
bó lì duō xiāo
  • small profits but quick turnover;small profits and quick returns;large sale volume;bulk-cheap;make small profits but quick turnover [returns]
薄利多销 [bó lì duō xiāo]
  • [small profits but quick turnover] 单个产品或商品赢利少,但售出数量很大利润仍然不小

  1. 贱买贱卖,薄利多销。他为你跑过多次好买卖。

    Buy and sell at low prices , make small profits But quick turnover . He has done many a good job for you .

  2. 贱买贱卖,薄利多销。作一次贱卖以减少存货

    Buy and sell at low prices , make small profits But quick turnover . reduce ( an ) inventory by having a sale

  3. 以致形成良性循环,薄利多销,向规模要效益。

    So a benign cycle , makes , the scale benefits .

  4. 薄利多销是本公司的生产原则。诚信为主,质量第一。

    Small profits is the principle of the company 's production .

  5. 毕竟亚马逊一直讲究薄利多销,所以这也是情理之中的事。

    This makes sense as Amazon always is about the lowest price .

  6. 薄利多销!是舜科仪表的经营方针!

    Small profits but quick turnover is our manage policy !

  7. 毕竟薄利多销才好啊。

    Well , after all , only small profits .

  8. 贱买贱卖,薄利多销。

    Buy and sell at low prices , make small profits but quick turnover .

  9. 自然垄断行业实行薄利多销的可行性分析

    Feasible Analysis on Small-Profits-With-Quick-Turnover of Natural Monopoly Industry

  10. 我国棉花国际贸易贱卖贵买现象研究贱买贱卖,薄利多销。

    A Study of the Phenomenon as Cheap Sale and Expensive Buy in China s International Cotton Trade ;

  11. 公司以物超所值的优惠价格;诚信交易;薄利多销;互惠互利为宗旨。

    Company with thing a worth and special price ; The trustworthiness trades , mutual benefit for aim .

  12. 公司理念:诚信服务,薄利多销,顾客至上。

    Company 's idea : Sincere service , the small profits and quick turnover , customer the highest .

  13. 经营宗旨:货真价实、笃守信誉,让利顾客,薄利多销。

    Business purposes : real , Benedict Shou credibility , let customers , small profits but quick turnover .

  14. 收益来自于薄利多销,而非高价服务少数群体。

    Profit would come from selling a lot of them cheaply , not servicing a few at a great price .

  15. 我的定位是薄利多销和资金迅速回笼,如果再降价的话就要亏本了。

    I aim at small profits and quick returns . I will lose money if I cut the price down .

  16. 这将使我们保持低价格销售,薄利多销是我公司业务得以发展的原因之一。

    This would enable us to maintain low selling prices that have been an important reason for the growth of our business .

  17. 薄利多销是企业为扩大销售增加利润经常采用的一种营销策略,它以增加收入为手段达到增加利润的目的。

    Small profits but quick turnover practice is the marketing strategy employed by companies in order to increase sales and expand profits .

  18. 以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。

    To many varieties management characteristic and the principle of small profits and quick turnover , win the trust of the majority of customers .

  19. 与T型台上亮相的时装相比,它们往往价廉物美、薄利多销,它们就是季前装————整个流行时装周期中的“珍珠”。

    Slightly more commercial and often less expensive than their catwalk counterparts , these are the pre-collections : the pearls of the fashion cycle .

  20. 我们为您提供优质的产品和售后服务。以诚信、公平、薄利多销为宗旨。

    We guarantee to provide our customer with best product & service after sales . Integrity , fairly and competitive are our management concept .

  21. 由于市场竞争日益激烈,家庭日用品行业在价格战中大都采用薄利多销的战略。

    Because market competition is increasingly drastic , most household goods industries take a measure of small profits and good sales in the price competition .

  22. 我厂坚持“顾客至上、服务为先、质量第一、信誉为本、薄利多销”的经营宗旨。

    Our factory sticks to the operation principle of " Quality first , customer priority , service first , based on reputation and reasonable price " .

  23. 每日优惠团购服务的市场目的在于薄利多销,用低价和折扣吸引顾客跨进消费的门槛。

    The whole idea behind these services is that they act as loss leaders , getting customers through the door to take advantage of a bargain .

  24. 本厂一惯坚持“薄利多销,诚信至上”的原则,共同促进经济发展作出贡献。

    Our factory adheres to the principle of " Making profit by selling more , Sincerity foremost " to make concerted contribution to promotion of economic development .

  25. 我们重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。

    We re-credit , keep the contract , to ensure product quality , variety principles of operating characteristics and puerile , and win the trust of our customers .

  26. 大多奉行薄利多销的小型制造商被迫面临一个简单的选择:或者向价值链高端转移,或者破产。

    Small manufacturers , many of which operate on wafer-thin margins , are faced with a simple choice , go up the value chain , or go bust .

  27. 互惠交易指尤对买者有利的交易;占便宜的交易公司以物超所值的优惠价格;诚信交易;薄利多销;互惠互利为宗旨。

    A sale favorable especially to the buyer ; a bargain . Company with thing a worth and special price ; The trustworthiness trades , mutual benefit for aim .

  28. 这家商店薄利多销的经营策略赢得了广大顾客的信任,同时也给自己带来了超值效益。

    The policy of " small profits But quick turnover " adopted By this shop has enaBled it to the trust of numerous customers and meanwhile derived Benefit aBove cost .

  29. 薄利多销的定价策略不仅能使企业获得竞争优势,又可在赢利的同时提升企业形象,增加无形资产。

    The SPQR strategy not only adds up to the company 's competitiveness , but also enhance the image of the company while making profits , to increase intangible assets .

  30. 随着美国和欧洲的销售增长疲弱,制药公司正竞相在新兴市场发展壮大业务,而薄利多销在这些市场尤为重要。

    With sales growth in the US and Europe flagging , drugs companies are competing to expand in emerging markets where selling large volumes at lower prices is more important .