
  • 网络Consulting;management consulting;Management consultancy;Management Consultant;management advisory
  1. G1法在管理咨询业顾客满意度评价中的应用研究

    To Study on Applying of Customer Satisfaction Evaluating in Management Consulting Industry Based on G_1 Method

  2. TH管理咨询公司发展战略研究

    The Research on Developing Strategies of TH Management Consulting Company

  3. 管理咨询公司

    a firm of management consultants

  4. 面向企业实施ERP的管理咨询服务

    Management Consultation Service for Implementing ERP in Enterprises

  5. 去年,肯特•凯德尔接管了伦敦管理咨询公司控制风险集团(ControlRisks)的亚洲业务,他知道自己肯定会遇到大麻烦。

    Kent kedl knew he had big problems last year when he took the helm of the Asia practice of London-based management consulting firm control risks .

  6. 本文作者约翰•哈格尔三世是德勤管理咨询公司董事,在德勤设在硅谷的CenterfortheEdge担任联合董事长。

    John Hagel III , director in Deloitte Consulting LLP , is the co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the edge based in Silicon Valley .

  7. 人才管理咨询公司美国智睿咨询有限公司(DevelopmentDimensionsInternational)调查了2000多名最近被聘用的员工,询问他们在面试过程中遇到的奇怪问题,结果调查人员收集了一大堆问题。

    When talent management consultants development dimensions international quizzed more than 2,000 newly hired employees about strange questions they had fielded in job interviews , the researchers got an earful .

  8. 费城人才及职业管理咨询公司RightManagement的一项调查显示,有大概60%的员工表示,他们打算等到经济形势改善后辞掉当前的工作。

    Some 60 % of workers say they intend to leave their jobs when the economy improves , according to a survey by Right Management , a talent and career-management consulting firm in Philadelphia .

  9. GS管理咨询公司市场营销策略研究

    Studies on Marketing Tactics of GS Management Consulting Company

  10. 实施ERP要选择合适的ERP平台和管理咨询顾问,否则会走弯路。

    It is necessary to select the suitable ERP platform and consultation advisor - otherwise you will take a wrong path .

  11. 这是管理咨询公司合益集团(HayGroup)上周发布的一项研究中的关键内容。

    That 's the key finding in a study from Hay Group , a global management consultancy firm , which was published this week .

  12. 与莫塞尔管理咨询公司主管全球范围内招聘的副总裁凯瑟琳·H·贝克共度一天后,体会就更清晰了。

    Spend a day with Catherine H. Baker , vice-president in charge of worldwide recruiting at Mercer Management Consulting Inc. , and that much is clear .

  13. 23岁的古纳尔•优素福(GunalYoussouf)是TeachFirst人,她加入了普华永道(PwC)英国分公司的管理咨询毕业生项目。

    Gunal Youssouf , 23 , is a Teach Firster who has joined the UK arm of PwC 's management consultancy graduate scheme .

  14. 加入WTO后,企业对管理咨询的需求将不断增大,中国管理咨询业的巨大发展空间将会逐渐展现出来。

    With the entry into the WTO , consulting service will be wanted than before , management consulting service in China is facing a wide world .

  15. 我当初进行申请的时候,一些做管理咨询的同事也在考虑读mba。

    At the time I was applying , some of my colleagues in management consulting were also considering an MBA .

  16. 笔者在导师的推荐下,非常有幸地参加了ACTION公司的人力资源管理咨询组,并主要负责了ACTION公司工作分析的策划、研究与实施工作。

    The writer , recommended by the supervisor , took part in the HRM consulting group of ACTION Company , was in charge of the design , research and implementation of the job analysis .

  17. 管理咨询公司麦肯锡(mckinsey)称,三分之二的中外合资企业是亏损的。

    Two-thirds of Sino-foreign ventures are loss-making , according to McKinsey , the management consultancy .

  18. 此后,斯图斯特管理咨询公司提出了一整套基于EVA的企业价值评估及业绩评价的体系。

    After that , Stern & Steward Ltd. Co. proposed a system evaluating the value and performance of an enterprise based on EVA .

  19. 环境管理咨询公司EMSIEngineering客户经理面试题。

    EMSI Engineering ( Account Manager )

  20. 通过引入管理咨询、加强项目培训工作以及加强实施团队的假设,降低企业实施ERP项目的人力资源风险。

    Through introducing management consulting , strengthens the project training and strengthens construct of the group , to reduce the human resources risk that enterprises implement ERP project .

  21. 并非每家投行都有高盛(GoldmanSachs)的职业准则,并非每家管理咨询公司都有麦肯锡(McKinsey)的文化。

    Not every investment bank has the work ethic of Goldman Sachs , nor management consultancy the culture of a McKinsey .

  22. 营销咨询公司数达企业管理咨询(DataDrivenMarketingAsia,简称DDMA)发布的报告显示,一种新产品在“成熟连锁超市”上架的成本或“高达2.7万美元”。

    According to the report by Data Driven Marketing Asia , the marketing consultancy , the cost of listing one new product " with an established supermarket chain can be as high as $ 27000 . "

  23. 20世纪80年代,美国思腾思特管理咨询公司在剩余收入的基础上,提出了一种新的财务指标&经济增加值(EconomicValueAdded,简称EVA)。

    EVA , an acronym for economic value added , as a kind of new financial index is hailed by Stern-Stewart & Company based on a long-known and compelling concept called residual income in 1980 ' s.

  24. 本文以管理咨询业的视角,指出我国企业ERP系统建设失败有技术、管理、项目实施三个方面的原因。

    Based on the management consultation 's angle of view , the paper analyzes Chinese enterprise 's ERP implementation from 3 aspects that are technology , management and project implementation .

  25. 我国加入WTO已迫在眉睫,管理咨询服务的非传统会计服务将面临严峻挑战,因此,完善我国管理咨询类非传统会计服务具有必要性和紧迫性。

    China is on the point of entering WTO and its non traditional accounting services of management consulting services are to face severe challenges . It is necessary and urgent to perfect the services .

  26. 招聘mem毕业生的雇主包括能源企业、金融服务企业以及管理咨询公司。

    Recruiters of MEM graduates include , energy companies , financial services companies and management consulting firms .

  27. 本文以管理咨询的视角,从企业战略的高度和打造企业核心竞争力的角度,论述莱芜钢铁股份有限公司CRM模式。

    This paper discusses LaiWu Steel Corporation ( LS Co. ) CRM mode from enterprise strategic perspective to acquire its core competitive power through a management consultant 's eyes .

  28. 过去一年,mba就业市场一直有一个亮点,那就是mba毕业生被管理咨询机构争抢的数量。

    There has been one bright spot in the MBA job market over the past year and that was the number of graduates snapped up by the management consultancies .

  29. 陈建志导师(DepewChen):资深实战型战略实施咨询、人力资源管理咨询和培训专家;

    Depew Chen , senior strength strategy implementation consult , HR management consulting and training expert ;

  30. 自2001以来,斯特恩管理咨询中国公司也主要依掘EVA指标连续推出中国上市公司财富创造和毁灭排行榜,对中国上市公司进行排名。

    Since 2001 , stern Stuart consulting company ( China ) also mainly bases on the EVA target to take " china market company wealth creation and deconstruction ranking " .