
  • 网络Management Training;MBA;ppt;EDP
  1. 我国加入WTO后企业管理培训问题探讨

    On the Probe of Management Training for Enterprise with China 's Entry into WTO

  2. 本段文字的作者是项目管理培训公司esiinternational执行副总裁

    The writer is executive vice-president of ESI International , a project management training company

  3. 没有几个应聘者接受过管理培训。

    Few candidates had received any training in management .

  4. STS总部设在瑞士的洛桑,是专门从事开发项目管理培训产品。

    Based in Lausanne , Switzerland , STS is specialising in developing project-management training products .

  5. 比如,高盛(GoldmanSachs)推出了为期五年的“万名女性”(10000Women)计划,拿出1亿美元为女性企业家们提供商业和管理培训。

    For example , Goldman Sachs ( GS ) launched the 10,000 women initiative , a five-year , $ 100 million effort to provide business and management education to female entrepreneurs .

  6. CSC还负责管理培训执照和其他与项目有关的资产,而IBM提供这些资产本身和办公室基础设施。

    CSC also took responsibility to manage training licenses and other assets related to the program , while IBM provided the assets themselves and the back office infrastructure .

  7. MZ公司作为一家专业的管理培训机构,为提高公司客户满意度和忠诚度,对公司客户进行了满意度的问卷调查。

    As a professional management training company , MZ Corporation does a questionnaire about satisfaction among its customers .

  8. 欧洲管理培训中心是EMC的一个分支部门,专门帮助各类公司在欧洲找到准确的市场定位,其中包括市场战略部署,市场营销及供应链管理等。

    European Management Coaching , a division of EMC , helps companies to build significant market positions in Europe through partnerships covering company strategy , sales , marketing , and distribution .

  9. AOTS的管理培训以课堂教学为主。其教学的主要特点为:1、各种工作都有周密详尽的计划。

    AOTS managerial training takes the classroom teaching as the main program .

  10. 您想成为具有顶尖美国培训师协会(ATA)认证的呼叫中心内部管理培训师(IMT)吗?

    Then surely you will want to be an internal management trainer with the privileged IMT certification issued by the American Trainers Association ( ATA )?

  11. 在纽约从事管理培训的哈恩(LiciaHahn)建议说,想想你能为新团队及其领导者提供什么。

    Think about what you have to offer to the new team and its leader , advises Licia Hahn , an executive coach in New York .

  12. 还有一些雇主,比如在小城镇开设门店的时装零售店Maurices,通过一项管理培训计划为公司培育人才。

    And still others , such as Maurices , a fashion retailer that sets up shop in small towns , groom talent through a management training program .

  13. 模拟教学方法在管理培训中的运用

    The teaching imitation in the use of the bussiness management training

  14. 越南国家结核病防治规划中的管理培训效果评估

    Management training in Vietnam 's National Tuberculosis Program : an impact evaluation

  15. 教育服务、管理培训、重组公司、转型等工作。

    Education Services , Management Training , Re-Structing of Company .

  16. 有些人甚至认为,福岛事故增加了管理培训的需求。

    Some even argue that Fukushima increases the need for management training .

  17. 女:劳拉·威廉姆斯有一些管理培训经验。

    Woman : Laura Williams has some management training experience .

  18. 亚行贷款污水管理培训中心暖通空调设计

    HVAC system design for ADB-loan Waste Water Management Training Center

  19. 临床试验数据管理培训&现状、经验与展望

    The Current Situation , Experience and Prospect of Clinical Data Management Training

  20. 管理培训项目的职位。

    A position in charge of management training programs .

  21. 协助公司各部门进行质量管理培训;

    Quality Inspection The quality control for production procedure ;

  22. 参加过档案管理培训,产品研发资料管理等工作者优先。

    Getting the documents management training and products researching and improvement are prior .

  23. 这反映出英国人非常不喜欢花钱进行管理培训。

    That reflects a very British disinclination to shell out on management training .

  24. 管理培训及测试中心

    " Management , Training and Trade Testing Centre "

  25. 该公司为毕业生设计了复杂的管理培训计划。

    The company has worked out an elaborate management training scheme for graduates .

  26. 管理培训中心的专用工具及设备。

    Manage special tools and equipments of training center .

  27. 基于新理念的现代管理培训模式

    Modern Management Training Based on an Innovative Philosophy

  28. 论组织企业管理培训的关键因素钻夹头扳手锥齿轮有限元建模与强度分析

    Finite Element Modeling and Strength Analysis for Key and Bevel Gear of Drill Chuck

  29. 项目管理培训应具备什么行业素质?

    What qualities are required for PM training ?

  30. 他在修管理培训课程。

    He 's doing a management training course .