
  1. 韩国新村运动基本理论研究综述

    Summary of Theoretical Study on the New Village Campaign in South Korea

  2. 韩国新村运动的背景、社会特征及其启示

    Background and Social Characteristics of New Countryside Movement in South Korea and Its Revelations

  3. 韩国新村运动的主要成效、基本经验及对我国的启示

    Major Effect , Basic Experience of New Village Campaign in South Korean and Its Apocalypse for China

  4. 韩国新村运动经验之于我国新农村建设的局限性分析

    An Analysis of the limitations of South Korean Experiences of New Village Movement for Chinese Construction of New Village

  5. 韩国新村运动的基本精神是:勤勉、自助、协同。

    The basic spirit of the new village movement is : assiduity , self-service , coordination in South Korean .

  6. 韩国新村运动中的农村支援政策及其对中国新农村建设的启示

    Rural Supporting Policies in South Korea 's Saemaeul Movement and Its Implications for Building a New Socialist Countryside in China

  7. 简要介绍了韩国新村运动的发展历程和取得的成就;概述了韩国新村运动把农民的思想启蒙作为起点、农村经济发展作为目标的成功经验;

    The development processes , achievements and successful experience of Korea 's " New Country Movement " are introduced in this paper .

  8. 中国新农村建设与韩国新村运动的若干社会政策比较研究

    The Comparative Study on Social Policy between the Construction of New Socialist Countryside in China and the Movement of New Countryside in Korea

  9. 韩国新村运动的成效与经验对中国的启示有:农村现代化与工业化、城市化可以做到同步推进;

    Apocalypse of new village campaign in South Korean for China were : Rural modernization , industrialization and urbanism may be pushed forward synchronously ;

  10. 这种精神力量支撑了韩国新村运动的发展,成就了韩国的新村建设事业。

    This spiritual strength has supported the new village movement in South Korean , and finished the new village ( construction ) in South Korea .

  11. 韩国新村运动与我国社会主义新农村建设&面向21世纪新农村建设中韩学术研讨会述略

    New Village Development Movement in South Korea and Chinese Socialist New Countryside Construction & Introduction to Seminar of Sino-South Korea New Countryside Construction for 21st Century

  12. 韩国新村运动发扬农民自力更生的精神,做到项目实施的有计划性推进。

    New Village Movement in Southern Korea carried forward the spirit of self-reliance of farmers to ensure that the implementation of the project were planned to be promoted .

  13. 所有这些都是永远无法从资本和技术中获取的,这也许是最值得我们向韩国新村运动学习的内容。

    All these cannot be got from capital and technology . Perhaps it is the core issue that we should learn from the new village development movement in South Korea .

  14. 基于正反两方面的考虑,我们探讨了韩国新村运动和拉美过度城市化的过程,总结了成功的经验,思考了失败的原因和教训。

    Based on the positive and negative aspects , we examined the process of both the new village campaign in South Korean and over-urbanization in Latin America , thus summing up the successful experience and analyzing the reasons of the failure .

  15. 通过对韩国新村运动中人力资源开发政策和措施的分析,深入讨论了我国新农村建设中人力资源开发的路径和方向,并根据我国实际提出了科学合理的建议。

    The article analyzes such issues , discusses the way and the orientation of the development of rural human resources in China 's building of a new countryside , and puts forward some rational and scientific proposals adapted to the realities of our country .

  16. 韩国的新村运动是成功的。

    The New Village Movement in South Korea is successful .

  17. 韩国的新村运动使韩国从一个落后的农业国家成长为一个现代化国家。

    South Koreas new village movement causes SouthKorea from a backward agricultural country to a modernized country .

  18. 韩国的新村运动对促进韩国经济的快速发展和推动社会和谐发展发挥了非常重要的作用。

    New Village Project movement has developed widely in Korean rural areas , and given great impetus to the fast economic development and social harmony of Korea .