
  • 网络Offshoring;offshore outsourcing;shoring;off-shoring
  1. 涉及软件外包业务,特别是离岸外包(OffshoreOutsourcing)的软件组织的过程管理。本课题的研究有助于提高这些组织的软件开发管理能力。

    The results of the research can be applied into two fields including software process improvement and management in medium and small software organizations , and improvement of the capacity of development management in software organizations which provide outsourcing services , especially offshore outsourcing .

  2. 全球化背景下离岸外包的趋势演变及中国对策

    Trends of Offshore Outsourcing in the Perspective of Globalization and Countermeasures

  3. 离岸外包提供了以低成本获得信息技术服务的机会。

    Offshoring provides an opportunity to obtain I.T. services at low cost .

  4. 服务离岸外包主要与服务提供模式一联系最密切,因此,在WTO新一轮服务贸易谈判中,服务外包是涵盖在模式一的谈判中的。

    The service disembark outsourcing mainly provides a pattern contacting with the service to be closest , therefore , in the WTO new round trade in services negotiations , the service outsourcing is covering in pattern negotiations .

  5. 有学者在理论上主要基于服务离岸外包在服务提供方式上以及外包主体对GATS的适用的问题作过一定的分析和研究。

    Some scholars theoretically mainly based on service disembark outsourcing , in the service provides in the way as well as the outsourcing main body has made certain analysis and the research to the GATS suitable question .

  6. Aimi还指出,目前市场对于网络设计相当感兴趣,试图确定在四堵墙内的最优库存配置,因而也导致了对WMS兴趣的增加,添加了离岸外包生产和需求驱动的库存的组合。

    Aimi also points to an increased interest in network design the attempt to figure out optimal inventory placement within the four walls of the warehouse with driving some of the interest in WMS .

  7. 跨国公司离岸外包决策的成本收益分析

    Analysis of Costs and Revenues in the Offshore Outsourcing of International Corporation

  8. 第一部分介绍了服务业离岸外包的概况。

    The first chapter introduces the general situation of service offshore outsourcing .

  9. 离岸外包改变的性质和重点软件工程的职业生涯。

    Offshore outsourcing changed the nature and focus of software engineering careers .

  10. 离岸外包对中国出口结构的影响

    The Effect of Offshore Outsourcing on China 's Export Structure

  11. 全球服务业离岸外包:现状、动因及演变趋势

    Global Services Offshore Outsourcing : Current Condition , Motivation and Developing Trend

  12. 英国公司也很早就开始采用境内和离岸外包。

    Companies were early into outsourcing and offshoring , too .

  13. 一个有趣的方向是对分布式团队(比如离岸外包项目)进行支持。

    One interesting direction is to support distributed teams such as off-shoring projects .

  14. 金融业后台和前台的分离更是促进了其离岸外包更迅猛的发展。

    The separation of front - and back-office promoted the offshore outsourcing greater development .

  15. 离岸外包的时代可能被本国生产时代取代。

    The age of offshoring is likely to give way to the era of onshoring .

  16. 离岸外包是当前世界经济中普遍存在的一种经济现象,在美国引起了广泛关注。

    Offshore-outsourcing , which attracts much concern in the US . is widespread in world economy .

  17. 迅速发展的金融服务离岸外包

    Rapid Development of Offshore Financial Outsourcing

  18. 同样的原理不但适用于传统的商品交易,也适用于离岸外包。

    The same principles apply to offshore outsourcing of services as to traditional trade in goods .

  19. 并提出全球离岸外包发展的趋势将会形成以中国、印度为中心的两大全球离岸外包基地的格局。

    The author also predicts that China and India will become the centers of global offshore outsourcing .

  20. 从全球经济一体化的角度来看,离岸外包已经是大势所趋,日益成为企业界关注的热点。

    Offshore-outsourcing will be developing and becoming much focus in the points of the world economic structure .

  21. 随着全球化进程的深入,生产中的一部分任务已变得更容易被离岸外包。

    As globalisation has advanced , it has become easier to move some of these tasks offshore .

  22. 第三部分分析了服务业离岸外包对于母国和东道国的影响,既有贸易利益也有负面影响。

    The third chapter analyzes the economic benefit and negative effect on the home country and destination country .

  23. 是否提供离岸外包服务的决策还受到企业地理位置及外商投资因素的影响;

    Geographic location and foreign direct investment are identified as other factors that have an effect on offshore service decision .

  24. 在研究了目前计算机服务外包领域的现状后,针对中国目前的基础提出了离岸外包的定位。

    After studying the current worldwide situation , an offshore outsourcing positioning strategy is recommended based on Chinese IT characteristics .

  25. 离岸外包正在成为世界商业发展的趋势,外包战略也正在成为企业发展的一种重要战略工具。

    Offshore-outsourcing will become the developing of the world business . offshore-outsourcing strategy is becoming a important instrument as offshore-outsourcing practice .

  26. 本文在前人的研究基础上,对传统的成本优势说法在我国发展服务离岸外包过程中的作用进行再分析。

    Based on the special character of service offshore outsourcing , we propose that the importance of cost has been weakened .

  27. 从中国制造到中国服务的飞跃&服务离岸外包成本优势的再分析

    From " Made in China " to " Served in China ": The Reconsideration of Cost Advantage in Service Offshore Outsourcing

  28. 质量、时间安排、安全性和沟通等等已知的风险因素,都会抵消离岸外包的成本优势。

    The cost advantages of offshore outsourcing are offset by known risk factors like quality , schedule , security , and communication .

  29. 结合离岸外包行业的发展与中国目前的国际市场开拓能力、大型项目管理能力、大型项目实现能力等多方面因素,提出了合作的战略发展方向。

    Due to Chinese companies ' international marketing , managing and implementing capability for big projects , cooperative strategy is currently suitable for China .

  30. 本文主要研究国际金融服务离岸外包的法律规制问题。

    In this thesis , the author mainly discusses the issues relating to the legal regulation on the offshore outsourcing of international financial services .