study , the paper carries out analysis to new-type urbanization problems under the background of developing urban and rural areas coordinately mainly from the aspects of new-type urbanization mechanism , which realizes the innovation of study angle .

  16. 江西地处中部地区,是同时连接长三角、珠三角、海西区的唯一内陆省份,新型城市化战略正在成为江西经济社会发展的主旋律之一。

    Jiangxi is located in the central area of China , the only province that connected Yangtze river delta , pearl river delta and haixi delta . New urbanization strategy is becoming one of the main melody economic and social development in Jiangxi province .

  17. 在理论研究上,本文在梳理城市化与城乡统筹相关理论、厘清新型城市化模式的形态和本质的基础上,尝试性建构了新型城市化的理论分析架构。

    On the aspect of theoretical study , this paper , on the basis of combing relevant theories of urbanization and coordination of urban and rural area and clearing forms and essences of new-type urbanization model , attempts to construct theoretical analysis framework of new-type urbanization .

  18. 本文以城市化发展理论为基础,在全面把握新时期国家所提出的创建集约型社会、建设社会主义新农村和构建和谐社会的背景的基础上,系统阐述了新型城市化的概念内涵和基本特征。

    Based on the theory of urbanization above in the paper , grounded on a comprehensive grasp of the creation of the New State-intensive society , a new socialist countryside and harmonious society , the paper systematically elaborates the concept and the basic features of the new urbanization .

  19. 本文从辽宁城市化发展面临的双重矛盾出发,着重分析了辽宁城市化发展的三类关键性制约因素:产业动力、空间规划、制度保障,意在为构建辽宁新型城市化战略提供深刻的理性思考。

    According to the dual contradiction of the urbanization development in Liaoning , this article emphasized three types of key restriction elements : Industrial driving force 、 Planning in room 、 System guarantee , in order to supply the profound considering for constructing the new urbanization strategy of Liaoning .

  20. 新型工业化与城市化存在互动关系。

    There is mutual relationship between new type industrialization and urbanization .

  21. 安徽新型工业化与城市化关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between New Industrialization and Urbanization in Anhui Province

  22. 安徽省作为中部欠发达省份,新型工业化与城市化还处于较低水平。

    The levels of new industrialization and urbanization are quite low in Anhui Province .

  23. 新型工业化给城市化发展带来了新的机遇,提出了新的要求,也提供了重要动力。

    New type industrialization brings not only new chance , but also new demand and important power to urbanization .

  24. 城市产业结构亟需要作出调整,实施产业转型发展,以推动城市新型工业化和城市化的发展。

    Urban industrial structure in dire need of adjustments and the implementation of industrial restructuring and development , to promote the development of the city new industrialization and the urbanization .

  25. 统筹城乡发展,走新型工业化、城市化道路,转移农村剩余劳动力。

    Thirdly , we must plan the development of city and the countryside as a whole and take a new industrialization and urbanization way to transfer agricultural surplus labor more successfully .

  26. 各地也把主要精力放在了推动新型工业化和城市化进程上,出台了大量加强和支持环境保护的经济政策和管理措施。

    Also the local governments put the main energy on promoting the process of new type industrialization and urbanization , carried out many economic and managing policies enforcing and supporting environmental protection .

  27. 我国正处在新型工业化和快速城市化的发展阶段,用地紧张是如今城市建设面临的主要问题。

    Our country is in the new industrialization and the fast urbanism development stage , no enough land is the main question which the present urban construction faces .

  28. 山东半岛城市群是东部沿海正在形成和崛起的新型城市群,城市化进程的不断加速己经引起了一系列的生态问题,城市已凸现不健康的症状,威胁着半岛城市群的持续发展。

    Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration is a new and rising urban agglomeration in the eastern coastal regions . The urbanization process accelerating already caused a series of ecological problems and cities have highlighted unhealthy symptoms which threaten the sustained development of Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration .

  29. 新型工业化视角下湖南新型城市化发展探析这是个新兴的工业城市。

    An Exploration into the New-type Urbanization in Hunan : from the Perspective of New-type Industrialization This is a developing industrial city .

  30. 主要有:以新型工业化促进农村经济发展、走新型城市化道路、以新型工业化促进产业结构优化升级,充分创造就业岗位。

    Go on walking forward on the way of new-type urbanization , to optimize the industrial structure and create more employment posts in the process of new-type industrialization .