
  • 网络failure of regulation;Regulation failure
  1. 我国矿山安全管制失灵的原因及对策研究

    Research on the Causes and Countermeasures of the Failure of China 's Mine Safety Control

  2. 政府管制失灵成因及其法律规制

    On Regulation Malfunctions and the Improvement of Government 's Regulating Competence The government 's tailure and its legal structure

  3. 主要的金融监管理论包括:金融风险论、公共利益论、管制失灵论。而新制度经济学则从制度变迁的角度对金融监管制度的建立与变迁进行了理论分析。

    The main schools are : finance risk theory , public benefits theory , and regulation invalidation theory and so on .

  4. 这正是垄断行业管制改革失灵的主要原因。

    This is the main reason for regulatory reform of monopoly industries failure .

  5. 并针对每种理论观点进行分析,比较优劣,然后提出政府管制也存在失灵,阐述了政府管制失灵理论,确定本文的理论支撑框架。

    To each kind of theory the paper gives analysis . And finally the basic theory supporting this thesis is built .

  6. 管制缘于市场失灵,会计信息的外部性、时效性和自然垄断性决定了会计信息披露需要管制。

    Regulation originates from market failure , the necessity of regulation is decided by the following characteristics of accounting information , externality , effectiveness and natural monopolization .

  7. 结果表明:政府管制会出现政府失灵,无法实现政府和水用户之间的激励相容;

    The results show " Government Failure " that cannot realize incentive compatibility between government and water users under the former model ;

  8. 管制论基于市场失灵和公平问题,提出应当对上市公司的信息披露进行管制,并对虚假陈述和内幕交易行为进行惩罚。

    Against market failure and for the sake of equity , the advocators of regulation think it necessary to impose regulation on information disclosure of the listed corporations and to inflict punishment on false statement and insider trading .

  9. 我国现行社会性管制体系的不完善是管制失灵的主要原因。

    Faultiness of social regulation system is critical reason that results in inefficacy of government .

  10. 通过对政府管制理由的反思,指出某些管制本身存在失灵问题,同时揭示了某些限制竞争的不当管制,这些都应当在放松管制和管制重构的背景下逐步剔除。

    Through the introspection of the reasons of government regulation , it reflects the failure of government regulation in some circumstances and some improper government regulations which restrict competition . All these defects should be gradually fixed under the background of reduction and the rebuild of the current government regulation .

  11. 本文则把焦点研究放在政府管制体系上面,认为制约中小企业安全管理水平提高的主要根源在于政府管制不力,安全生产管制失灵。

    The problems existing in safe production management of pipeline gas construction enterprise are discussed , and the measures for solving the problems are put forward .