
  • 网络Camp 2;Horombo Hut
  1. 你看到的是二号营地,它搭在J2,不是K2(世界第二高峰),而是J2.

    You 're looking at Camp Two in a place called J2 , not K2 , but J2 .

  2. 一支中国登山队顶着强风抵达世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰的二号营地。

    A Chinese mountaineering team has reached Camp Two of Mount Qomolangma , the world 's tallest peak , despite heavy winds .

  3. 虽然这个问题仍悬而未决,联合国难民署爱德华兹说,伊福二号营地正在进行紧急修建以增加容量。

    While this issue remains unresolved , UNHCR spokesman Edwards says the Ifo II Extension is undergoing emergency work to increase its capacity .

  4. 有帐篷在伊福二号营地搭起了,我们预期第一批家庭很快就会搬入。这批家庭因为极度脆弱而获得优先权。

    Tents are already being pitched in Ifo II and we expect the first families to move in soon , with priority given to the extremely vulnerable .

  5. 联合国难民署两年来敦促肯尼亚政府开放伊福二号营地,但肯尼亚政府以安全理由拒绝让难民住在永久性的建筑。

    The UNHCR has been urging the Kenyan government to open Ifo II for the past two years . But , the government has refused to allow refugees to live in permanent structures , citing security concerns .