
  • 网络Value;value discovery;value find
  1. 产品自愿认证的需求判断与价值发现

    The Demand Estimation and Value Found of the Product Volunteer Certification

  2. 现代城市社区精神的价值发现

    The Value of the Community Spirit in Modern Cities

  3. 论差异与价值发现

    On the discrepancy and the discovery of value

  4. 现代视野下文言文教学的价值发现及其改革构想

    On the Value Discovery and the Reform Conception about Classical Chinese Teaching in the Modern View

  5. 人本主义视角下先秦诸子散文的价值发现。

    Second , the valuable discovery of Pre-Qin thinkers ' prose humanism under the humanistic perspective .

  6. 论文主体分为三部分:一、现代视野下文言文教学的价值发现。

    First , it is about the value discovery of classical Chinese teaching in the modern view .

  7. 信息与价值发现过程&基于散户微结构交易行为的实证研究

    The Information Flow and Value Discovery Process : An Empirical Study of the Microstructure Trading Behaviors of Small Traders

  8. 产融结合具有流动性、稳定性等特征,及优化资源配置功能、价值发现功能和风险分散的功能。

    Combination with features such as liquidity , stability , and optimizing resource allocation functions , value discovery and risk spreading function .

  9. 社区精神的价值发现对当今中国城市社区建设有着重要的借鉴意义。

    The discovery of the value of the community spirit is of great significance for the construction of urban communities in China today .

  10. 权证作为金融衍生品拥有套期保值、风险规避、套利、投机以及价值发现等多种功能。

    As a financial derivative product , warrants have hedging , risk aversion , arbitrage , speculation , value discovery and many other functions .

  11. 决策的本质是一个价值发现、价值判断和行为过程。

    The nature of decision making in a process of value discovering and judging , and behavioral choosing object can be assessed by its value .

  12. 我们判断今后短阶段市场或逐渐回归冷静,对支撑证券二级市场平稳运行及价值发现有利好作用。

    We judge that in future short stage market shall return calm , which is positive to support smooth running of securities in secondary market .

  13. 06年更多的基金认为市场转入价值发现的成熟阶段,股票品种的成长性决定其未来的投资价值,持续的成长性是基金看重的。

    Market transferred to mature stage of value discovery in 2006 , the growth of the stock determine their investment value , Fund pay attention to sustained growth phrase .

  14. 论文的篇章结构由具体资产的价值发现深入到组合资产的结构优化和整体资产的动态配置;

    The chapter structure of the paper is organized from the value discovery of concrete property to the structure optimization of combination investment and the dynamic disposition of overall property .

  15. 市场价值发现作为证券市场核心功能,敦促上市企业提高资金的使用效率,但不合理的市场定价往往又被企业管理者加以利用。

    As a core function of stock market , value discovery can promote listed company to improve their funds use efficiency , but mis-pricing problems are often been used by corporate managers .

  16. 该模型以顾客需求即顾客价值发现为起点,经过价值界定、价值创造、价值传递把产品和服务送到顾客手中。

    The model was started from customer needs or customer value found , through value defined , value created , and value passed , and then sent products and services to customer .

  17. 正相反,每家零售商都应了解自己的细分市场,永远牢记消费者仅凭一款应用程序就可以进行价格比对、价值发现以及寻找更加便捷的购物体验。

    Rather , each one must get to know its own market , always remembering that comparison shopping , value seeking , and the quest for shopper convenience are only an app away .

  18. 尤其是在银行未基于价值发现或是对公司前景的全面考评情况下,接受股票质押时其风险更多的体现为信用风险。

    In particular when the bank discovery the value not based on the comprehensive examination and critique situation in , when it accepts the stock mortgage its risk more manifesting for the credit risk .

  19. 理论和实践表明,技术产权交易这一创新交易模式具备高效资源配置、理性投资、价值发现、完善风险投资体系等功能。

    Theory and practice show that technology & property exchange market has many functions such as high efficient resource allocation , rational investment , price finding , improvement of the venture capital system etc. .

  20. 在制度成本即定的假设下,本文详细地讨论了中国股票市场以下六项制度功能的发挥情况:(1)资本的价值发现功能;

    In this new framework , the researcher discussed six institutional functions of Chinese stock market given the institutional cost is fixed ; and , those six institutional functions are : ( 1 ) capital value finding ;

  21. 以真正起到起到平抑股市波动性、提高流动性及加快价值发现的作用。(2)完善基金评价体系,注重其长期表现。

    Only in this way can we smooth the volatility of the stock market , increase the liquidity and speed up the process of finding stocks ' value . ( 2 ) Perfect the system of evaluating the funds ' return .

  22. 随着资本市场的发展和繁荣,尤其在资源配置、产权交易、价值发现等方面的地位和作用表现日益突出,资本市场渠道必将成为货币政策传导的最主要渠道。

    With the gradual improvement of the institutional mechanisms and the gradually movement toward standardization of capital market development , especially in resource allocation , property transaction and value discovery , the capital market channels will become more and more important in monetary policy transmission .

  23. 本文从价值发现的角度,从国内银行业这个古老而又新兴的行业出发,研究其先天性的竞争优势、与宏观经济的联系、内在的综合竞争力、当前的估价水平和市场负面看法的影响。

    This paper analyzes the inherent advantages of banking , its relations with the macro-economy , the internal comprehensive competitiveness , the current evaluation level and the negative observations from the market of the old and new domestic banking from an angle of value found .

  24. 随着市场环境的完善和参与者观念的改变,以价值发现为基础的并购在中国正逐步被接受,如何正确的评估一个企业的价值成为并购成功与否的关键。

    With market conditions perfect and participants in the concept of changes to the value of discovery-based M & A in China is gradually being accepted , how to correctly assess the value of an enterprise to become key to the success of mergers and acquisitions .

  25. 价格机制合理与否决定了证券市场的价值发现功能和资源配置功能的发挥程度,国内外实践表明,最有效的价格机制就是市场化的价格机制。

    Whether the price mechanism is rationally or not has determined the playing degree of the value-finding function and the resource distribution function of the security market , the practice of domestic and international indicates , the most effective price mechanism is the market-based price mechanism .

  26. 那辆青铜战车证明是有价值的发现。

    The bronze chariot proved to be a valuable find .

  27. 有了UCM,ClearCase增加了治理价值,发现了用于许多外部审计所需的变更的永不改变的存储库的想法。

    With UCM , ClearCase gains in governance value , acquiring the notion of an immutable repository for change that is required for many external compliance audits .

  28. 20世纪中国文学对民间语言价值的发现与运用

    The Discovery and Application of Folk Language in 20th Century Chinese Literature

  29. 中国古代思想家侧重从人文价值方面发现自然的意义。

    Ancient Chinese philosophers were inclined to discover humanistic value from nature .

  30. 从那些试验中得出了一些有价值的发现。

    Some valuable finds came out of those experiments .