
  1. 现金管理注意事项:多余的现金应及时存入银行;

    Cash management items : the surplus cash should be put in the bank ;

  2. 文章最后提出了预防曲轴箱爆炸事故发生的日常管理注意事项及应急措施,以期能供轮机管理人员参考。

    Finally this paper brings forward some attention items in daily management and emergency Iules to help the marine engineers .

  3. 近年来,定纤缫丝纤度管理注意到利用茧层的精细区分对纤度进行调控,但是依靠感官区分茧丝层别时,所获得的各层茧丝长度为多少,过去并不明确。

    Recently , the fineness of cocoon layer was taken to control the silk size , however , the silk length can not be identify when distinguishing the cocoon layer by sense .

  4. 分析了溴化锂吸收式制冷机组的技术特点,并结合成都双流国际机场实例,介绍了溴化锂吸收式机组在不同季节的运行管理注意事项,以供业内人士参考。

    Explains in detail the advantages and shortcomings of the chiller unit , for others reference , gives the operation and management proceedings of the chiller unit in different season for an engineering example in Chengdu Shuang-Liu International Airport .

  5. 浅谈高校合并中财务管理应注意的问题

    On Some Points for Attention to Financial Handling Concerned with College-Merging

  6. 公路工程施工现场管理应注意的问题

    Attention a Few Problems in Scene of Administration in Road Engineering Construction

  7. 工程招标管理应注意的几个问题

    Some Problems Which Should be Noticed in Engineering Invitation to Bid Administration

  8. 电子文件的特点及管理应注意的问题

    The Characteristics of Electronic Documents and Some Problems of Management

  9. 谈油库消防管理应注意的几个问题

    Paying Attention to Several Problems on Fire Fighting Management in Oil Depot

  10. 提出了事业单位实行二级预算管理应注意的五个问题。

    Thirdly , five problems needing attention about the secondary budget are suggested .

  11. 管理人员注意到了这种不满,并欣然接受。

    So , managers paid attention to this heated chatter and embraced it .

  12. 同时,并提出实施绩效管理需要注意的问题。

    Meanwhile , the proposed implementation of performance management issues that need attention .

  13. 浅谈实施目标管理应注意的三个问题

    Three Points Concerned in the Application of Target Management

  14. 一位检查员率先让管理部门注意到这些缺陷。

    An inspector first brought these deficiencies to the attention of the management .

  15. 浅析草坪养护及管理应注意的几个问题

    Discussion on Issues of Maintenance and Management on Lawn

  16. 地铁、轻轨交通工程建设中测量管理应注意的问题及对策

    Problems and Measures in Survey Management for Metro and Light Rail Transit Engineering Construction

  17. 施工企业实施目标管理应注意的问题

    Problems in Implementing Target Management in Construction Enterprises

  18. 物业建筑设备管理需注意的若干问题

    Several Problems of Observation About Property Equipment Management

  19. 通过细化破产管理人注意义务的规定来完善内部监督。

    Duty of care by refining the provisions of the insolvency administrator to improve internal oversight .

  20. 企业风险管理必须注意地缘政治与经济风险之间的强相关性。

    Corporate risk management must be mindful of the close correlation between geopolitical and economic risks .

  21. 有时,也许你需要一段时间才能让管理者注意到你的价值。

    And in some cases it may take time for the employer to recognize your values .

  22. 县城电网改造工程中安全管理应注意的问题

    Problems that the Secure Administration Ought to be Paid Attention to in Power Network Reforming Project at County

  23. 定植后加强肥水管理,注意预防病虫害;

    The water and fertilizer management , and the control of diseases and pests should be strengthened after transplanting ;

  24. 术中管理要注意围术期循环、呼吸、水-电解质酸碱平衡、体温的维持。

    Perioperative management should include perioperative circulation , respiratory , water-electrolyte balance , maintaining of the suitable temperature . 3 .

  25. 相关的,文章最后指出了企业实施项目管理应注意的问题。

    Accordingly , we also point out the problems that a company should be aware of in carring out project management .

  26. 提出了锅炉改造,配套取干除灰设备的设计、管理应注意的问题。

    Issues that should be observed in boiler reconstruction , dry ash fetching equipment design , management are raised in the article .

  27. 结论采用体位疗法、加强呼吸管理、注意监测血糖、提倡主动转运及宫内转运等方法联合应用能有效地提高有并发症早产儿的治愈率。

    Conclusion : Position therapy , respiratory management , attention to glycemia and active conveyance are important methods to improve the conditions of preterm infants .

  28. 本文阐述了电气线路运行中的火灾原因,具体的防火措施以及日常管理应注意的事项。

    The paper describes the cause of electrical fire , the specific fireproofing measures , and the matters should be paid attention to in daily management .

  29. 然而,在大萧条之后,管理者注意到廉价人类劳动力供应充足,一直满足于暂时不使用机器人。

    Instead , in the wake of the great recession , managers have noted an ample supply of cheap human labour and have done without the machines for now .

  30. 第五章总结前面理论研究和案例分析的结论,提出实施六西格玛管理应该注意的问题,展望六西格玛管理的前景。

    Chapter fine , first , summarize the previous theoretical research and case study conclusions . Second , we bring up the issue in the implementation of Six Sigma management .