
  • 网络off-office auditing
  1. 加强监督改进对领导干部离任审计的方法

    Improving Way of Off-Office Auditing of Cadres by the Enhancement of Supervision

  2. 谈离任审计风险及其控制与防范

    The Risk of Dimission Audit and Its Control and Precaution

  3. 离任审计及其他经济责任审计;

    Audit On The Departure And Other Economical Responsibility ;

  4. 国有企业领导干部离任审计探析

    On Auditing Resigning Leading Cadres of State-Owned Enterprises

  5. 离任审计报告结论不实;

    Conclusion of departure auditing report is untrue ;

  6. 经离任审计,离任审计对象存在本办法所规定不宜担任金融机构高级管理人员的。

    Through departure audition , the audited is deemed inappropriate to assume senior manager of financial institution .

  7. 企业负责人离任审计中的责任界定与评价原则

    The Responsibility Judgment and the Judgment Principle in the Auditing for Quitting of a Person in Charge of an Enterprise

  8. 探索编制自然资源资产负债表,对领导干部实行自然资源资产离任审计。

    Explore and establish a natural resources balance sheet , officials will receive audits on natural resources when leaving office .

  9. 本文就离任审计风险的内涵及其特殊性、形成的原因、控制与防范三个方面展开讨论。

    In this article , we will discuss the connotation , specificity , source , control and precaution of the dimission audit .

  10. 任中经济责任审计是任期经济责任审计在离任审计基础上的发展和创新。

    The audit to economic duty of incumbent is developed and created on the base of audit to economic duty of resignation .

  11. 从可操作性、可借鉴性出发,给出了在离任审计中的一些具体处理方法与技巧,供大家探讨。

    With a view to application and reference the essay presents specific measures techniques in the auditing concerning outgoing executives for further research .

  12. 经济责任审计源于我国的经济体制改革和相继产生的干部体制改革,其最初的实践形式是80年代中后期开展的厂长、经理离任责任审计。

    Economic responsibility audit arose from Chinese economic system reform and official designation system reform .

  13. 先离任后审计、说情干扰、信息虚假、评价标准欠缺等因素将招致审计的高风险;

    The great risk of auditing comes from the audit after leaving office , pleading and disturbing false information and the shortage of appraising standard and so on .

  14. 领导干部离任经济责任审计之我见

    An opinion of economic responsibility auditing of leaders

  15. 进一步搞好离任经济责任审计工作

    Further Do Well on Audit Work of Economical Responsibility When Leave One 's Post

  16. 通过对离任经济责任审计风险的几种存在形式分析,提出了防范对策。

    This paper analysed several forms of economic responsibility risk and put out the countermeasure .

  17. 关于厂长(经理)离任经济责任审计的探讨

    A discussion of auditing in the economic responsibilities of outgoing directors or managers of fact or enterprises

  18. 国有商业银行内部审计改革的出路是实行以分支行行长任期经济责任(全面业务)审计为主、分支行行长离任经济责任审计为辅、专项审计为必要补充。

    State-owned business bank 's internal audit outlet of reform to implement with branch competent president 's economic responsibility audit in term of offices for main fact , branch competent president 's outgoing economy responsibility is audited for auxiliary , special audit supplements for being essential .