
ɡuǎn lǐ zhí nénɡ
  • management functions;managerial function
  1. 高校基本建设中,项目工程师管理职能浅析

    Analysis of managerial function of project engineer in capital constructure

  2. 任免高级职员是董事会的一项重要的管理职能。

    The selection or removal of officers is an important managerial function of the board of directors .

  3. 加入WTO与西部地方政府管理职能的转变

    WTO and the function transformation of local governments in west China

  4. 进入WTO以后的政府管理职能正在从管理型向服务型转变。

    Since China 's entry into WTO , administration function of government is changing into service style from administration style .

  5. 以经济增加值(EVA)作为财务管理职能的统一目标研究

    Applying EVA to be the uniform aim of functions in financial management system

  6. Brian等人将企业的人力资源管理职能外包行为分为综合性活动、人力资本活动、交易性活动和人力资源获取活动四大类。

    Human Resource Management Outsourcing and Its Strategic Role in Firms Brain classified HRM activities into all-around activities , human capital activities , transactional activities and HR recruitment activities .

  7. 虽然市场上也不断涌现形式多样的类似的准房地产投资信托基金,但是目前国内这些准REITs基本上还停留在贷款融资层面上,而没有实现REITs的本质特色&专业的投资管理职能。

    Though there is various similar REITs in the market of China , these just remain in the surface of loan and finance , not realize REITs ' essential feature & the functions of professional investment and management .

  8. 在绩效管理职能方面,大连PGM自成立以来一直沿用美国总部的绩效评估体系,对于人才的使用、开发、激励和保留曾起到了非常重要的作用。

    In terms of the performance management , Dalian PGM followed the performance appraisal system of the headquarters located in America , that played a significant role in hiring , developing , motivating and retaining talent .

  9. 商人和生产商组成了非官方的具有广泛管理职能的行业协会。

    Merchants and producers formed non-governmental guilds with comprehensive administratorial functions .

  10. 在市场经济条件下,政府行政部门要转换管理职能。

    Under market economy , government departments should change administration duty .

  11. 旅游协会行业管理职能和机制研究

    Research on Function and System of Industrial Management of Tourism Association

  12. 对完善工商行政管理职能的思考

    Thinking about the Improvement of Industrial and Commercial Administration Management Functions

  13. 战略决策是企业高层决策者重要的管理职能。

    Strategic decision is an important management function for top decision-maker .

  14. 政府管理职能由直接管理转为间接管理;

    Changing government management function from direct management to indirect management ;

  15. 入世与政府经济管理职能的适应性转变

    WTO Entry and Adaptive Transformation of the Economy Management Function of Government

  16. 科室主任管理职能与基本素质探讨

    Function in Management and Basic Ability of Directors in Hospital

  17. 强化管理职能防止医疗纠纷

    Consolidate the function of management to prevent from medical dispute

  18. 充实律师协会行业管理职能,发挥行业管理优势;

    Enrichment Bar Association industry management functions , a trade management advantages ;

  19. 建筑工程甲方代表管理职能的探讨

    Research on management functions of Part A 's representatives in construction engineering

  20. 政府对国有商业银行股份制改造管理职能的研究

    Government Function in the Joint-Stock Reform of State-Owned Commercial Banks

  21. 其次,从管理职能的角度出发,给出了实现功能转移的基本框架。

    Next the paper puts forward the basic framework to realize it .

  22. 重管理职能,忽视平等地位;

    Focus on management functions with little attention to equality ;

  23. 在体制创新中实现卫生管理职能的改变

    The transformation of health management functions during the process of system innovation

  24. 挖掘孙子兵法管理职能,完善管理学原理教学

    Learn from the Art of War , Improving the Teaching of Management

  25. 浅谈强化学校档案管理职能

    A Discussion of the Strengthening of the Management Function of Archives in Schools

  26. 强化政府管理职能,抓好宏观管理;

    Forth , to reinforce the administrative functions of government and make macro-control ;

  27. 财务管理职能没有完全从会计职能中分离出来,仍以核算为主。

    The function of financial management is not divided from function of accounting .

  28. 弱化政府微观经济管理职能,实现政企分开;

    Weaken the function of micro economic manages to separate government and business ;

  29. 房地产开发项目公司管理职能的探讨

    Functions of Project Management Company in Real Estate Development

  30. 转移出来的社会公共管理职能由社会公共组织来承担。

    The social public management function was carried out by the social public organizations .