
  • 网络new institutionalism;new institutional economics;neo-institutional school;neo-institutionalism;The New Institutionalise Schols
  1. 新制度学派则以相对价格、私人收益率、社会收益率等概念为基础论证了二者的互动关系。

    In contrast , the Neo-Institutional School argues for the dynamic relationship between the two innovations on the basis of relative price , private profit rate and social profit rate , etc.

  2. 但是,这些研究大都集中在某一个具体问题的比较上,从企业理论所涉及的主要问题出发对马克思企业理论和新制度学派企业理论进行系统比较研究的文章还较为鲜见。

    However , most of these studies focused on a comparison of specific issue , the article which starting from the main problems involved the firm theory systematically made comparative study about Marxist firm theory and neo-institutional school firm theory were relatively few .

  3. 马克思主义以及发展了的新制度学派则倾向于认为技术创新和制度创新是一种协调的关系。

    Marxism and the developed new institution school consider it are harmonious .

  4. 高等教育趋同现象探析:新制度学派理论的视角

    On Convergence in Higher Education : From View of New Institutional Theory

  5. 新制度学派关于政府在制度创新中的作用理论给我们的启示

    An inspiration from neoinstitutional school on the role of government in institutional innovation

  6. 马克思的企业理论与西方新制度学派的企业理论之比较

    A Comparative Study of Enterprise Theories of Marx and Those of Western Neoinstitutional School

  7. 从旧制度学派向新制度学派的过渡时期;

    The transition period from the early institutional economic school to new institutional economic school ;

  8. 新制度学派的国家理论揭示了国家本质当中的局限性特征,这对于研究我国转型时期的政府过程具有借鉴意义。

    So we can see that institutionalism government theory shows the localization of the government .

  9. 摘要新制度学派企业理论和马克思企业理论各有不同的理论进路。

    The enterprise theory of new institutional economics and that of Marxism have different theoretical approaches .

  10. 首先,基于美国新制度学派理论提出了本文的研究框架。

    Firstly , the research framework has been proposed base on theory of American New-institutional School .

  11. 科学哲学历史学派与当代新制度学派思想上的一致性;

    The consistency on the historical sects of philosophy of science and modern new systemic sects ;

  12. 浅识新制度学派

    Superficial Understanding of New Institutionalism

  13. 无形的观念如何塑造有形的组织对组织社会学新制度学派的一个回顾

    How Can Invisible Values Shape the Visible Organizations ? A Commentary on the New Institutionalism in the Organizational Sociology

  14. 新制度学派关于企业的本质是对市场的替代的认识把这一问题引入到微观层次。

    Neo-Institution School argues that the essence of enterprise is a substitute of market , so leads this issue to microcosmic lay .

  15. 而新制度学派则在技术条件不变的前提下得出结论,是制度的变迁引起了产业革命的爆发。

    The school of new-institution developed a conclusion that , with the technology unchanged , the change of institution resulted in the industrial revolution .

  16. 而对于新制度学派来说,制度的一般性其实是更加重要的。它应该是对具体的制度进一步研究的先导。

    In fact , it is very important for the new institutionalism to grasp the general principle of the evolution of institution which is the guide to research the concrete one .

  17. 在马克思主义的唯物史观指导下,借助新制度学派的分析方法,可以开辟一个认识当代资本主义发展历史进程的新视角。

    By regarding Marxism as guide , and by recurring to the analogy method of the Neoinstitutional Shool , we can find a new visual angle to understand the course of the contemporary capitalistic development correctly .

  18. 当前我国的产业组织研究必须将制度研究和增强国际竞争力置于核心地位,应当对新制度学派产业组织理论和后起国家的产业组织理论给予足够的重视。

    We must focus on economic institutions , especially enterprise institutions , and international competition power , and pay much attention to the theory of industrial organization of the new sytem school and some fast developing countries .

  19. 我们在充分借鉴新制度学派、信息成本理论的基础上,从中国农村的社会结构与信用结构的特殊性出发探讨农村金融制度安排的社会经济基础。

    We fully from the school system , information costs on the basis of theory , from the rural community Guitar credit structure with the particularity of the rural financial system to explore arrangements for the economic base . 4 .

  20. 新制度经济学派形成时期。

    The period of new institutional economic school .

  21. 新制度经济学派的国家与政府理论就是这一整合的突出成果。

    In this process , the government theory is one of the most outstanding achievements .

  22. 新制度经济学派的重要贡献在于强调制度变迁对经济发展的重要性。

    The important contribution of the school of new institutional economics is to emphasize the importance of institutional change on economic development .

  23. 新制度经济学派出现于20世纪50~60年代的美国,是由早期制度学派演变而来的。

    New institutional economic school apears in U.S.A. of 50 ~ 60 times of the 20th century . They developed by the early institutional economic school .

  24. 新闻制度变迁是一个头绪多、涉及面广的问题,本文试图借鉴新制度经济学派的理论成果,对建国以来中国大陆新闻制度变迁的脉络以及为什么如此变迁问题进行较为系统的探讨。

    Since 1949 , China 's news media system has experienced extensive institutional changes and has become a complicated to many scholars of the mass media .

  25. 新制度经济学派的经济学家从制度的本身去理解制度,犹如手持长矛的堂吉诃德,乱冲乱撞。

    The economists of new institution economics try to understand institution from institution itself , which is just like what Don Quixote did with his spear .

  26. 从制度学派的演变到新制度经济学派的形成,大体经历了三个发展时期:旧制度学派时期;

    From the early institutional economic schools t institutional economic school , have experienced three developing periods on the whole : the period of early institutional economic school ;

  27. 旧制度经济学派主张效率优先、兼顾公平,新制度经济学派主张公平优先、兼顾效率。

    The old institution economics school advocates priority in efficiency and gives consideration to justice as well ; and the new institution economics school , the vice versa .

  28. 地方事业单位分类改革过程中,深深地体现了嵌入性、合法性的作用,证明了组织理论的新制度主义学派的解释力。

    The reform process of public institutions by their categories reflects deeply the effect of embeddedness and legitimacy as well as proves the explanatory power of the new-institutional school of organization theory .

  29. 新制度经济学派的代表人物戴维斯和诺斯曾指出,一项新的制度由于成本问题不是总能被创新和采用,只有当新的制度能给创新者带来更多的利益时,创新才有可能。

    Davis and North , major representatives of new-system economics , point out that a new system might not be adopted or renewed due to its costs unless it would bring more benefits to the innovator .

  30. 运用了国外的新制度经济学派的理论和博弈论的分析模型,对我国房地产税收流失的负面效应和经济成因进行了探讨。

    Using the analysis models of the theory of the new institutional economic system and game theory , the thesis discusses the negative effect and economic origin cause of the tax loss of real estate in our country .