
  • 网络New Media Marketing
  1. 基于信息时代的新媒体营销策略研究

    Researching on New Media Marketing Tactic in Information Era

  2. 越来越多的企业在传统营销的基础上开始关注和实施新媒体营销。

    More and more enterprises have begun to pay attention to and implement new media marketing .

  3. 快速消费品行业在进入新媒体营销时代后,面临的是更加复杂多变的营销环境。

    FMGC industry is facing more complex marketing environment with its entering the new-media marketing era .

  4. 但可以肯定的是,包括数字娱乐在内的新媒体营销将成为可口可乐整体营销战略中越来越重要的部分。

    But it is sure that including the digital entertainment new media marketing it will become Coke overall marketing strategy more and more important part .

  5. 传统的营销方式开始逐渐落后与时代发展的脚步,一种全新的新媒体营销方式-微博营销已经开始悄然兴起。

    Traditional marketing methods began to lag behind the pace of development of the times ; the new media marketing of micro-blog marketing has been rising quietly .

  6. 第三,以中小成本电影《小时代》系列为案例,分析电影营销是如何运用大数据获得了成功,从市场定位、新媒体营销、整合营销、和排片率来归纳总结。

    Third , to small and medium-budget films " Tiny Times " series as a case analysis movie marketing is how to use big data to make success , from market positioning , new media marketing , integrated marketing , and exclusive piece rate to summarize .

  7. 重点讲解:新媒体将整合营销传播带入一个全新的发展阶段。

    New media will pu sh forward the integration of marketing communications into a new stage of development .

  8. 新媒体环境下企业营销传播的机遇与挑战

    The Opportunities and Challenges Enterprise Marketing Communications Face in the Age of New Media

  9. 媒介娱乐幻象的内在经济模式也是其生发机制的另一重要方面。一种是由传统媒体发起的立体化营销模式,另一种是以新媒体发起的注意力营销模式。

    Another important aspect for this mechanism is the inner economical format of media entertaining illusion : one is cubical norm of sale started by traditional media , and the other is attentive norm of sale originated from new media .

  10. 新媒体技术的变革引发了新媒体营销的变革,媒介生态环境和消费者媒介接触习惯也因此而发生变化。

    The reform of new media technologies has led to the change of the new-media marketing , with which the environment and consumer media habits have also changed .