
  1. 花旗集团拒绝就它将要支付的价格作评论。

    Citigroup declined to comment on the price it would pay .

  2. 欧阳默拒绝就鑫苑置业未来的公寓价格发表评论,不过该地区的公寓售价一般在每平方英尺700美元至800美元左右。

    Mr. Ozden declined to comment on how much Xinyuan intends to charge for the units , but condos in the area tend to sell for around $ 700 to $ 800 a square foot . '

  3. 这个过程既漫长又无聊,可能要花好几个小时的时间来反复对比价格和用户评论。

    The process is long and tedious , filled with hours of double-checking on prices and comparing user reviews .

  4. 互联网迅速掀起一片嘲讽,推特用户将它比作能量饮料,还有人对其“超支”的价格大发评论。

    The news was met with instant ridicule across social media , as T users likened it to everything from energy drinks to commentary on its ' excessive ' cost .