
  • 网络Ascender;JUMAR
  1. 大岩壁术语,祝玛式上升器或其它种类的上升器。

    Jugs-Big wall lingo for Jumars or any other type of ascenders .

  2. 嫦娥五号进入月球轨道后,着陆器和上升器组合体将与轨道器和返回器组合体分离。

    After it enters the lunar orbit , the lander-ascender combination will separate from the orbiter-returner combination .

  3. 样本转送至返回器后,上升器会与轨返组合体分离。

    After the samples are transferred to the returner , the ascender will separate from the orbiter-returner .

  4. 毕竟没有路绳没有上升器,仅凭冰抓和冰镐在这样的严寒和大风下登顶太危险。

    Without climbing rope and closer , top climbing is too dangerous to be accepted by me amateur .

  5. 之后,上升器带着采集的月球样品起飞上升,与轨返组合体对接。

    Then the ascender will take off with the sample , and dock with the orbiter-returner in orbit .

  6. 中国嫦娥五号月球探测器的上升器在采集土壤和岩石样本后离开月球。

    The ascender of China 's Chang'e-5 Lunar probe has left the moon after collecting soil and rock samples .

  7. 上升器将与在月球轨道上等待的轨道返回器组合体对接,并将样本转移到地球。

    The ascender will dock with the orbital-returner combination waiting in the lunar orbit and transfer the samples to earth .

  8. 轨道器和返回器将绕月运行,而上升器和着陆器则将登陆月球。

    The orbiter and return vehicle will orbit the moon , while the lander and ascender will land on the moon .

  9. 中国嫦娥五号着陆器和上升器已与月球探测器分离,预计将于本周晚些时候软着陆。

    The lander and ascender of China 's Chang'e-5 have the lunar probe for a soft landing that is expected later this week .

  10. 这个重达八吨多的月球探测器由四个部分组成:分别是轨道器、返回器、上升器和着陆器。

    The lunar probe , which weighs over eight tons , four parts : an orbiter , a returner , an ascender and a lander .

  11. 探测器的上升器将很快从月球表面起飞,将样本送到等待在月球轨道上的返回器和轨道器。

    The ascender of the probe will from the lunar surface soon to transfer the samples to the returner and orbiter waiting in the lunar orbit .

  12. 来自国家航天局的消息,11月30日4时40分,嫦娥五号探测器着陆器和上升器组合体与轨道器和返回器组合体顺利分离。

    The lander-ascender combination of the spacecraft separated from its orbiter-returner combination at 4:40 am Monday , according to the China National Space Administration ( CNSA ) .

  13. (着陆器和上升器)组合体将降落在(月球)风暴洋北部,并在那里采集两公斤的月球样本。

    The combination will land in the northwest region of Oceanus Procellarum , also known as the Ocean of Storms , where two kilograms of lunar sample will be collected .

  14. 着陆器将采集月球样本,并将其放入上升器上的一个容器中,上升器将与飞行器对接。然后将样品转移到返回器。

    The lander will collect moon samples and place them in a vessel aboard the ascender , which will dock with the orbiter . The samples will then be transferred to the returner .

  15. 接着,其他的白队队员用普鲁士结(或上升器)连接上黑队的结组绳,这时一共有4名队员处在拖曳位置。

    Next , the rest of the white team attaches their prusiks ( or ascenders ) to the black team 's rope , so there are now four people in position to haul .

  16. 据中国航天科技集团公司第五研究院专家叶培建表示,嫦娥五号探测器是由轨道器、返回器、上升器、着陆器等多个部分组成。

    According to Ye Peijian , an expert with the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation Fifth Research Academy , Chang'e-5 will consist of the orbiter , the return vehicle , the ascender and the lander .

  17. “嫦娥五号”探测器起飞重量8.2吨,包括轨道器、返回器、着陆器、上升器四个部分,将在月球轨道实施无人交会对接。

    Chang'e-5 , comprising an orbiter , a returner , a lander , and an ascender , with a total takeoff mass of 8.2 tonnes , is expected to accomplish unmanned rendezvous and docking in lunar orbit .

  18. 轨道器和返回器组合体将继续在平均高度约200公里的环月轨道上飞行并等待上升器交会对接,着陆器和上升器组合体将择机实施月面软着陆,进行自动采样等后续工作。

    The lander-ascender combination will execute a soft landing on the moon and engage in automatic sampling . The orbiter-returner will continue orbiting about 200 km above the lunar surface and wait for rendezvous and docking with the ascender .

  19. 着陆器和上升器组合体在距离月球表面200公里处留轨运行,着陆器承载上升器计划12月初在月球西北面的“风暴洋”区域登陆。

    While the orbiter-returner orbits about 200 km above the lunar surface , the lander-ascender will touch down on the northwest region of Oceanus Procellarum , also known as the Ocean of Storms , on the near side of the moon in early December .

  20. 随着沸腾水的温度的上升,反应器出口二甲醚摩尔分率、甲醇转化率以及二甲醚的日产量都增加,同时床层热点温度迅速上升。

    With the increase of the boiling water temperature , the outlet mole fraction of dimethyl ether , methanol conversion and the daily capacity of dimethyl ether were all increased .

  21. 随着吹氩量的增大,流股的冲击深度逐渐减小,窝心高度有所上升;结晶器液面速度和温度的提高表明了氩气吹入后,钢液的上循环流动得到了增强。

    The impact depth decreased and the cavity height improved with the gas flowrate increased . The improved surface velocity and temperature showed that the upper circulate of the steel was enhanced when blowing argon gas .

  22. 应用CFD方法研究了两级重复使用运载器上升段和轨道器再入段的气动性能。

    The aerodynamic performance of a tandem two-stage-to-orbit ( TSTO ) reusable launch vehicle ( RLV ) and its reentry orbiter are studied through employing computational fluid dynamic ( CFD ) method .