
  • 网络new industrial district;new industry district
  1. 新产业区产业生态化发展面临的问题和对策

    Issues & Solutions for Bionomics Development of New Industrial District

  2. 产业集聚、新产业区与城市经济空间整合

    Integration of Urban Economic Space : New Industrial District and Industrial Cluster

  3. 浙江新产业区制度结构分析

    An Analysis on the Institutional Structure of the New Industrial District in Zhejiang

  4. 新产业区的形成机制及其与传统空间组织理论的关系

    New Industrial Districts ' Developmental Mechanism and Comparative Analysis to Traditional Spatial Organization Theories

  5. 略论天津区县层新产业区应显示的特点与发展路径

    On Characteristics and Development Way of New Industrial District of County Level in Tianjin should Show

  6. 区域特色经济与新产业区的新兴古典经济学理论基础

    The New Classical Economic Theory Foundation of the Regional Characteristic Economy and the New Industrial District

  7. 青岛市北胶州湾新产业区组织结构和运行机制研究

    Research on the structure & operating mechanism of the new industrial area of the Jiaozhou Gulf in the north of Qingdao

  8. 第二部分,回顾国内外企业集群的理论研究:产业集聚理论;新产业区理论;

    The second part reviews and evaluates the domestic and foreign theories on enterprise clusters , including Theory of Industrial Aggregation ;

  9. 对新产业区的定义及其特征描述要充分考虑新产业区的成因。

    Definition and feature description to new industrial district must fully consider the origin cause of formation of the new industry district .

  10. 对新产业区研究发现,在相同或相似的外部条件下,有的欣欣向荣,有的在衰退甚至消失。

    Studying the new district , we find that , on the same conditions , some prosper , some decline and even vanish .

  11. 国家创新系统理论、进化经济学理论、现代区域发展理论、新产业区理论这四大理论是区域创新体系构建的理论来源。

    The origin in theory of RIS mostly is the theory of National Innovation System , modernistic regional development , New Industrial Divide .

  12. 国外有关聚集的研究已经取得了许多成果,包括增长极理论、地域生产综合体理论、产业聚集理论、新产业区理论等。

    There are many a research achievement regarding agglomeration , such as growth pole , regional production integrity , industrial agglomeration and new industrial district .

  13. 将新产业区理论中创新学派的思想运用到构建高新技术产业集群区域创新环境的实践中去。

    Put the thinking of innovation school in new industrial district theory into the application of constructing regional innovation environment of the high and new tech industrial cluster .

  14. 在此基础上,指出经济地理学研究的四个特点:区域&企业综合分析、经济活动全球化研究、新产业区研究和多种思维方式的综合考虑;

    Four characteristics were then summarised : region enterprise synthetic analysis , globalization of economic activity , new industrial districts , and the combination of multiple research methods .

  15. 新产业区中企业技术创新的区域空间特性分析&以顺德家电产业区为例

    The Analysis of Characteristics of Area and Spatial in " New Industry District "′ s Corporation Technology Innovation & An example of Shunde ′ s electrical household appliances industry district

  16. 同时,国外初步形成新产业区学派、区域创新网络学派、新经济地理学派及战略管理学派等四大流派和四种分析模型。

    Meanwhile the oversea industrial cluster research has primarily formed into four academic schools which includes new industrial district school , regional innovation network school , new economic geography school and strategic administration school .

  17. 新产业区是后福特主义与新劳动地域分工及全球化相结合的产物,具有同源性,但在不同国家可能采取不同的表现形式。

    New industry district are formed by the combination of globalization , labor regional division and post-Fordism . It may adopt different forms of expression in different countries , but have the same origin cause .

  18. 浙江之所以能成为我国新产业区的首批发源地,关键在于经济转轨时期,其良好的政策和人文环境催生出一系列与市场经济高度兼容的优势制度。

    Zhejiang 's success in leading the new industrial districts of its kind owes to its preferential policies and humanistic environment conducive to institutions well adapted to the market economy in the period of economic transition .

  19. 根据国内有关学者的研究,高新技术产业开发区、外向型贸易加工区和较发达的专业化乡镇企业区是三种有可能或正在形成中的新产业区类型。

    According to related studies of domestic researchers , high-tech industry district and export-oriented commerce district and specialized township and village enterprise are three kinds of new industry district types which may become or being become .

  20. 在集聚机制作用下,作为城市空间经济变换和整合的重要趋势,城市新产业区的形成与成长将成为推进城市产业结构升级、提升城市整体竞争力和增强城市发展的持续动力。

    As a major tendency in the variety and integration of urban economic-geographical structure , the formation and growth of new industrial districts is being the stimulation to improving the industrial structure , urban competitive advantage and sustainable development .

  21. 本章首先分析了工业园区企业网络的主要功能,并从新产业区理论、产业集群理论、社会网络理论等方面探讨构成园区产业优势的基础性资源;

    This chapter first analyses the major functions of Industrial Parks ' enterprise network , and explores the industrial advantages of the basic resources in Industrial Park from new industrial zone theory , industrial clustering theory , social network theory and other aspects ;

  22. 在此基础上,整理了经济地理学在对柔性的空间实现形式的研究中所取得的关于新产业区和产业集聚的理论发现。

    Based above , and from the specialization of Flexibility and the Japanese mode of Lean production , the paper further to sum up the theoretical achievement on new industrial space and industrial clustering gained by studies of economic geography on special form of Flexibility .

  23. 与此同时,学术界从外部经济理论、集聚经济理论、新产业区理论、新经济地理理论、竞争优势理论、社会经济网络理论和交易费用理论等不同的学科视角展开了对产业集群的分析和研究。

    And therefore the academia starts to analyze and study the industry cluster from the view of different subjects , such as externality theory , agglomeration economics , new industrial districts , new economic geography , competitive advantage theory , social-economic network and transaction costs theory .

  24. 事实上,自从工业革命以来,人们在试图解释诸如城市、产业带、国际分工与贸易、新产业区等一系列问题时,就都不约而同地观察到了产业集聚(群)现象。

    Actually , people have been observed the phenomena of industrial agglomeration / industrial cluster fit without previous consultation when they attempt to interpret the questions such as city , industrial belt , international division of labour and trade and New Industrial district from the Industrial Revolution .

  25. 1980年以来,新产业区理论和区域学习、创新理论的形成与发展有力地推动了区域研究视角的转变,特定区域经济集聚和增长在经济地理学和区域科学领域重新成为理论界研究的焦点。

    Since 1980.the creation and development of theory of new industry district and learning , innovation have strongly promoted the change of regional study view . Economical agglomeration and growth of the particular region have become the focus of circles of science in economy geography and regional science .

  26. 从北京新技术产业开发试验区看创新机制

    Innovation Mechanism in the Beijing Special Zone of New Technological Industries

  27. 创办新技术产业开发试验区的意义

    The Significance of Special Zone for the Development of New Technological Industries

  28. 北京市新技术产业开发试验区发展状况

    Development of Beijing New Technology Zone

  29. 中国的高新技术产业开发区,从1988年北京市新技术产业开发试验区正式成立算起,至今已经有近16年的发展历史。

    Since the founding of the first High-tech Zone , the development of Chinese High-tech Zones already has 16 years history .

  30. 连同1988年批准的北京新技术产业开发试验区,目前全国有国家级高新区53个。

    At present , together with the Beijing New Technology Experimental Zone , there are 53 State-level new and high-tech zones in the country .