
jià ɡé zhènɡ cè
  • price policy
  1. 数字区域地理空间信息框架数据价格政策探讨

    On Price Policy for Spatial Geographic Information Framework Datum in Digital Region

  2. 公司区域分隔政策、价格政策和产品线政策;

    They are regional depart policy , price policy and product line policy .

  3. 美国药品价格政策&促进研发与保障消费之间的权衡取舍

    U.S. drug price policies tradeoff between R D and consumption protection

  4. 完善农业用水价格政策。

    We will improve the pricing policy for water used in apiculture .

  5. 我国药品价格政策分析和改革思路探讨

    The analysis of China 's drug pricing policy and possible reform options

  6. 电力价格政策的实施对电力需求侧管理的影响

    Influence of Implementing Power Tariff Policy on Demand-Side Management

  7. 价格政策、产权制度与资源持续利用的一些理论分析

    Analysis on Price Policy , Property System and Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources

  8. 关于政府实施价格政策的效果分析

    The Effect Analysis on Government ′ s Price Policy

  9. 这两个国家奉行了非常不同的价格政策。

    The two countries followed very divergent pricing policies .

  10. 部分国家农产品价格政策支持研究

    The Research of Supports of Price Policy of Agricultural Products of Some Countries

  11. 因此,药品价格政策控制药品价格的力度较弱。

    Therefore , the pharmaceutical pricing policy is difficult to control pharmaceutical prices .

  12. 在粮食政策中,粮食价格政策占据关键地位。

    In the grain policy , grain price policy occupies a key position .

  13. 略论我国农产品价格政策的演进

    The Development of the Policy of Agriculture Product Price

  14. 印度现行价格政策及其管理机制

    Existing Price Policy and Related Administrative Mechanism of India

  15. 基于投入产出分析的中国矿业价格政策模拟

    Price-policy simulation about China Mining Based on input-output analysis

  16. 我国农产品价格政策的目标及措施分析

    The Aim and Solutions of Agricultural Product Price Policy

  17. 浅析我国信息价格政策及信息产品计价模型

    Analysis of the Policy of Information Price and Model in Pricing of Information Products

  18. 因为我们具有竞争力的价格政策,它已经销售的非常好。

    Because of our competitive pricing policy , it has been selling extremely well .

  19. 医疗服务价格政策对医院收入结构的影响

    The affect of price policy of medical service price on the income structure of hospital

  20. 天然气价格政策的探讨

    A Discussion on Natural Gas Price Policy

  21. 监督价格政策执行情况,以在利润和优惠政策上维持既定标准。

    Supervise price policy implementation to maintain predefined standards on profit margins and discount guidelines .

  22. 政府的膜下滴灌用水价格政策对农户采纳行为有导向作用;

    The government irrigation water price policy can steer the adoption behavior of rural households ;

  23. 我国医疗收费价格政策的演变与发展趋势

    The evolution and developing trend of the price policy of the medical charge in our country

  24. 生产者、消费者和政府在稻谷价格政策形成中的影响力分析

    Study on the Political Power of Producers , Consumers and Government in Rice Price Policy-making Process

  25. 粮食价格政策分析

    The Analysis of Grain Price Policy

  26. 价格政策很重要因为价格是应对竞争的强大武器。

    Pricing policies are important because price is a very powerful weapon in dealing with competition .

  27. 粮食最低收购价格政策的经济学分析和效应评述

    The Economic Analysis and Assessment on Efficiency of the Policy of Lowest Price of Grain Purchase

  28. MFTransparency是与小额贷款提供者一起工作,致力于使价格政策更加透明。

    MFTransparency is an organization that works with microfinance lenders to make pricing policies more clear .

  29. 根据公司产值的多少制定价格政策。

    Price policy concerning volume producers .

  30. 图书价格政策研究

    Research on Book Price Policy