
  • 网络new trade barrier
  1. 新贸易壁垒影响贸易利益的分配。

    New trade barrier effects on the pattern of trade interest distribution .

  2. 关注欧盟化学品新贸易壁垒

    New Trade Barrier for Chemical Products in European Union

  3. 反倾销是WTO框架下新贸易壁垒的主要形式之一。

    Anti dumping is one of the main forms of new trade barriers under the WTO framework .

  4. 政府和企业要采取多种措施积极应对并最终跨过后WTO时代的新贸易壁垒。

    Meanwhile , the government and enterprises should take measures to handle and eventually surmount this non-tariff trade barrier .

  5. 我国纺织品服装出口应对新贸易壁垒的对策:(1)应对技术贸易壁垒的对策:①设立专门机构,对TBT协定进行认真研究;

    Strategies for dealing with the new trade barriers : ( 1 ) Countermeasures against TBT : ( 1 ) A special agency is to be set up to study carefully the TBT agreement .

  6. 试论入世后过渡期出口企业应对新贸易壁垒的措施

    On " Post-WTO " Export Company Responding Measure about New Trade Barriers

  7. 是技术性措施,还是新贸易壁垒?

    Are They Technical Measures or New Trade Barriers ?

  8. 论配额取消后中国纺织业面临的新贸易壁垒

    Discussing the new trade barriers about Chinese textile industry is facing after the lifting of quotas

  9. 新贸易壁垒对山东出口贸易的影响与应对措施

    The Impact to the Export Trade of Shandong Province by the New Trade Barriers and the Counter-measures

  10. 后配额时期的新贸易壁垒及我国纺织服装业的应对策略研究

    Researches on New Trade Barriers in the Post-Quota Period and Countermeasures of China 's Textiles and Clothing Industry

  11. 台湾进出口纺织品服装市场新贸易壁垒对我国纺织品服装出口的影响与对策

    Impact of the New Trade Barriers on China 's Export of Textile and Clothing Products and the Corresponding Measures

  12. 分析了新贸易壁垒产生的背景、存在的原因、表现的特点以及发展趋势等问题。

    The background of coming into being , reasons of existing characters of appearing and the tendency of developing .

  13. 经济转型时期应对新贸易壁垒我国政府部分经济职能的转变

    Change of the Partial Government Economic Functions of Our Country against the New Trade Barrier during the Economic Transitional Period

  14. 这些新贸易壁垒起源于社会规则,是将国内社会规制拓展到国际贸易中,被称为社会规则国际化。

    These new trade barriers arise from social regulation , which is formed by bringing national social regulations to international trade .

  15. 世界银行指出,尽管无法量化这些新贸易壁垒所造成的影响,但可以肯定的是这些壁垒会使经济衰退更加恶化。

    While the bank said it was difficult to quantify the effects of the new barriers , they could aggravate that decline .

  16. 新贸易壁垒是对在当前国际贸易中逐渐成为主要角色的几类贸易壁垒的总称。

    The new trade barriers are gradually becoming the general names of several kinds of trade barriers playing the main role in present international trade .

  17. 全文从四个部分进行分析:(1)新贸易壁垒的产生机理及发展态势。

    The importances of the research are in four aspects : ( 1 ) the situation of developing and productive theory in new trade barrier .

  18. 随着新贸易壁垒的升级,规避及反规避问题已经成为国际反倾销中的新问题,越来越受到国际社会的关注。

    Along with the further development of the international trade and the upgrade of the new trade barriers , anti-dumping circumvention and anti-circumvention has already become the new problem in the international anti-dumping .

  19. 世界经济在第二次世界大战以后一体化程度越来越高,伴随着一体化程度的提高,关税和其他非关税的传统贸易壁垒逐渐被削弱,技术性贸易壁垒逐渐成为各国普遍利用的新贸易壁垒形式。

    With the increased level of integration , tariffs and other non-tariff trade barriers have been gradually weakened . At the same time technical barriers to trade has become the new trade barriers form .

  20. 第二章新贸易壁垒的经济效率分析,较为详细的分析了新贸易壁垒的作用机理、福利经济及对我国出口产生作用的机制。

    Chapter two " Economic efficiency analysis of the new trade barriers ", it analyzes functional mechanism , economic welfare and mechanism to affect our export from the new trade barriers in comparative detail .

  21. 在传统贸易壁垒作用日益减弱的今天,技术壁垒、绿色壁垒、社会壁垒等新贸易壁垒已成为我国外贸发展的主要障碍。

    Nowadays the function of traditional trade barriers have been weakened gradually and new trade barriers , such as technical barriers to trade , green barriers and social barriers , become the main obstacles of foreign trade .

  22. 随着国际贸易的发展,经济全球化进程的加快,关税与传统的非关税壁垒在国际贸易中的作用逐渐减弱,而以标准为核心的新贸易壁垒对国际贸易的影响越来越显著。

    With the development of international trade and the rapid progress of economic globalization , the tariffs and traditional non-tariff barriers have less impact on international trade , but the standards have greater impacts on international trade .

  23. 第四章新贸易壁垒的应对,基于前文对新贸易壁垒的讨论,从宏观政策面和微观企业角度对我们应有的对策做了全面深刻分析。

    Chapter four " to answer the new trade barriers ", on the basis of above discussion , it makes further analysis on our current countermeasures to the new trade barriers from two sides of macro-policy and micro-enterprise .

  24. 加入WTO以来,新贸易保护壁垒给中国企业带来了很大的冲击。

    After joining the WTO , the native Chinese enterprises have been confronted with plenty of new trade protection barriers .

  25. 环境标志的实施有利于环境友好产品的销售,也有成为发达国家新的贸易壁垒的趋势,加入WTO后,我国环境标志面临新的机遇与挑战。

    The enforcement of environment sign is helpful for sales of environmental friendly product , but also has the tendency that becomes new trade rampart of developed countries .

  26. 面对电子商务这一新的贸易壁垒,我们必须加快EDI的发展步伐。

    Be faced with the new trade bulwark in electronic business affairs , we must accelerate the development pace in EDI .

  27. 亚太经济合作组织(APEC)21个成员国同意就更多环保产品设定关税上限,并承诺在2015年前不增设新的贸易壁垒。

    The 21 members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation , or APEC , forum agreed on tariff caps for an extended list of environmental products and vowed not to raise new trade barriers before 2015 .

  28. 单边PPM环境贸易措施因环境问题的凸显而出现,其实施的初衷是保护环境,而实践中它却有可能被贸易保护主义利用,形成新的贸易壁垒。

    The emergence of unilateral PPM environment related trade measures is because of environmental issues . Their original intention is to protect the environment , but in practice , they have been used by trade protectionism .

  29. SA8000标准给我国企业也带来一些影响,如短期内,SA8000易形成新的贸易壁垒,减少产品出口;易带来企业成本上升,削弱产品竞争力;易造成失业率上升,影响国民经济发展。

    Although in the short term , SA8000 can easily form the new trade barriers , reduce product exports ; easily increase enterprise costs , weaken the product competitiveness ; easily rise unemployment , effect national economic development .

  30. 发达国家政府为了建立新的贸易壁垒,在企业界积极推行SA8000标准和认证体系,并在实践中使劳工标准与贸易挂钩。

    Developed country Government in order to establish the new trade barrier , carries out the SA8000 standard and the authentication system positively in the business community , in reality and causes the laborer standard and the trade suspension hook .