
  • 网络Negotiation Strategy;negotiating strategies
  1. 基于贝叶斯学习的Agent谈判策略构造研究

    Agent Negotiation Strategy Constitution Research Based on Bayesian Study

  2. 在电子商务中,信任已经成为谈判策略中一个重要因素,信任管理也成为安全服务的重要组成部分。

    Trust becomes an important factor of negotiation strategy in electronic commercial affairs .

  3. 我知道这是一个谈判策略,因此我可以对己说:“这不是真的”。

    And I knew it was a negotiation scheme , so I was able to say to myself , " This is not real . "

  4. 沃斯曾经为联邦调查局(FBI)设计过人质谈判策略,后来创建了以谈判策略见长的商业咨询机构黑天鹅公司(BlackSwan)。

    Voss used to handle hostage negotiations for the FBI and has since founded Black Swan , a business advisory firm that specializes in negotiations .

  5. 本文应用人工免疫算法设计软件Agent的谈判策略,以尽量减少人的参与,并为自动谈判系统的研究提供一种新的解决思路。

    In this paper we apply artificial immune algorithm in the design of automated negotiation agent strategies so as to minimize the involvement of human beings and supply a new solution for the research of automated negotiation system .

  6. 嫌疑人允许官员将药物和彩绘图书送进PVC管道,这些物品是官员用来和男童进行联络的,所以对嫌疑人表达谢意可能是一种谈判策略。

    There might be a negotiating tactic to thank the suspect because the suspect has allowed authorities to pass medication and coloring books down through the PVC pipe that they are using to communicate down to the boy .

  7. 与此同时,对于哥伦比亚广播公司(cbs)这样的全国性免费电视播映商而言,与苹果的合作可能是转播费争夺战中更广泛谈判策略的一部分。

    Meanwhile , for the national free-to-air broadcasters such as CBS , a deal with Apple could be part of a broader negotiating tactic in the battle over retransmission fees .

  8. 普华永道另一位合伙人davidchan表示,中国卖家还将国内蓬勃发展的首次公开发行(ipo)市场作为索取更高价格的“谈判策略”,发出改为上市的威胁。

    David Chan , another PwC partner , said that Chinese sellers were also using the booming market for initial public offerings as a " negotiating tactic " to demand more money , threatening to float instead .

  9. 英澳矿业集团力拓(RioTinto)昨晚抨击中国钢铁生产商采用过于激进的谈判策略。此前,中国钢铁工业协会(CISA)号召成员企业抵制该公司的铁矿石现货销售。

    Rio Tinto last night slammed Chinese steelmakers over increasingly aggressive negotiating tactics , after the China Iron & Steel Association called for its members to boycott the Anglo-Australian mining group 's spot sales of iron ore.

  10. 这是一种谈判策略,达能指出。

    This is a negotiating tactic , said Danone .

  11. 社会动机、任务结构、交流媒介对多边谈判策略及其结果的影响

    The Effects of Social Motivation , Task Structure and Communication Media on Multilateral Negotiation

  12. 合同管理中二层谈判策略

    Bi - level decision in supply contract management

  13. 这次会议将把重点放在谈判策略上。

    It 'll be focusing on negotiating strategies .

  14. 一种基于让步度的重复谈判策略

    A Strategy of Re-negotiation Based on Concession Degree

  15. 基于博弈论的电力市场双边交易智能体谈判策略

    Negotiation Strategy Based on Game Theory with Agent for Bilateral Bargaining of Power Market

  16. 论文化差异如何影响商务谈判策略

    How Cultural Differences Influence Business Negotiation Strategies

  17. 浅谈价格谈判策略

    Primarily Discussion on Strategy of Price Negotiation

  18. 制裁加谈判策略是否有效,一定程度上取决于武力威胁。

    To be effective a sanctions-and-talk strategy depends in part on the threat of force .

  19. 但是,迄今,对谈判策略的行为解释尚未明朗化。

    But until now , the behavioral implications for negotiation strategy have not been clear .

  20. 论劫持者心理变化及警方谈判策略选择

    On the Psychological Change of the Hostage-taker and the Choice of Negotiation Strategies of the Police

  21. 谈判策略有何特点?

    How do bargaining strategies differ ?

  22. 接着,这项调查计算了各组采用道德上有问题的谈判策略的概率。

    The study then calculated the likelihood that a group would use ethically questionable negotiating tactics .

  23. 因此,使用有效的谈判策略及语言是不可缺少的,其中,礼貌策略及其相关的语言起着重要作用。

    Among those strategies , politeness strategy and its relevant language are of great importance in negotiating .

  24. 要求赔偿联合会的建立和谈判策略的制定以及与以色列的协调。

    The establishment of the Claims Conference and the establishment of negotiating strategies and the compromises with Israel .

  25. 谈判策略方面,本文设计了基于约束传播和约束放松的域传播算法。

    The domain propagation algorithm for collaborative ( DPACN ) is designed based on constraint propagation and relaxation .

  26. 尤其是依据跨文化谈判策略的研究,分析出北朝鲜的对外谈判策略。

    It is particularly true that the diplomatic negotiating strategy can be discovered through the research on cross-cultural negotiating strategy .

  27. 为此,伊朗采取了临界点的核运营策略及拖延时间的谈判策略。

    Iran has adopted the strategy of practicing nuclear activities at a critical point and of delaying the time of negotiation .

  28. 这位演员可能用这个理由来作为谈判策略,但无论如何,杰克曼在饰演这个角色上已经快走到终点了。

    The actor might be using this as a negotiating tactic , but either way , Jackman is near the end .

  29. 这项调查向受访者提出的问题是,他们采用16种道德上有问题的谈判策略的可能性,可能性分值为1到7。

    Participants were asked , on a scale of one to seven , their likelihood of using 16 ethically questionable negotiation strategies .

  30. 然而,目前对于商务谈判策略的研究仍然停留在感性描述阶段,缺乏系统性理论指导。

    However , at present the study of business negotiation strategy still remains in the stage of perceptual description and lacks systemic theoretic direction .