
  • 网络behavioral language;action language
  1. 文章试图从诚信教育、行为语言、思维方式的差异、合作意识与团队精神等四个方面来论述在国际商务谈判教学中存在的文化欠缺。

    This article attempts to discuss the cultural defect in the teaching in terms of integrity education , behavioral language , differences in thinking pattern , cooperation awareness and team spirit .

  2. 古代行为语言例示

    Examples of Body & Act Language in Ancient Times

  3. 行为语言分析及语用解读

    Analysis and pragmatic understanding of body - act language

  4. 论体育动态教学与行为语言

    Dynamic Teaching in Physical Education and Posture Language

  5. 形象在人们的社会生活中占有着越来越重要的位置,我们的口头、书面、形体、行为语言越来越离不开形象,它的触角已延伸到社会生活的各个角落。

    The image become more and more important in our dally life , and we can see it everywhere .

  6. 它应表现在建筑与环境美、内部环境艺术美、行为语言美等方面。

    It exists in the following aspects ; building and beauty environment , esthetics of art and inner environment , and beauty behavior and language etc.

  7. 玫瑰花瓶伞&用心诠释当代都市女性文化心理与行为语言惯性,透过充满创意、惊喜和优越体验的晴雨伞。

    Rose Vase Umbrella-heart of contemporary interpretation of cultural psychology and behavior of urban women , the language of inertia , through creativity , surprise and superior experience umbrellas .

  8. 本文立足于宏观语言学,对行为语言做简要分析和从语用角度对行为语言进行解读,从而考察行为语言在人们的交往中起着的不可忽视的重要作用与所具有的重要意义。

    In this thesis , based on the macro-linguistics , the author analyzes the body-act language s from pragmatic angle and also investigates the important role and significance that body-act language played in social communication .

  9. Austin提出言语行为理论语言的间接性,其后他的学生美国哲学家J。

    Austin put forward " The Speech Act Theory "; then his student , an American philosopher , J.

  10. autism自我中心主义(aut-自己,ism-主义)它指的是一种影响广泛的疾病,特征是社交障碍,重复性行为和语言,不爱开口说话。

    It refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills , repetitive behaviors , speech and nonverbal communication .

  11. 本文实现了一个自动化的模型编译器CAMC。CAMC能够接受使用Verilog-AMS等行为级语言描述的器件模型,并按照标准电路仿真器的接口产生C语言代码。

    This paper presents an automatic model compiler , CAMC , which accepts device models in behavioral language , such as Verilog-AMS , and generates C code according to standard circuit simulator programming interface .

  12. 这些疾病通常影响社会互动、行为和语言。

    These disorders generally affect social interaction , behavior and language .

  13. 行为、语言和意图中没有暴力。

    No violence in my actions , words , or intentions .

  14. 称赞言语行为是语言领域的热门研究课题。

    Compliment speech act is a favorable topic in linguistic studies .

  15. 委婉语与间接言语行为的语言间接性研究之比较

    Compare the Indirect Nature of Language of Euphemism with Indirect Speech Behavior

  16. 动作逻辑作为描述程序行为的语言,常应用于智能机器人的开发上。

    Action logic is applied to intelligent robot development as a descriptive language .

  17. 从语用学观点来说,言语行为是语言交际的基本单位。

    In pragmatics views , speech act is a cardinal points of language communication .

  18. 重庆涪陵沿江景观设计中行为模式语言的应用

    The application of behavior pattern language in scenic spots design along Piling River in Chongqing

  19. 术后4周开机调试及随访,行为和语言测听平均听阈30~35dBHL。

    The behavior audiometry showed that the average hearing threshold was 30 to 35 dBHL .

  20. 行为建模语言的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Behavior Modeling Language

  21. 粗鲁的行为、语言、举止

    Gross behaviour , language , manners

  22. 或公然鼓励违法行为的语言。

    Or openly encourages illegal activity .

  23. 第二个达到涅盘的步骤是美德也就是精神的修行尤其是肉身的行为和语言的行为。

    The second step towards Nibbana is virtue i.e.spiritual development especially in physical actions and verbal actions .

  24. 复杂行为的语言支持

    Language support of complex behavior

  25. 我能想起的和蚁窝搭建最相似的人类行为是语言的创造。

    The nearest thing to a termitarium that I can think of in human behavior is the making of language .

  26. 三是指出情感与生活、行为和语言交织所形成的整体构成了我们的生活形式。

    Thirdly , the whole into which we interweave emotion with life , behavior and language consists of our form of life .

  27. 与病情较轻者相比,行为和语言障碍更为严重者的面部特征更为明显。

    She said there were further distinct facial traits in children who had more severe behaviour and language problems compared to those with milder symptoms .

  28. 交际行为包括语言行为和非语言行为两类,它们相互作用,才构成了人类交际的完整体系。

    Communicative behavior is classified as verbal behavior and nonverbal behavior . They interact with each other and constitute the complete system of human communication .

  29. 不是每次有那种机会,就找藉口吃喝玩乐,我们应该改自己粗糙的行为和语言。

    The occasion is not to be used every time as an excuse for making merry ; instead we should be refining our coarse behavior and speech .

  30. 虚构的叙述性文章,有一定长度,特别有通过行为,语言,人物思想展开的情节。

    A fictional prose narrative of considerable length , typically having a plot that is unfolded by the actions , speech , and thoughts of the characters .