
jīn yuán wài jiāo
  • dollar diplomacy;checkbook/bribery diplomacy
  1. 塔夫脱积极实践门户开放原则,推行金元外交,排挤日俄在中国东北的势力,但因曲高和寡,终是失败告终。

    The Open Door principle was into active practice , and the implementation of Dollar Diplomacy was done to push out the Russo-Japanese forces in northeast China .

  2. 相应地,软权力策略构成了美国对拉美外交政策的必要部分,如金元外交、睦邻政策和争取进步同盟等美国对拉美的政策和措施都体现了软权力策略的因素。

    Correspondingly , soft power strategy constituted an indispensable part of the US foreign policy toward Latin America . Such policies and initiatives as Dollar Diplomacy , Good Neighbor Policy , and Alliance for Progress are examples of the application of soft power strategy in the history .