
  • 网络Neoclassical economics;new classical economics;neo-classical economics
  1. 在新古典经济学中,沉没成本是与决策不相关的。

    In the theoryof neoclassical economics , sunk cost is the irrelative cost .

  2. 然而在新古典经济学中,报酬递增思想在很长一段时间内是缺失的。

    However , in neoclassical economics , the idea of increasing returns lost .

  3. 目前对FDI的研究以新古典经济学范式为主导。从新制度主义经济学出发来关注FDI的文献开始增多。

    Nowadays research on FDI is mainly guided by neoclassical economic paradigm , while literatures of new institutional economics also increase .

  4. 大多数不了解新古典经济学的人以为,约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(JohnMaynardKeynes)70年前就驳倒了这些谬论。

    Most of those unversed in New Classical economics assume that John Maynard Keynes exploded these fallacies 70 years ago .

  5. 在新古典经济学得出的增长轨迹基础上,利用简化的两地区逻辑曲线初步证明倒U假说的成立;并进一步讨论这一假说在多周期情形下的一个拓展,即地区差距的周期波动。

    In the end , it is further developed of the inverse U hypothesis from monocycle condition to multi-cycle condition with a new hypothesis , which is called cyclical fluctuation of regional disparity .

  6. X效率理论是新古典经济学资源配置效率理论的基础发展而来的关于企业组织效率的分析理论,诞生于新古典经济学对企业内部组织效率的忽视。

    X-efficiency Theory is a new theory about enterprise organization efficiency improved from the Resource Configuration Efficiency Theory of the New Ancient Economics . It was born from ignorance to enterprise inner organization efficiency of the latter .

  7. 现代金融(ModernFinance)承袭主流经济学(特别是新古典经济学)的分析方法与数理分析技术,经过近40年的努力,建立起了一套从公理假设到应用理论都很完善的理论体系。

    After 40 ' year endeavor , modern finance ( MF ) has been established a suit of integrity theory system ( from axiom theories to application theories ), which inherit the mainstream economic ( especialy Neoclassic Economic ) approach and mathematical analysis technology .

  8. 结合新古典经济学和新制度经济学对成本的理解,从生产成本和交易成本两方面分析了企业实施ERP系统后所产生的影响。

    Connecting with the comprehension of the new classical economics and the new system economics on the cost , this paper analyzes the influence of practicing ERP system on the production cost and the transaction cost .

  9. 构建于新古典经济学框架下,由莫迪利亚尼和米勒(ModiglianiandMiller,1958)创建的MM理论提出了资本结构无关论。

    The MM theory which constructed under the frame of new classic economics and founded by Modigliani and Miller in 1958 brings forwards that finance structure has no relation to the corporate value .

  10. 在企业同质性假设条件下,无论是新古典经济学、传统产业组织理论的SCP分析范式,还是企业竞争战略的产业分析方法,都把企业的利润归结为外在的市场结构因素。

    On the assumption of homogeneity of firm , neo-classical economics , traditional theory of industry organization and Port 's five forces model all argue that firm 's profit come down to market structure .

  11. 分别探讨了新古典经济学、演化经济学、STS研究和政策科学四种不同学科维度和理论视角下科技(创新)政策的研究进路、政策工具偏好及其理论基础。

    From the four subject criterion and theoretical perspective of new classical economics , evolutionary economics , science technology and society and policy science , the research route , preference of policy tools and theoretical basis of policy science technology and innovation are respectively discussed .

  12. 经济理性假说有其优点与缺陷,通过对Simon有限理性学说、经济学和社会学的研究、Albin对新古典经济学根本改向作出了预言。

    There are virtues and drawbacks in economic rational hypothesis . Based on Simon 's Limited Rational Hypothesis , Economics and Sociology , Albin predicted the radical change of the direction of the new classical economics .

  13. 新古典经济学的三个经济法则&霍特林法则、Solow-Hartwick模型和弱可持续发展范式,如同三个支柱支撑着真实储蓄理论。

    The three laws of economics of neo-classical economics-the Hotelling rule , the Solow-Hartwick model and weak sustainable development paradigm , support the genuine saving theory as the three pillars .

  14. 论新古典经济学中的两种地区发展理论

    On the Two Theories of Regional Development in the Neo-Classical Economics

  15. 研究方法:制度经济学和新古典经济学边际分析方法。

    Methods of institutional economics and new-classic marginal analysis were employed .

  16. 新古典经济学与新兴古典经济学比较研究

    The comparative study of neo classical economics and new classical economics

  17. 新古典经济学分析工具的继承。

    The inheritance of analysis tools of Neo - classical economics .

  18. 引入空间维度的经济学分析&新古典经济学理论批判

    Introducing Space Dimension in Economics & Critiques on Neoclassical Economics

  19. 心智成本理论:一个超越新古典经济学的解释框架

    Mental Cost Theory : an Explanatory Framework beyond Neoclassic Economics

  20. 本文是以新古典经济学作为理论基础的。

    This article takes the new classical economy as the theoretical basis .

  21. 混沌理论对新古典经济学的影响研究

    Study on the Impact of Chaos Theory on Neoclassical Economics

  22. 市场在新古典经济学中是产品交换的“完全市场”。

    The neo-classic economics school thinks market is perfect .

  23. 传统的新古典经济学是以对称信息假设勾前提的。

    Traditional new classical economics is under the prerequisite of symmetrical information assumption .

  24. 新古典经济学中效用理论的地位及其逻辑缺陷

    The Status of Utility Theory in the Neo-classical Economics and Its Logical Flaws

  25. 新古典经济学需求理论的合理性与缺陷分析

    Rationality and Defects of Demand Theory of Neo-classical Economics

  26. 关于新古典经济学财货理论的几个问题

    Several Issues Concerning the Goods Theory in Neoclassical Economics

  27. 其次,分析组织存在的意义以及组织理论对新古典经济学假设的支撑和前提作用。

    The organization theory is the element and premise of new classical economics hypothesis .

  28. 浅析新古典经济学及其影响

    An Analysis Over Neo-Classical Economics and its Influence

  29. 由此带来了新古典经济学危机。

    New classical economic crisis was brought along .

  30. 与古典经济学相比,新古典经济学从主观意义上理解和使用效用,并依此解释效用与需求和价格的关系。

    Utility theory is the theoretical base of value theory in new classic economics .