
  • 网络china unicom
  1. 随着以IP为主的数据业务的迅猛发展,如何满足不断增长的对传输容量和带宽的需求,是中国联通公司急需解决的问题。

    With fast increasing of IP-based data services , the exigent problem for China Unicom is how to satisfy the requirement of transmission capacity and bandwidth .

  2. 尤其是中国联通公司,得利于全业务运营牌照和3G牌照的发放,各项业务发展在近两年呈最优态势。

    Especially China UNICOM , benefited from the whole business operation licence and 3G licences issued , the various business development in recent years is the optimal situation .

  3. 作为拥有综合电信业务的中国联通公司就顺应市场的需求专门成立了服务提供机构,向用户提供一个高品质的VPN网络服务。

    With many integrated services , Unicom set up service organizations specially to supply a VPN internet service of good quality in order to meet the market demands .

  4. 中国联通公司的变革与发展研究

    A Study on Chinese Unicom Innovation and Development

  5. 中国联通公司作为新兴的电信运营商,是在中国电信运营市场不断开放的情况下成立的。

    China Unicom is established under the circumstance that Chinese telecommunication continuously opens its operation .

  6. 中国联通公司电信发展近况

    Telecom Service Development for China Unicom

  7. 在加入捷得之前,他曾在中国联通公司担任销售人员。

    Prior to joining jade co , he worked as a sales representative for China United telecommunication corporation .

  8. 随着各项通信业务的发展和长途传输干线的不断延伸,中国联通公司的本地传输网需要进一步发展和完善。

    Owing to development of communication service and extending of long-distance transmission backbone , local transmission network becomes a bottleneck for China Unicom .

  9. 作为中国联通公司在欧洲的主管,苏先生领一份微薄的薪水和一笔小额生活补贴金。

    As China Unicom 's head man in Europe , Mr So was paid a paltry Chinese salary plus a small cost-of-living allowance .

  10. 中国联通公司通过差异化竞争战略的实施,可以形成自己的核心竞争能力,从而增强公司的整体实力和综合竞争力,成为国内旗鼓相当的竞争主体,并向国际一流综合电信运营企业的战略目标前进。

    The China Unicom can enlarge the power to compete with other companies and be the international first-class telecommunication company by carrying out the otherness stratagem .

  11. 中国联通公司自1994年成立以来,以致力于成为国际一流的宽带通信和信息服务运营企业为目标,由小到大已发展成为国际知名的大型电信企业。

    Aims to world-class broadband communications and information service operator , China Unicom has become a well-known large telecom enterprise at home and abroad from small to large since its establishment in 1994 .

  12. 但是随着电信业的重组和竞争的加剧,中国联通公司在与中国移动、中国电信两家主运营商的较量中却显得势单力薄。

    But with the restructuring of the telecommunications industry and competition , China Unicom and China Mobile , China Telecom in the two main operators in the contest but to show a single force thin .

  13. 我国自1994年中国联通公司成立,在电信领域内引入竞争机制已经过去十多年,然而对于其市场结构和竞争绩效如何,我们却并不是很清楚。

    It is more than ten years since China Unicom was established in 1994 , which introduced a competition mechanism in the field of telecommunication . But we are not very clear for the competitive performance .

  14. 在探讨移动定位原理、接口技术的基础上,完成了从中国联通公司定位中心获取移动端位置信息的接口模块的开发工作。

    On the base of talking about mobile position principle and interface technology , we have developed the interface module getting the position information of the mobile object from the Mobile Position Center which built by China Union Communication .

  15. 河南联通公司作为中国联通公司的重要子公司,人员众多,岗位复杂,业务更迭迅速,而现有的传统培训模式已经无法跟上企业发展的脚步。

    Henan Unicom , as a major subsidiary of China Unicom , large numbers of people , job complexity , rapid business change , while the existing traditional training model has been unable to keep up with the pace of business development .

  16. 它表示,中国联通欧洲公司“与nitel的潜在竞标者进行了接触”,但没有提及这些竞标者的名称。

    It said the European arm had been " in contact with potential bidders " for NITEL but did not name them .

  17. 本文简介了中国联通寻呼公司的发展现状和联通寻呼网的建设、运营及发展。

    This paper introduces developing status of Unicom paging company and construction , operation and future of the paging .

  18. 但是,由于前台受理系统搭建于中国联通集团公司,但后台结算系统和号卡数据等需调用省分后台系统,造成了系统间不能稳定的进行信息交互。

    However , the foreground system is built on China Unicom Corporate system , and sub-background systems of provinces have to be called by the background system . This results in unstable communication between systems .

  19. 上周五,中国联通有限公司说,审计署对其国有母公司中国联通集团的审计发现,联通集团旗下子公司存在费用分摊不均和出具不适当发票等问题。

    On Friday China Unicom ( Hong Kong ) Ltd. , one of China 's big telecommunications carriers , said an audit of its state-owned parent had uncovered misallocation of expenses between companies in the China Unicom Group and issuance of improper invoices .

  20. 中国联通CS分公司发展战略研究

    Research on the Development Strategy of China Unicom CS Branch

  21. 根据实际案例,深入分析了中国联通内蒙古分公司ERP系统总体规划、各子系统的功能结构。

    Based on actual cases , in-depth analysis of China Unicom Inner Mongolia Branch ERP system master plan , all subsystems functional structures .

  22. 本文介绍了中国联通青岛分公司为提高CDMA网络质量、提高网络维护效率,开发并投入使用的一套话务统计与实时报警软件(CAS)。

    This document introduces the CDMA statistic & alert system ( CAS ), which is developed by the Qingdao Branch of China Unicom to make the operating work more efficiency and to improve the qulity of the CDMA network .

  23. 本文论述了中国联通永吉分公司在2010年7.28洪灾后,采用基于EPON技术的接入网实现灾后重建、改造的具体方案的设计与实现。

    This paper discusses the China Unicom Yongji branch in 2010 " 7.28 " after the flood , using EPON technology based on access network to realize the post-disaster reconstruction , modification of specific design and implementation .

  24. 其中前台硬件由国内监控行业某知名企业设计生产,中间网络传输部分由中国联通绍兴分公司的WCDMA网络进行承载,后端控制软件系统由绍兴联通与厂家联合设计研发。

    In which domestic surveillance by the hardware front a well-known companies design and production industry , the middle part of the China Unicom network transmission Shaoxing branch bearing WCDMA networks , back-end control software system consists of Shaoxing , China Unicom joint design and development with manufacturers .

  25. 李泽楷是香港首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)的儿子,他与其新加坡上市控股公司盈科拓展(PCRD)控制着电讯盈科28%的股权,而中国联通是该公司第二大股东,持有19.9%的股权。

    Mr Li , son of Li Ka-shing , Hong Kong 's richest man , and Pacific Century Regional Developments , his Singapore-listed holding company , control 28 per cent of PCCW , while China Unicom is the company 's second-largest shareholder with a 19.9 per cent stake .

  26. 中国联通重庆分公司企业文化建设研究

    A Research on Building the Corporate Culture in China Unicom , Chongqing Branch

  27. 第三章:中国联通包头分公司经营管理现状及系统需求分析。

    The third chapter , management situation and system requires analysis of China Unicom Baotou branch .

  28. 中国联通吉林分公司人力资源管理信息系统改进研究

    The Research to Improve the Human Resource Management Information System of Jilin Branch of China Unicom

  29. 对中国联通沅江分公司经营发展战略的研究包括三个层次的内容:①企业的战略分析;

    There are three levels of the development strategy for Yuanjiang Branch , e.g. strategic analysis ;

  30. 通过采取上述措施,降低中国联通呼和浩特分公司的采购成本,提高企业竞争力。

    Through these measures , reduce China unicom Hohhot controlled company procurement costs , enhance the competitiveness of enterprises .