
  • 网络management paradigm
  1. 一种新的管理范式&基于研究证据的管理

    A New Management Paradigm : Management Based on Research Evidence

  2. 历史与比较视野下的我国政府人力资源管理范式

    Chinese Government Human Resource Management Paradigm in Historical and Comparative Fields of Vision

  3. 在企业ERP系统导入方面,目前存在两种观点:一种观点主张拿来主义,即全盘接受ERP系统所提供的标准管理范式;

    There are two viewpoints about ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) implement in a corporation . The first viewpoint insists that the corporation must completely accept the standard management model offered by the ERP system ;

  4. 数字化信息时代企业管理范式的变迁

    The Paradigm Shift of the Enterprises Management in the Digital Age

  5. 企业集成风险管理范式构建:理论分析与运行架构

    Style of Integrated Risk Management : Theoretic Analysis and Operational Structure

  6. 我国酒店企业战略管理范式研究

    A Research on the Strategy Paradigm of Our Country Hotels

  7. 新公共管理范式下的地方政府改革&论政务超市的兴起与发展

    The Local Government Reform under the Background of the New Public Management Paradigm

  8. 新公共管理范式的成就与问题及对我们的启示

    The Achievements and Problems of the New Public Administration

  9. 工业化进程中管理范式的演进

    Evolution of Management Paradigm in the Advancement of Industrialization

  10. 评西方的新公共管理范式

    On the Western Paradigm of New Public Management

  11. 论建设项目工程造价管理范式的科学转换

    On Paradigm Transfer for Construction Project Cost Management

  12. 公共管理范式的兴起与特征

    The Rise and Characteristics of Public Management Paradigm

  13. 公共管理范式下的教育行政创新

    Public Management and Innovation of Educational Administration

  14. 论基于技能的人力资源管理范式

    Ability - based Human Resource Management Model

  15. 企业生态与企业管理范式

    Enterprise Ecology and Paradigm of Enterprise Management

  16. 质量管理范式研究

    An Analysis on Paradigms of Quality Management

  17. 初探企业管理范式的转换

    Primary Study on Management Paradigm Shift

  18. 政府、企业与非营利组织人力资源管理范式比较研究

    The Comparative Study on the Paradigms of Human Resource Management for Government , Enterprise and NPO

  19. 第二,一种新型管理范式&适应式管理的构建与实践。

    Secondly , a new management paradigm & to adapt to the construction and practice of management .

  20. 论知识管理范式

    On Paradigm for Knowledge Management

  21. 网络技术的发展,打破了传统的社会组织结构与公共管理范式。

    The development of network technology has broken the traditional social organization structure and public management model .

  22. 本文从传统管理范式与管理新范式的对比中,简略地勾画出未来管理的主要特点与发展趋势。

    By comparing traditional and modern management systems , this paper discusses briefly main characteristics and developmental trend .

  23. 本文首先探讨了库恩的范式转换理论及西方教育管理范式的转换;

    This article firstly analyzes Kuhn 's paradigm shift theory and the paradigm shift in the western educational administration .

  24. 支撑宪政主义公共管理范式的理论基础主要有新公共服务理论、公民参与理论、多中心理论。

    The theoretical foundation supporting constitutionalism is mainly as follows : new public service theory , citizen participation theory , and many centers theory .

  25. 文章通过分析范式的结构与层次,提出了质量管理范式,并重点就两种质量管理范式进行了介绍和评价。

    This paper proposes paradigms of quality management through analyzing the structure and levels of paradigm , then introduces two paradigms of quality management in major .

  26. 正是基于这种视角,本文就历史与比较的双重视野来审视我国政府人力资源管理范式建构。

    This dissertation is based on this viewpoint to survey the construction of our government human resource management paradigm in dual fields of historical and comparative vision .

  27. 构建系统化的网络教学情境,是对现代远程教育管理范式提出的适应时代发展的新要求。

    The construction of the systematic network teaching situation is the new demand put forward by the paradigm of modern distance education to meet the needs of times .

  28. 实际上,发展性教师评价关于自我实现的人的人性假设及其人文主义的管理范式也有其内在的缺陷。

    In fact , the human hypothesis of " self-fulfilled person " and the management pattern of humanism in teacher professional development assessment bear some inner defects as well .

  29. 新公共管理范式既是当代西方政府管理研究的新的理论形态,又是当代西方政府管理的新的实践模式。

    The mode of New Public Administration is not only a new theory of study on current western government administration , but also a new practice of the government administration .

  30. 组织的最终目标是提高组织绩效从而创造更多的财富,而有效的管理范式可以为获得竞争力提供良好的环境优势。

    To improve organizational performance and thereby creating more wealth is the ultimate goal of the organization . Then , effective management paradigm can supply good environmental advantages for gaining a great competition .